11 March 2025 - Mission Day: 10693 - DOY: 070
SOHO Calendar — 1996 Coordinated Observations

M Mar 25 (W13)  Intercal 001, 1hr SVM Command List Function Test (done)
T Mar 26        VIRGO LOI cover opening (done in one day)
W Mar 27        
T Mar 28        80-hour contact (MDI) ** Intercal 002 not performed **
F Mar 29        80-hour contact (MDI), Intercal 009
S Mar 30        80-hour contact (MDI)
S Mar 31        Start of the 34-meter antenna support 
                Planned end of commissioning phase


M Apr 01 (W14)  6 hrs SVM-reserved for memory dump
T Apr 02        J3 - Off-pointing (N/S)
W Apr 03        Contingency for J3 (N/S):  14h pass
T Apr 04        J3 - Off-pointing (E/W) with EIT extension  
F Apr 05        Contingency for J3 (E/W): 19h pass
S Apr 06                                                XBP campaign
S Apr 07                                                XBP campaign


M Apr 08 (W15)  Intercal 002, phase 2                   XBP campaign
T Apr 09        Above Limb Intercal 009                 XBP campaign
W Apr 10        Intercal 001                            XBP campaign
T Apr 11        Intercal 002, phase 1                   XBP campaign
F Apr 12                                                XBP campaign
S Apr 13                                                XBP campaign
S Apr 14        Special ISTP configuration (WIND, Geotail)

Week 16

JOP35 -- (coronal holes) Scheduled for April 19-21. 
         Will also discuss this more on the April 26 weekly when
         position of coronal hole will be reviewed. 
JOP02 -- (temperature gradients in coronal holes) 
         This will only be a TEST and will not involve rolls.
         Scheduled for April 24-25, during the 3 days of MDI continuous
         contact to provide NRT during this first test run. 

JOP28 -- (streamers)
         Scheduled after JOP02 on April 26.

JOP15/13 Schedule TBD, possibly during the week of April 29.
JOP27 -- Few runs in the first 2 weeks of June.

LASCO:  Starting on May 1st, comet observation will be first priority


M Apr 22 (W17)
T Apr 23        Intercal 002, phase 2 (2 sets of 3 hours each = 6 hrs)
W Apr 24        MDI Continuous, JOP002 (test only no rolls -- 3 hours)
T Apr 25        MDI Continuous, JOP002 (contingency)
F Apr 26        MDI Continuous, JOP028 (4 hours)
S Apr 27        MDI Continuous
S Apr 28

JOP002 -- Temperature Gradient in a Coronal Hole 
       -- Test only - No rolls
Local coordinator:  Bob Bentley (CDS)

Scheduled for Wednesday April 24 with April 25 as alternate date.
CDS needs the JOP002 test.  SUMER, CDS, EIT will also participate.
UVCS feels they can test the sequence by themselves later and don't
see much point in looking at streamers with a coronal hole sequence.
CDS and SUMER don't require a lot of NRT.  They will decide a start
time for JOP002 at the Daily Meeting on Monday.  CDS and EIT will
adjust in their IAPs a time similar to SUMER's IAP for JOP002 for
a roughly similar Wednesday start time.

JOP028 -- Streamers
local coordinator:  Dominic Zarro (CDS)

Scheduled for Friday April 26.
This date was picked since it was pointed out that streamers can 
be observed almost all the time.  Near equatorial streamers on East
and West limb since late December.
SUMER, UVCS, and possibly EIT will participate.  CDS will be 
looking at off-limb iron lines.  EIT images would complement the 
CDS observations nicely.
On Thursday April 25 they will pick a suitable target for the next
day's observation.

local coordinator: The CDS planners will discuss amongst themselves 
who will have the honor of leading the Intercal 002 observations 
for next Tuesday.

Week 18

Agreed JOP schedule:

JOP012: 5/1,   start at 07:00, duration 4 hours, local coordinator: Terry Kucera
JOP012: 5/3,   start at 07:00, duration 4 hours, " "
JOP013, 4/30, start at 20:30, duration 3.5 hours, local coordinator: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe
JOP015, 5/2,   start at 20:30, duration 3 hours, local coordinator: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe
JOP035, 4/29, start at 20:15, duration 4 hours, local coordinator: Dominique Zarro

- Collaborations: 
Observations of the comet will be made by SWAN, LASCO, and UVCS.
UVCS will contact SWAN in regards to monitoring the comet's brightness.
UVCS will determine the strength of the Argon 1066 Angstrom doublet.
They noted that EUVE could detect Neon but not Argon. 

