Solar Joint Observing Programs (JOPs)
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What are JOPs?
JOPs are an effort by the SOHO Science Planning Working Group to produce coherent plans whereby various SOHO instruments can maximize their scientific return by coordinating their individual observing plans for the study of specific solar phenomena. Many JOPs involve collaborations with other ground-based or space-based observatories.
If you would like to write and run a JOP, please follow the JOP Guidelines.
If you have any questions about a specific JOP or its objectives, please feel free to contact the JOP organizer listed under the specific JOP.
If no format is specified, the JOP document is in HTML, plain text or Adobe Portable Document format.
Go directly to the end of the JOPs list.
Currently defined and documented science JOPs
- JOP 001
- Emerging, Submerging, and Canceling Magnetic Flux
- JOP 002
- Temperature Gradient in a Coronal Hole (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 003
- Coronal Mass Ejection Onset (CMEO) (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 004
- Diagnostic of Erupting Prominences as Onsets of CMEs
- JOP 005
- Composition of Dynamic Layer Above Solar Limb
- JOP 006
- Solar Wind from Active Regions (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 007
- Elemental Abundances In The Transition Region And Corona (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 008
- Earth-Directed CME (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 009
- 1999 — Plasma Diagnostics and Dynamics, 1997 — Prominence Diagnostics and Dynamics, 1995 — Prominence diagnostics and dynamics
- JOP 010
- Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind (PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 011
- Sungrazing Comet Study
- JOP 012
- Limb Prominences [htmlized ASCII text file]
- JOP 013
- Temporal Variability in the Solar Transition Region
- JOP 014
- Solar Wind from Coronal Holes (dvi, PostScript, PDF)>
- JOP 015
- CDS/SUMER Joint Observations of High Velocity Events (dvi, PostScript. PDF)
- JOP 016
- Formation of the He II 304 Line
- JOP 017
- Dynamics of Arch Filament Systems
(Previous versions: June 1997, April 1999)
- JOP 018
- Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles
- JOP 020
- Evidence for Nano-Flares in Coronal and Transition Region Lines
- JOP 021
- Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 022
- Network
- JOP 023
- Bright Points
- JOP 025
- Correlation between Energetic Particle Production and Solar Plasma Properties and then some more text to test a very long title
- JOP 026
- The Signature of Ca II K Grains in the Transition Region and Corona
- JOP 027
- Diffuse Corona
- JOP 028
- Streamers (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 029
- Filament Flows with SUMER and CDS
- JOP 031
- Solar Wind above Streamers (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 032
- Off-limb Temperature and Density Study
- JOP 033
- UV and X-ray jets
- JOP 034
- Transient brightenings in active region loops
- JOP 035
- Coronal Hole Structure and Evolution (Formats: dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 036
- Observational Tests for Non-Equilibrium Ionization in the Solar Transition Region and Corona (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 037
- Dynamical Studies of Minor Solar Activity Phenomena (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 038
- Diagnostic of Coronal Bright Points
- JOP 039
- Polar Plume Flow and Script for JOP039
- JOP 040
Transition Region Network Thickness
- JOP 041
- Connection between Transition Region Lines and the Photospheric Magnetic Field
- JOP 042
- Nature of Non-Thermal Line Broadening
- JOP 043
- Macrospicules (PostScript PDF)
- JOP 044
- The Large Scale Structure of the Solar Minimum Corona [htmlized ASCII] and Script for Whole Sun Month Campaign
- JOP 045
- Structure and Dynamics of Transient Brightenings and their Relation to Magnetic Field Geometry (PostScript, PDF)>
- JOP 046
- Dynamics and Helium Line Formation (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 047
- Correlations of Minutescale Changes in the Corona and Chromosphere above the Network of the Quiet Sun
- JOP 048
- Comprehensive Polar Plume Observations
