- Astronauci sfotografowali z orbity komete Lovejoy (Nauka W Polsce, December 23, 2011; article in Polish).
- La Lovejoy e la Cometa di Natale e di Hanukkah (Piazza Grande, December 22, 2011; article in Italian).
- Comet grazes sun, lives to tell the tale (Times of India, December 19, 2011).
- Comet Lovejoy Survives Brush With the Sun (PC Magazine, December 16, 2011).
- A tough comet survives a close encounter with the Sun (Astronomy, December 16, 2011).
- A Comet’s Close Call (Smithsonian Blog, December 16, 2011).
- The Beginning Of The End For Comet Lovejoy (RedOrbit, December 16, 2011).
- This Is Comet Lovejoy (or The Silver Surfer) About To Plunge Into The Sun (Gizmodo/Australia, December 16, 2011).
- Using many instruments to track a comet (Space Daily, December 16, 2011).
- La cometa Lovejoy e sopravvissuta all incontro con il Sole (Paperblog/Magazine Astronomia, December 16, 2011; article in Italian).
- Comet Stays Alive After Buzzing Sun (National Geographic, December 16, 2011).
- Lovejoy Lives! Comet Survives Hellish Encounter With Sun (Fox News, December 16, 2011).
- Comet Lovejoy's death-defying plunge into the sun (Christian Science Monitor, December 16, 2011).
- Comet Lovejoy survives sweltering encounter with sun (Washington Post, December 16, 2011).
- Comet Plunges Toward Sun (ABC News, December 16, 2011).
- Comet Lovejoy: A Solar Survivor (Sky & Telescope, December 16, 2011).
- Comet Lovejoy Has Encounter With Sun Today: How to See It (, December 15, 2011).
- Comet set for death dive toward sun today (CBS News, December 15, 2011).
- Death-Diving Comet May Be Visible to Naked Eye (National Geographic, December 15, 2011).
- Lovejoy lives! (Discover Magazine, December 15, 2011).
- Ode to a Comet: Q & A With Discoverer of Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (, December 15, 2011).
- Lovejoy Lives! Comet Survives Solar Encounter (Discovery News, December 15, 2011).
- Death Diving comet cause massive explosion on Sun? (, October, 4 2011).
- Awesome Video: Comet Crashes into the Sun! (Technology Gather, October, 4 2011).
- VIDEO: Comet Hits Sun; Is Brilliant Explosion Related? (NPR, October, 4 2011).
- Watch: comet collides with sun, then solar blast (Washington Post, October, 4 2011).
- The comet and the Coronal Mass Ejection (Discover, October, 4 2011).
- NASA Spacecraft SOHO catches comets Death plunge into the Sun (The Weather Space, October, 3 2011).
- Comet Spashed into the sun; massive explosion ensues (ABC 7, October, 3 2011).
- Did a Comet Hit Cause an Explosion on the Sun? (Universe Today, October, 3 2011).
- Researchers Announce Breakthrough In Predicting Sunspots (RedOrbit, August, 26 2011).
- Stanford Researchers Use Acoustic Waves to Predict Sunspots (TV Technology, August, 25 2011).
- L'activite du Soleil bientot previsible 48 h a l'avance (Le Figaro, August, 23 2011; article in French).
- Sunspots rising (Science News, August, 23 2011).
- Scientists Detect Sunspots Before They Emerge (Universe Today, August, 23 2011).
- Method detects emerging sunspots deep inside the sun (R&D Magazine, August, 22 2011).
- New method could provide early warning of dangerous solar flares (Space Daily, August, 22 2011).
- New method detects emerging sunspots deep inside the Sun (Astronomy Magazine, August, 22 2011).
- Scientists Now Able to Predict Sunspots Days Before Solar Eruptions (International Business News, August, 21 2011).
- Better method for predicting sunspots: study (The Independent, August, 21 2011).
- Listening to the sun may improve space weather forecasts (Los Angeles Times, August, 20 2011).
- Sun Spot Examination Key To Forecasting Solar Eruptions (Irish Weather Online, August, 20 2011).
- Sunspot tracking could protect interruptions to telecommunications and power caused by solar flares (The Australian, August, 19 2011).
- Scientists find way to predict sunspots (San Francisco Chronicle, August, 19 2011).
- Solar Blares: Listening to the Sun May Improve Space Weather Forecasts (Scientific American, August, 19 2011).
- Spotting Sun-Spots May Improve Solar Storm Warnings (Fox News, August, 19 2011).
- New way to predict space weather (ABC, August, 19 2011).
- Early-warning system for sunspots (, August, 19 2011).
- Solar storms: Two breakthroughs could lead to better warnings (The Christian Science Monitor, August, 19 2011).
- Predicting sunspots: better space weather ahead (Cosmos Magazine, August, 19 2011).
- Forscher konnen Sonnensturme prazise vorhersagen (Spiegel Online, August, 19 2011; article in German).
- New method can predict sunspots (, August, 19 2011).
- Better sunspot forecasts on the way (The Register, August, 19 2011).
- Scientists Discover Way to Predict Sunspots (Newser, August, 19 2011).
- Breakthrough to refine space weather predictions (CBS News, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspots used to improve solar storm warnings (MSNBC, August, 18 2011).
- Sun storms 'could be more disruptive within decades' (BBC, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspots Can Now Be Predicted Days in Advance (National Geographic, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspot-Spotting Method May Improve Solar Storm Warnings (, August, 18 2011).
- New method detects emerging sunspots deep inside the sun, provides warning of dangerous solar flares (Physorg, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspot tracking could provide 2 days' advance warning of damaging solar flare (Daily India, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspot prediction method improved (News24, August, 18 2011).
- Sunspots Can Now Be Predicted Days in Advance (EmDiv, August, 18 2011).
- 太陽黒点の出現、数日前から予測可能に (National Geographic (Japan), August, 18 2011; article in Japanese).
- Астрономы научились предсказывать появление солнечных пятен (RIA, August, 18 2011; article in Russian).
- Comet Dive-Bombs Sun During Big Solar Eruption (, May, 16 2011).
- Έκρηξη στον Ήλιο συνέπεσε με τη βουτιά θανάτου ενός κομήτη (, May, 15 2011; article in Greek).
- Stunning Video: Comet Collides With the Sun (Fox News, May, 13 2011).
- The Perfect Solar Superstorm (Sky & Telescope, February, 2011; PDF).
- SOHO hat zweitausend Kometen entdeckt (FAZ, January 5, 2011; PDF - article in German).
- La 2000e comete du satellite SOHO (Le Monde, January 1, 2011; PDF - article in French).
- ESA offers the Sun to the world (CORDIS, January 1, 2011;).