UVCS also noted that Wednesday during the short NRT period (12:40 - 15:40),
they would like as much NRT as possible to off-point for the comet 

M May  6  (W19)	None.
T May  7  	Intercal 001; coordinator:  Udo Schuehle (SUMER) 
            	JOP015; coordinator: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe (CDS)
W May  8  	Intercal 002 phase 1; coordinator: Joe Gurman
T May  9  	JOP015; coordinator: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe (CDS)
F May 10  	Intercal 002 phase 2; coordinator: Andrzej Fludra (CDS) 
            	JOP002 (test); coordinator: Phillipe Lemaire (SUMER)
            	JOP013; coordinator: Olav Kjeldseth-Moe (CDS) 
S May 11  	None.
S May 12  	None.

JOP015, 002, and 013 after start NRT. Intercal 001 and 002 will
be run during non-contact time.


M May 13 (W20)  Intercal009; coordinator : Joe Michels (UVCS)
                Start: 15:00 UT
                Duration: 7.5 hours. During contact, NRT not required  
                Participants: UVCS and SUMER. (LASCO TBD)

                Yohkoh-SOHO collaboration.

T May 14        JOP022; coordinator: Philippe Lemaire (SUMER) 
                Start: 16:00 UT
                Duration: 5 hours  
                   + MDI if VC2 can overlap with JOP run time
                   + EIT if it fits into their synoptic plan

W May 15        ICAL001-- Coordinator: Udo Schuehle (SUMER) 
                Start: 00:00 UT 
                Duration: 165 minutes  
                Participants: This run will be a SUMER-only activity.
                   (CDS cannot participate because of GIS problems)

                JOP002-test; Coordinator: Philippe Lemaire (SUMER)
                Start: ~18:30 UT
                Duration:  2 hours for test NRT: Not required  
                   + EIT/LASCO since only their synoptic set is needed.   

T May 16          
F May 17        Momentum management -- experiments close doors if needed
S May 18        Experiments reopen doors, CDS reconfigure
S May 19        Normal operations, CDS reconfigure


M May 20 (W21)  JOP002: S/C 90 degrees roll (16.5 hours)

T May 21        Continuation of JOP002

W May 22        Second momentum management 
                Orbit correction burn
                Experiments recover from safe configuration

T May 23        VLA, OVRO, KPNO, Yohkoh, SOHO Collaboration (M. Aschwanden)
                14:00 UT - 24:00 UT

F May 24        Start of 2 Months Continuous ;
                JOP018 (with Sac Peak/VIT); 
                VLA, OVRO, KPNO, Yohkoh, SOHO 

S May 25        JOP018 (with Sac Peak/VIT)

S May 26        JOP018 (with Sac Peak/VIT); 
                VLA, OVRO, KPNO, Yohkoh, SOHO 

JOP002 -- Temperature Gradient in a Coronal Hole
          JOP Leader and coordinator for week 21: Alan Gabriel
          Start time: May 20 ~23:30 UT  Duration:  16.5 hours 
          Participants: CDS, SUMER, UVCS, LASCO, EIT

          EIT needs a minimum of 10 minutes dwell at 45 degrees with NRT.  
          Pointing accuracy is +/- 0.5 to 1.0 degree at 45 and 90 degrees.  
          At the 90 degree dwell, FOT will need 10 minutes of SVM-Reserved
          time to dump the star sensor table to allow accurate attitude 
          calculations by FDF.  It would be better to do that during the short 
          pass from 06:15 to 07:55 on May 21 to save some time.

          CDS needs 15.5 hours at 90 degrees to complete this JOP (needs to 
          load tables).  They requested that FOT wait for their go-ahead before
          starting the roll back around 15:05 om May 21. 

JOP018 -- Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profilees
          Planned for May 24, 25 and 25
          Coordinator: Paul Brekke (CDS)    NRT Required?
          Duration: ~2 hours
          Participants:  CDS, SUMER

          Need a sunspot do spectroscopy with CDS and SUMER.
          Will decide on exact location by May 23.