- JOP 049
- The Role of MHD Shocks in Coronal Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles
- JOP 050
- The Smallest Observable Category of Eruptive Filaments
- JOP 051
- Study of Quiet Sun UV and H-alpha Jets by Joint SOHO/SUMER and BBSO/Halpha/VMG Observations
- JOP 052
- Lock-In Detection of Network-Driven Waves in the Corona
- JOP 053
- Brightness of Features in the Upper Solar Atmosphere (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 054
- Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 055
- Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 056
- The Interstellar Focusing Cone
- JOP 057
- Joint
SOHO/YOHKOH/Ground-Based Observations of Polar Jetlets
- JOP 058
- Search of Propagating Waves over the Chromospheric Network
- JOP 059
- Examination of Structure and Temporal Variation of Coronal Loops
- JOP 060
- Joint VLA-SOHO Observations of Transient Sources in the Solar Corona
- JOP 061
- Brightenings, Flows and Waves (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 062
- Oxford Helium Enhancement Study
- JOP 063
- Prominence Absorption
- JOP 064
- Study of Coronal Holes and Bright Points Using SOHO and Nancay Radioheliograph Observations
- JOP 065
- Inverse Evershed Effect (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- JOP 066
- Loop Fine Structures
- JOP 067
- Investigation of the Structure of the Lower Corona and the Contribution of Small Ejecta to the Solar Wind
- JOP 068
- Solar Wind from Coronal Holes: A Closer Look
- JOP 069
- Explosive Events in the Solar Atmosphere with HRTS
- JOP 070
- Coronal Counterparts to He I 10380 Dynamic Events
- JOP 071
- SOHO Observations in Support of the HAO/NSO/Michigan/Rhodes College/Lindau Experiments at the February 26 1998 Eclipse
- JOP 072
- High
Cadence Chromospheric and Coronal Dynamics Studies with SOHO and TRACE
- JOP 073
- Blinkers
- JOP 074
- A Study of Filaments and their Environments using VLA, SOHO & Yohkoh
- JOP 075
- Time
Variation and Dynamics of Active Region Loops
- JOP 076
- CDS LASCO Mauna Loa Streamer Study. This JOP is part of the Second Whole Sun Month Campaign in August 1998
- JOP 077
- Time Evolution of Streamers
- JOP 078
- Variability and Properties of the Quiet Sun
Supergranular Network and Internetwork
(Tex, PostScript PDF)
- JOP 079
- What is the Nature of Transition Region Explosive Events?
- JOP 080
- High
Time Resolution Imaging Study of Coronal and Transition Region Dynamics
(EIT Shutterless-mode Campaign)
- JOP 081
- Solar Magnetic Fields: from the Photosphere through the Chromosphere and into the Corona
- JOP 082
- Study
of the Process Of Magnetic Flux Disappearance in Canceling Bipoles
- JOP 083
- High
Cadence Activity Studies and the Heating of Coronal Loops
- JOP 084
- Coronal Active Region Study (in preparation). This JOP is part of the Second Whole Sun Month Campaign in August 1998)
- JOP 085
- Coronal Hole Velocity Study (in preparation). This JOP is part of the Second Whole Sun Month Campaign in August 1998)
- JOP 086
Transient Features in Active Regions
- JOP 087
- Active
Region Loop Systems on the Limb
- JOP 088
- Bright
Point Diagnostics
- JOP 089
- Coronal
- JOP 090
- Polar
- JOP 091
- High
Velocity Events in Polar Regions
- JOP 092
- Sunspot
- JOP 093
- Acceleration Profile of the Slow Solar Wind. (This JOP is part of the Second Whole Sun Month Campaign in August 1998)
- JOP 094
- JOP 095
- Joint
SOHO-GBO Campaign to Study Chromospheric and TR Oscillations.
- JOP 096
- Magnetic flux emergence in active regions
- JOP 097
Oscillations in Sunspots and Active Regions
- JOP 098
Multi-Wavelength Observations of Solar Flares -
- JOP 099
Filament-Prominence-CME Magnetic Evolution Study
- JOP 100
- Active
Region DEM for Heating & Magnetography Studies
- JOP 101
Doppler Shifts and Line Widths of Helium Lines and their Relation to
the Line Formation
- JOP 102
Structure of Coronal Holes with Plumes
- JOP 103
Transition Region Moss
- JOP 104
Doppler shifts in X-ray jets
- JOP 105
- Low Corona Diagnostics
- JOP 106
Sigmoidal Active Region Study
- JOP 107
- Lyman
lines series in prominences and Lyman continua
- JOP 108
Dynamics and Structure of Large Sunspots
- JOP 109
Temperature and Density Structure of the Solar Corona
- JOP 110
Structure of the Solar Poles during the Magnetic Transition
