15 February 2025 - Mission Day: 10669 - DOY: 046
- Solar storms smack a comet(CNN, December 7, 2004).
- Solar storms smack a comet(SPACE.com, December 6, 2004).
- Solar storms can smack a
comet's tail(MSNBC.com, December 6, 2004).
Nordlys med uvanlig kraft
(NETTAVISEN, November 9, 2004; in Norwegian).
Chicagoan gaining fame for solar discoveries
(September 22, 2004)
Hot and Hotter
(Universe Today, September 2, 2004).
Mysterium der Plasma-Jets geklärt
(Spiegel Online, July 30, 2004; in German).
Wobbly sun causes plasma jets
(The Register, July 29, 2004).
Solar spicules explained
(Astronomy Magazine, July 28, 2004).
Sjeldent nordlys
(Dagbladet, July 28, 2004; in Norwegian).
Sunspot grows to 20 times size of Earth
(USA Today/SPACE.com, July 25, 2004).
Sunspot grows to 20 times size of Earth
(SPACE.com, July 23, 2004).
Solforskeren soler seg i glansen
(Agderposten, July 20, 2004; in Norwegian).
Storms Race From Sun To Brink Of System
(The Washington Post, July 9, 2004).
Solar storm sweeps past planets, satellites
(CNN, July 9, 2004).
Spacecraft Fleet Tracks Blast Wave Through Solar System
(Science Daily, July 9, 2004).
3D View of a Coronal Mass Ejection
(Universe Today, July 2, 2004).
First 3D view of solar eruptions
(SpaceRef.com, July 2, 2004).
Se 3D-bilder av solstorm
(TV2.no, July 2, 2004; in Norwegian).
The Sun: Living with a Stormy Star (National Geographic, July, 2004).
32 sider om sola
(Teknisk Ukeblad, June 21, 2004; in Norwegian).
Solar storm warnings give plenty of notice
(The Washington Times, June 15, 2004).
Speed limit for storms from the sun
(CNN.com, June 14, 2004).
Venus Williams Transits The Sun
(The Bentinel, June 8, 2004).
Venus in transit: The world will be watching
(Astronomy.com, June 7, 2004).
Sources of solar hazards in interplanetary space
(Spaceflight Now, June 5, 2004).
Følg Venus' ferd
(Netavisen, June 3, 2004; in Norwegian).
Solar explosions seen in 3D
(physicsweb, May 27, 2004).
A perfect storm of space weather
(USA Today, May 19, 2004).
Our Sun Is Anythingn But Boring
(Universe Today, April 30, 2004).
Comets may dazzle or merely fizzle out
(Baltimore Sun, April 26, 2004).
Bradfield comet (one of his 18) survives near-brush with sun
(PalmBeachPost.com, April 25, 2004).
Se flere kometer på himmelen
(forskning.no, April 24, 2004).
Comets to put on morning sky show
(BBC, April 20, 2004).
Bradfield på vei mot Solen
(Aftenposten, April 17, 2004; in Norwegian).
Three Chances to Spy Comets
(SPACE.com, April 16, 2004).
Komet Bradfield møder Solen
(Tycho Brahe Planetarium, April 16, 2004; in Danish).
SOHO satellite to provide best view of Comet Bradfield
(MSNBC, April 16, 2004).
New Comet Set for Live Internet Show
(SPACE.com, April 13, 2004).
SOHO sees its 750th comet
(Spaceflight Now, April 11, 2004).
Here Comes the Sun. Web Exclusive: Greenbelt, We Have a Problem
(Discover, April 9, 2004).
Here Comes the Sun. Web Exclusive: A Tale of Two Telescopes
SOHO Has Seen 750 Comets
(Universe Today, April 6, 2004).
(Teknisk Ukeblad, April 2, 2004; in Norwegian).
The Next Great Sun-Watching Spacecraft
(SPACE.com, March 24, 2004).
The next great sun-watching spacecraft
(CNN, March 24, 2004).
SOHO spacecraft snaps spectacular Sun shot
(Spaceflight Now, March 16, 2004).
SOHO Sees a Huge Prominence on the Sun
(Universe Today, March 16, 2004).
Biggest ever solar flare was even bigger than thought
(SpaceRef.com, March 15, 2004).
STORM Spotting
(Scientific American, March 15, 2004).
Die dunklen Geheimnisse der Sonne
(Wissenschaft, March 5, 2004; in German).
Sol Påvirker klima
(Teknisk Ukeblad, March 5, 2004; in Norwegian).
Twin Comets to Debut
(Astrobiology Magazine, February 29, 2004).
El satélite SOHO capta una mancha solar cinco veces mayor que la Tierra
(ABC, February 24, 2004; in Spanish).
Suns Of All Ages Possess Comets, Maybe Planets (Astrobiology.com, 6 January, 2004).
SOHO is a project of international cooperation between