Minutes of the 15th SOHO SWT Meeting
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
9--10 August 1995
Action Items and Resolutions SWT 15
Agree Agenda and Actions Revision
Project status and future plans for launch campaign
Status of Experiments
Commissioning and Early Operations Plan
Time Reporting
PR Plan
Future Workshops and Colloquia
Annex 1: Agenda
Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 3: SOHO Status
Annex 4: GSCT#3
Annex 5: Status of Experiments
Annex 6: Commissioning and Early Operations Plan
Annex 7: SOHO Time Reporting
Annex 8: SOHO PR Plan (Vers. 1.1)
Annex 9: Status of Solar Physics Special
Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:26:23 EST 1998