- JOP 111
- Search
for a Relationship between Coronal Microflares and Transition Region
- JOP 112
- Coordinated SOHO-Ulysses Elemental Abundance Study
- JOP 113
- The
Triggering and Evolution of Solar Flares
- JOP 114
- Pre-Eruptive Filament Structures
- JOP 115
- Search for UV Signatures Corresponding to Microwave Enhancement in Coronal Holes
- JOP 116
- Filament Doppler Shifts at Multiple Temperatures
- JOP 117
- The
build-up and triggering Solar Flares -
- JOP 118
- The
Temperature Range of the Sunspot 3-minute Oscillations
(Previous version (25 Dec 1999): HTML, LaTeX, DVI, Postscript, PDF)
- JOP 119
- Variability
and Physical Properties of Transequatorial Interconnecting Loops
(LaTeX, DVI, Postscript, PDF)
- JOP 120
Formation and Evolution of a Sigmoidal Active Region
- JOP 121
- Strengthening of H0 Lyman Continuum absorption in disk filaments prior to eruption (LaTeX, DVI, Postscript, PDF)
- JOP 122
- Micro-scale heating blocks of the solar
(Previous version: May 2000
- JOP 123
- Narrow
band photometry of EUV emission lines
(Previous version: April 2000)
- JOP 124
- Eruptive filament in active region (Previous version: 14 April 2000, MEDOC Campaign 5)
- JOP 125
- Evolution of qiescent prominences
- JOP 126
- Active
region non-thermal velocities and dynamics
- JOP 127
High-cadence tracking of CMEs and irregularities through the corona and
interplanetary medium
- JOP 128
VLA/SOHO Investigation of the Evolution of the Active Region Corona
- JOP 129
- The Gravitational Focusing Cone of Interstellar Helium
- JOP 130
- Solar
Maximum Equatorial Slow Wind
- JOP 131
- Spectro-polarimetric diagnostics of prominences and
filaments with SOHO and THEMIS
(Previous version (Sept 2000): Dynamics of Active Regions)
- JOP 132
- Ulysses/SOHO Quadrature Study
- JOP 133
- Theoretical Lines Profiles of Metallic Elements with Macroscopic Velocities
- JOP 134
- High-Resolution Study of Supergranulation: Plasma Flows and Magnetic Field Structures
- JOP 135
- Filament Structure and Dynamics: H alpha Doppler, HeI and HeII Observations
- JOP 136
Default HESSI Collaboration
- JOP 137
- Time
Variation and Dynamics of Active Regions Loops II
- JOP 138
Decimetric storms and Decametric type III bursts
- JOP 139
- A
study of helium abundance from coordinated Sac Peak-SOHO-Ulysses
- JOP 140
Origin of Type I radio noise storms
- JOP 141
- Emission lines in Near-Sun Comets.
- JOP 142
Filament Motion Observations with Sac Peak, TRACE, and SOHO
- JOP 143
Impulsive Flare Dynamics
- JOP 144
Sources of coronal oscillations
- JOP 145
- Active
Region Irradiance Study
- JOP 146
- Fine
Temperature and Density Structure of Coronal Loops in a Bipolar Active
- JOP 147
Ellerman Bombs and Severny Moustaches
- JOP 148
sub-arcsecond imaging of the solar atmosphere
- JOP 149
- Onset
on flaring activity and Coronal mass ejections
- JOP 150
Dynamics and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere
- JOP 151
- Active Region Streamer Study
- JOP 152
Multi-wavelength Observations of Large-scale Shock Waves on the Sun
- JOP 153
- Major
Flare Watch
- JOP 154
- Joint
SOHO-GBO Campaign to Study Chromospheric and Photospheric Network
- JOP 155
- Polar
Coronal Jets at the Declining Phase of the Solar Cycle
- JOP 156
- Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array
- JOP 157
Activity of magnetic features in the solar atmosphere (emergence, shear, dispersion) (Previous version: February 2004)
- JOP 158
- The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro.
- JOP 159
- CME's in Lyman-alpha
- JOP 160
- Emergence and Evolution of Young Active Regions
- JOP 161
- SOHO Comprehensive Footpoint Study <
- JOP 162
- Magnetic Field Evolution Around Leading Sunspots
- JOP 163
- Internetwork and Network Oscillations: The Influence
of Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Dynamics
- JOP 164
- Quiet Sun Magnetic Carpet Study
- JOP 165
- High
Cadence Active region oscillation: Center to limb variation
- JOP 166
- Oscillations in Coronal Bright Points
- JOP 167
- Evolution and dynamics of the ionosphere
- JOP 168
- Sunspot Lightbridge Flows from the Photosphere to the
- JOP 169
- Observations of Evolving Active Region Loops
- JOP 170
- Magnetic Field Temporal Changes over the Active
Regions: From the Photosphere to the Corona.