- Collaborations
VLA, OVRO, KPNO, Yohkoh, SOHO Collaboration on May 23,24, and 26 
Local coordinator: Marcus Aschwanden.
To be run between 14:00 UT - 24:00 UT
EIT will participate
CDS cannot participate on 23 May (will have their door closed).
SUMER cannot participate before 21:00 UT on May 23.

-XBP Campaign
K.Harvey requests support for another Xray Bright Point Campaign
on May 27-31.  EIT was planning on running the XBP campaign next week
with MDI's high resolution field .. a week earlier than what Karen wants.


M May 27 (W22)  XBP Campaign, Star calibration (SUMER/UVCS)
T May 28        XBP Campaign, Intercal001
W May 29        XBP Campaign, Intercal009 at 15:00 UT
T May 30        XBP Campaign
F May 31        XBP Campaign
S Jun  1        VLA-SOHO/JOP043 (Habbal, 16:30-23:30 UT), 
                SVM_reserved, Memory Dump (6h)
S Jun  2        VLA-SOHO/JOP043 (")

* VLA-SOHO Collaboration/ JOP043 Macrospicules  
  Duration: 16:30-23:30 UT (both days)
  Participants: VLA, SUMER, CDS, EIT
  JOP Leader and VLA contact: Shadia Habbal
  EOF Contact: Udo Schuehle/Terry Kucera

* XBP Campaign: Participation on a best effort basis by SOHO experiments
   Targets: Coordinates will be forwarded to participating observatories
            no later than the day before the start of the collaboration.
   Participants: BBSO, MSO, magnetograms from CSUN, H-alpha filtergrams
                 from SOONSPOT, and full-disk HeI images from HAO.
                 NSO/KP, high-resolution, high-cadence He I 1083 nm
                 filtergrams with the new filtergraph, if it is ready, else
                 He I 1083 nm spectra of the target region.
                 Yohkoh/SXT images in two filters (Al.1 and AlMg)


M Jun  3 (W23)  JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)

T Jun  4        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)
                                            (06:00-9:00 UT/SUMER only)
                Tenerife/SUMER from 09:00 - 15:00 UT (Detlet Gigas)
                JOP031 (~11:00 after JOP012/017) 

W Jun  5        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)

T Jun  6        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)

F Jun  7        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)
                JOP031 (~11:00 after JOP012/017) -- only CDS and SUMER

S Jun  8        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)
                JOP031 (~11:00 after JOP012/017) -- only CDS and SUMER
                JOP043/VLA-SOHO (Habbal, 14:30 -23:30 UT)
                                (SUMER 15:00 - 20:00 UT)

S Jun  9        JOP012/017 Pic du Midi-SOHO (06:00 - 11:00 UT)
                JOP031 (~11:00 after JOP012/017)
                JOP043/VLA-SOHO (Habbal, 14:30 -23:30 UT),
                                (SUMER 15:00 - 20:00 UT)

JOP012/017 -- Limb Prominences / Dynamics of Solar Active Studies
          collaboration with Pic du Midi
          coordinators: Art Poland (SUMER/CDS) and Terry Kucera
          duration: 06:00 - 11:00 UT 
                    (except June 4th 6:00-9:00 UT for SUMER) 
          Participants: SUMER, CDS, assist from EIT, LASCO, UVCS

JOP031 -- Solar Wind above Streamers
          Responsible person:  Ester Antonucci (UVCS)
          Duration: ~ 4 hrs (SUMER, CDS); ~9 hrs (UVCS)
          Participants: UVCS, CDS, SUMER,  
          Synoptic observations from: LASCO, MDI, EIT  
JOP043 -- Macrospicules/VLA-SOHO Collaboration  
          Participants: VLA, SUMER, CDS, EIT
          JOP Leader and VLA contact: Shadia Habbal
          EOF Contact: Udo Schuehle/Terry Kucera


M Jun 10 (W24)  Venus passage, closest approach ~15:00 UT, EIT/SUMER

T Jun 11        Venus passing solar corona /UVCS, LASCO  

W Jun 12        Venus passing solar corona /UVCS, LASCO

T Jun 13        

F Jun 14        VLA-SOHO (Ken Lang, 15:30-20:30 UT) EOF coord: Udo Schuehle,
                JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7:30-11:30 UT, Deubner)

