What Happened to Comet ISON? (4 December, 2013).
- Comet ISON vs. the Solar Storm (24 November, 2013).
- Another Earth-Directed CME (21 August, 2013).
- Large Coronal Hole Near the Sun's North Pole (19 July, 2013).
- Sunset Comet (15 March, 2013).
- Solar Cycle Update: Twin Peaks? (1 March, 2013).
- Comet of the Century? (18 January, 2013).
- The Comet of the Century (NASA ScienceCast) (18 January, 2013).
- Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate (8 January, 2013).
- Comet ISON vs. the Solar Storm (24 November, 2013).