10 March 2025 - Mission Day: 10692 - DOY: 069
Visiting SOHO EOF at GSFC

To visit the SOHO facilities (such as the Experimenters' Operations Facility or EOF) at Goddard Space Flight Center, you need to apply for a temporary badge. You need to initiate the process by contacting the SOHO visits coordinator (currently Kathleen Starling, kathleen.g.starling [at] nasa.gov), who will e-mail you detailed instructions.

If you are a US citizen, include in the e-mail the following information:

  1. your full name
  2. work address
  3. work phone number
  4. purpose of the visit
  5. who you will be working with or visiting
  6. dates of your visit

The bare minimum time limit for US citizens is 48 hours between the signature of a form with that information by the correct person and the beginning of the visit, although leaving a much larger margin is highly recommended.

If you are a foreign national, follow the instructions you receive from the visits coordinator. When planning for a visit, please note the following processing times for different groups of foreign nationals:

    20 working days
    for nationals of non-designated countries
    60 calendar days
    for nationals of designated countries
    90 calendar days
    for foreign nationals under the NASA Exchange Visitor Program (J-1 Visa).

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Last modification: July 27, 2020

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