- JOP 171
- Solar
Network Variability and Dynamics
(LaTeX, DVI, Postscript, PDF)
- JOP 172
- Coordinated Observations of Micro-Events in the Quiet
Solar Corona
- JOP 173
- The
Three-Dimensional Structure and Dynamics of Sunspots
- JOP 174
- Plasma Condensation and Temporal Variations in
Active Region Loops
(Previous version: March 2004)
- JOP 175
- Extended Filaments at the Limb
- JOP 176
- Short-timescale Coronal Hole Evolution
- JOP 177
- Energy Input in Prominences (MS Word)
- JOP 178
- Filament, Prominence and Cavity
- JOP 179
- Energy Propagation in XBPs
- JOP 180
- Magnetic Fields and Flows to Corona/Transition
- JOP 181
- Fine
Magnetic Structures as the Origin of Coronal Heating and
- JOP 182
- Structure and dynamics of the complete lifetime
of coronal X-ray bright points
- JOP 183
- Study
of the Quiet Sun Fine Structures
- JOP 184
- Bright Points from Photosphere to Corona
- JOP 185
- Spectroscopy and imaging tomography of the solar
fibrils: photospheric drivers and coronal
- JOP 186
- Atmospheric Seismology
(Previous version: 19 May 2006)
- JOP 187
- Stereoscopic Observations of Coronal
- JOP 188
- Prominence Mass Composition and Variability
- JOP 189
- Microflares and network dynamics: physical
- JOP 190
- Temperature, density and 3-D structure of active
region loops
- JOP 191
- 3-D
structure and evolution of filaments/prominences
- JOP 192
- Chromospheric heating — signatures of waves and
- JOP 193
- Coronal holes boundaries evolution
- JOP 194
- Activity in Filaments and Filament
- JOP 195
- Characterization of Fast and Slow Solar Wind Source Regions
- JOP 196
- Detection of waves in the solar
- JOP 197
- Multi-wavelength observations of coronal hole plumes
at solar minimum
- JOP 198
- Spectral Observations of Spicule
- JOP 199
- The
magnetic structure of macrospicules
- JOP 200
- Multi-point, high cadence EUV (and complementary)
observations of the dynamic solar corona
- JOP 201
- Linking the Corona to the solar wind at
- JOP 202
- Origin
of the slow solar wind
- JOP 203
- Coronal hole boundary & Low-latitude Coronal
- JOP 204
- Characterizing the Energetics and Dynamics of the
Quiet Sun
- JOP 205
- Active
- JOP 206
Low-latitude Coronal Holes
- JOP 207
- Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas with SOHO and Hinode
- JOP 208
- Relationship between movements of magnetic features
and mass outflow in funnels
- JOP 209
- Coronal bright points in quiet Sun and coronal
- JOP 210
- Checking the possible drives of solar wind origin in the coronal hole
- JOP 211
- How does the solar wind originate from the quiet-Sun region?
- JOP 212
- Connection between UV explosive event and magnetic cancellation
- JOP 213
- Chromospheric network structure and dynamics
- JOP 214
Quiescent prominence structure and dynamics with Hinode-SOT
- JOP 215
Connection between the magnetic canopy and chromospheric/lower transition region dynamics
- JOP 216
Multi-wavelength Observations of Oscillations in Polar Plumes
- JOP 217
Velocity fields at the base of polar coronal holes
- JOP 218
Dynamics and structure of the solar atmosphere from SUMER and VTT observations
- JOP 219
Connection between photospheric vortex flows and transition region and coronal heating
- JOP 220
Prediction of the EUV Helium line intensities in the solar atmosphere
- JOP 221
Spicule seismology
- JOP 222
Detecting the Origin of Shock-Accelerated Solar Energetic Particles
- JOP 223
Fast Solar Wind Sources
- JOP 224
Solar Tomography with Minimal Solar Rotation
- JOP 225
STEREO / SOHO joint plume campaign
- JOP 226
SOHO-SDO Cross Calibration
- JOP 227
Doppler shift oscillations of AR loops
Currently defined and documented intercalibration (ICAL) JOPs
- ICAL 01
- Intercalibration 1
(dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- ICAL 02
- Intercalibration 2 (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- ICAL 03
- Intercalibration 3 (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- ICAL 04
- SUMER/CDS/EIT Alignment Calibration (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- ICAL 05
- SUMER/CDS Intensity Cross-Calibration (dvi, PostScript, PDF)
- ICAL 06
- SOHO/SERTS Cross Calibration
- ICAL 07
- Stellar Cross-Calibration (dvi, PostScript, PostScript)
- ICAL 09
- Above Limb Intercalibration
- ICAL 10
- HiRES/SUMER/CDS/SEM/EIT Cross Calibration
- ICAL 11
- Woods/Hassler Sounding Rocket Cross Calibration Flight
- ICAL 12
- SOHO/CALSO-6 Cross Calibration
(Previous versions from July 2002, 1997: SOHO/CALSO-5 Cross Calibration)
- ICAL 13
- SOHO/EIT CalRoc Intercomparisons (Previous version from October 1997: SOHO/EIT CalRoc Intercomparisons)
- ICAL 14
- SOHO-STEREO-TRACE-HERSCHEL radiometric cross-calibration