JOP157 Bright points in ARs (magnetic topology, abundances, flare kernels)
Received: April 24, 2002
Amended 26 February 2004 with this attachment
SOHO instruments (EIT, CDS, MDI) would be involved, TRACE and RHESSI
would be involved and GB (mainly Halpha and CaII spectra)
For MEDOC#10 THEMIS will join this JOP
With MDI we could extrapolate the magnetic field
to get the topology of the region before and after
the flare (Aulanier et al 1999).
It is will be good if the AR is in the
small central box of MDI to have high cadence.
RHESSI will tell us about the sites of particules and depending on
the channels we will have a spectra of the energy input.
Halpha profiles and certainly Ca II in the kernels are also
important to detect non thermal particles (Henoux and Fang).
About CDS we shall choose lines sensitive to T, Rho and
on the abundance (see work of Lyndsay Fletcher etal 2001).
If there is a flare, the previous kernels are interesting
to detect the sites where
reconnection was initiated . If there are sub or nanoflares
it will be useful if we get different abondances in some bright
points and other according to the magnetic topology.
studies that should be used:
SIG-FT44 context raster 4X4 24 min
ARDIAG_2 4x4' with lots of diagnostic lines 1 h 24
SIG_FT44 4x4' with He I, O IV (density-sensitive), O V, Si X
(density-sensitive), Mg X Si XII, Fe XIX
ARDIAG_1 smaller 120"x120" (but faster) raster with lots of diagnostic
lines (similar to ARDIAG_2)
Schmieder B. and Meudon group, Vilmer N., Mason H., Zanna G.
Fletcher L.
Pic du Midi, Bialkov, Ondrejov
MEDOC campaign May 20 to June 2 with SOHO.
to follow the Max Millenium program of RHESSI.