S Jun 15        VLA-SOHO (Ken Lang, 15:30-20:30 UT)  
                JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7:30-11:30 UT)
                Intercal007: UVCS/LASCO observing Zeta Tau
                DSN contact via Santiago (~50 mins due to moon blocking)

S Jun 16        VLA-SOHO (Ken Lang, 15:30-20:30 UT)  
                JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7:30-11:30 UT)

- VLA-SOHO Collaboration: Evolving Coronal Magnetic Structures
(No write-up of detailed science goals and program available)
EOF Coordinator: Udo Schuehle
Duration: ~5 hours, start 15:30 UT daily
Participants: SUMER, CDS, EIT, VLA
Pointing: Active region, pointing still TBD.  Mapping of area at 
different temperatures and wave lengths.

- Tenerife-SOHO collaboration/JOP026

The Signature of CaII K grains in the Transition Region and Corona
Collaboration with Vacuum Tower Telescope in Izana, Tenerife
EOF Coordinator:  Bernhard Fleck
Duration: ~ 4 hours, start: 7:30 UT (daily)
Participants:  SUMER, CDS, EIT, Tenerife
Pointing:  Disk center of the Sun or selected Active Regions
The sequences for CDS and SUMER have not yet been defined.

- Venus calibration

No modifications.  For latest info, see the daily minutes of June 5.

- Intercal007, Zeta Tau calibration

no modifications.
See JOP page for write-up. Zeta Tau not in SUMER FOV; UVCS and LASCO 


M Jun 17 (W25)  JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT)
T Jun 18        JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT), Intercal001
W Jun 19        Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT, Wiehr) SUMER only, Intercal002
T Jun 20        Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT, Wiehr), Intercal009
F Jun 21        SPWG/SIGWG, Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT, Wiehr)
S Jun 22        JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT, Deubner)
S Jun 23        JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7-12 UT)
  JOP 026 Tenerife-SOHO collaboration
  The Signature of CaII K grains in the Transition Region and Corona
  Collaboration with Vacuum Tower Telescope in Izana, Tenerife
  EOF Coordinator:  Bernhard Fleck
  Duration: ~ 7-12 UT daily, Participants: SUMER, CDS, EIT, Tenerife
  Pointing:  Disk center of the sun
  Tenerife-SOHO, collaboration with Wiehr: SUMER only
  Intercal001: both Phases
  Coordinator: Udo Schuehle,  Duration: 165 minutes
  Start Time: after JOP26 at ~12:00, Participants: CDS/SUMER

  Intercal002: Phase 2
  Coordinator: Andrzej Fludra, Duration: ~4 hours
  Start Time:  centered around ~18:30 UT,
               (this is when EIT can support 2 full disk images)
  Participants: SEM, SUMER only phase 2b, CDS, EIT, UVCS
  Coordinator: Joe Michels, Duration: 7.5 hours
  Start Time: at 15:00 UT, Participants: SUMER, UVCS, LASCO (synoptic)


M Jun 24 (W26)  JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7:00-12:00 UT)
T Jun 25        JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO (7:00-12:00 UT)
                SEM sounding rocket launch from White Sands;
                intercalibration with SUMER, CDS, and EIT
                Launch window: 18:00 - 19:30 UT
W Jun 26        Contingency for SEM launch, 18:00-19:30 UT,
                Tenerife-SOHO (Wiehr): SUMER Only
T Jun 27        Momentum Management, hot backup: 17:45-19:45 UT
                Tenerife-SOHO (")
F Jun 28        Tenerife-SOHO (")
S Jun 29
S Jun 30

JOP026 Tenerife-SOHO collaboration:

The Signature of CaII K grains in the Transition Region and Corona
Collaboration with Vacuum Tower Telescope in Izana, Tenerife
EOF Coordinator:  Bernhard Fleck
Duration: ~ 5 hours, start: 7:00 UT (daily)
Participants:  SUMER, CDS, EIT, Tenerife; Pointing:  Disk center of the sun

Tenerife-SOHO collaboration (Wiehr):

EOF Coordinator:  Werner Curdt 
Duration: ~ 5 hours, start: 7:00 UT (daily)
Participants:  SUMER, Tenerife
Pointing:  Limb Prominences 

SEM sounding rocket launch from White Sands:
Intercalibration with SUMER, CDS, and EIT
EOF Coordinator: Joe Michels;  Launch window: 18:00 - 19:30 UT
Planned Launch: 19:00 UT, Contingency date: 26 June


M Jul  1 (W27)  
T Jul  2        JOP022 JOP leader: P.Lemaire (24h)
W Jul  3        JOP022 (24h)
T Jul  4        JOP022 (24h)
F Jul  5        JOP022 (24h)
S Jul  6        JOP022 (24h)
S Jul  7
Other activities for Week 27:

   Streamers & Polar Plumes - G.Poletto


M Jul  8 (W28)  JOP027 - Diffuse Corona, Duration: 15 hours CDS/GIS
                EOF coordinator:  Eddie Breeveld
                Participants: UVCS, SUMER, MDI, LASCO (C1), Yohko
T Jul  9         
W Jul 10         
T Jul 11
F Jul 12        JOP047 (13:47-21:47 UT)
                Participants: VLA-SOHO (CDS/SUMER/EIT)
                Contacts: A.Benz (VLA); National Solar Observatory (Keller);
                          Dave Pike (CDS); TBD (SUMER); B.Thompson (EIT)
S Jul 13        17:43 - 22:43 UT VLA/SUMER/CDS/EIT  Filaments
                F.Drago - VLA contact; Karine Bocchialini - SUMER
S Jul 14


M Jul 15 (W29)  JOP045 -- 11:00 to 15:00 UT CDS/SUMER/EIT 

T Jul 16        14:32 - 19:32 UT VLA/SUMER/CDS Filaments
                F.Drago - VLA contact; Karine Bocchialini/Don Hassler - SUMER

W Jul 17        JOP45 Mees/Yokho/CDS/SUMER - JOP Leader: Fisher
                start time: 17:00 UT; EOF Coordinator: Dana Longcope

T Jul 18        JOP045 -- 16:00 to 20:00 CDS/SUMER 

F Jul 19        SPWG/SIGWG
S Jul 20
S Jul 21         

M Jul 22 (W30)  JOP036  (07:00-09:00 UT)
                Participants:  CDS/SUMER/EIT
                EOF coordinators: Spadaro/Hassler
T Jul 23        JOP036  (see July 22)
W Jul 24        JOP036  (see July 22)
T Jul 25        JOP036  (see July 22)
F Jul 26        JOP036  (see July 22)
S Jul 27        JOP047 (14:48 - 22:48 UT)
                Participants: VLA-SOHO (CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI)
                Contacts: Arnold Benz (VLA)
                Local coordinator Barbara Thompson (EIT)
S Jul 28        15:48 - 20:48 UT VLA/SUMER/CDS/EIT/MDI? Filaments
                F.Drago - VLA contact
                Local coordinators Don Hassler (Karine Bocchialini)  
For JOP036, note that CDS cannot point at an active region
before July 23 (after their s/w patch).


M Jul 29 (W31)
T Jul 30   	Chromospheric Oscillations -- G. Doyle
           	Participants:  CDS/SUMER/MDI/EIT  Duration: 4hrs
W Jul 31          "
T Aug  1   	6 hrs Memory Dump + tape recorder maintence
                JOP21 -- EOF Coordinator:  A. Fludra, EIT/CDS/MDI/SUMER
F Aug  2   	JOP21 -- EOF Coordinator:  A. Fludra, EIT/CDS/MDI/SUMER 
S Aug  3
S Aug  4


M Aug  5 (W32)  

T Aug  6  	Yohkoh/SOHO: AR on West Limb, 6:00 - 9:00 UT
             	Local coordinator: Bob Bentley
             	(Contacts: Yohkoh - Louise Harra, CDS - Richard Harrison)

W Aug  7 	JOP001 -- EIT/MDI 15:00 to 00:00 UT
            	EOF coordinator: J. Gurman
             	Yohkoh/SOHO: AR on West Limb, 6:00 - 9:00 UT

T Aug  8 	JOP001 -- EIT/MDI 15:00 to 17:00 UT i
             	EOF coordinator: J. Gurman
             	Yohkoh/SOHO: AR on West Limb, 6:00 - 9:00 UT

F Aug  9  	Commanding Test - 7 hours reserved for FOT 
             	21:00 to 04:00 UT (next day)

S Aug 10  	JOP044 -- Begin of Global Sun Month, Sarah Gibson

S Aug 11

* JOP001
An additional run of phase 1 is planned for August 15-18, or
possibly August 23 after the MDI continuous contact. For MDI,
it will be run as part of the collaboration with La Palma.
The latest run times during week 32 are:
    Wednesday August 07 from 15:00 to 00:00
    Thursday August 08 from 15:00 to 17:00

* Yohkoh/SOHO - Active region
No change in the planned schedule.  Bob Bentley is the local coordinator.
Note:  After the meeting, Joe Gurman informed us that EIT will be doing
a bake-out/CCD tests on Aug 5-6.  EIT will not be available for coordinated
observations on these days.

* JOP044
Will start on August 10 as planned. Sarah Gibson and Douglas Biesecker
will coordinate.  SUMER and CDS need special observations that will
be defined on a weekly basis.  Note that MDI will be in dynamics mode
during the continuous contact. It will be possible to work around the
SUMER/Tenerife campain.  Other participants will support with their
synoptic studies.


M Aug 12 (W33)  JOP044 -- Global Sun Month, Sarah Gibson, Douglas Biesecker 
                          (Ongoing; see SOHO Campaign pages for details)
T Aug 13        JOP044
W Aug 14        JOP041 -- MDI/CDS/SUMER/EIT  
                EOF coordinator: Stein Vidar (CDS) , 17:00 - 20:00 UT 
T Aug 15        SWT, MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 -17:00 UT, JOP044
F Aug 16        SPWG, MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 -17:00 UT, JOP044
                Intercal001 (2.5 hours), EOF: Udo Schuehle
S Aug 17        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 -17:00 UT,  JOP044
S Aug 18        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 -17:00 UT,  JOP044


Ongoing: Global Sun Month (JOP044)

M Aug 19 (W34)  MDI Continuous, Calibration1 (Udo Schuehle)

T Aug 20        MDI Continuous 
                SUMER/Tenerife, "Sunspot Oscillations" (7-13 UT)

W Aug 21        MDI Continuous
                SUMER/Tenerife, "Sunspot Oscillations" (7-13 UT)

T Aug 22        Alpha Leo (UVCS/SUMER), 
                MDI Continuous 
                SUMER/Tenerife, "Sunspot Oscillations" (7-13 UT)

F Aug 23        JOP41 -- MDI/CDS/SUMER/EIT  
                EOF coordinator: Stein Vidar (CDS) (16-19 UT)
                MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT
                SUMER/Tenerife, "Sunspot Oscillations" (7-13 UT)

                JOP048 MDI/EIT/SUMER/LASCO/UVCS (Limb). 
                Jop-leader: Craig DeForest, 19 - 03 UT

S Aug 24        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT 
                SUMER/Tenerife, "Sunspot Oscillations" (7-13 UT)

S Aug 25        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT

JOP044 -- see detailed plans from IAPs
          Sat/Sun (17/18) - North/South holes
          Monday (19) - West Streamer/Corona
          Tuesday (20) - East Streamer/Corona
          Wednesday (21) - Full Sun
          Thursday (22) - West Streamer/Corona
          Friday (23) - East Streamer/Corona
JOP001 phase 1, 8-18 UT, daily with MDI/La Palma.


Ongoing: Global Sun Month (JOP044)

M Aug 26 (W35)  MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
		Intercal001 (Udo Schuehle, #270)
T Aug 27	MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
		Rho Leo (UVCS, #280)
W Aug 28	MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
		Rho Leo (CDS/SUMER, #280)
T Aug 29        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
		Rho Leo (CDS/SUMER, #280)
		Sunspot Campaign (EIT/SUMER, # 211) 
F Aug 30	MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
                JOP048 MDI/EIT/SUMER/CDS (North Pole, #290). 
		Jop-leader: Craig DeForest
S Aug 31        MDI/La Palma Collaboration 8:00 - 19:00 UT (#240)
S Sep  1	

Other activities for week 35: 
	JOP001 phase 1, 8-18 UT, EIT, daily with MDI/La Palma (#260).
        Equatorial_Coronal_Hole Campaign (#241)	
        Active Region Study (#242)

Planners for Week 35:
CDS - B. Bentley(until 8/30)/B.Thompson   SUMER -   
UVCS -   				  EIT - J. Gurman 

Ongoing: Global Sun Month (JOP044)

M Sep  2 (W36)  Sumer/Tenerife 7-14 UT, "Velocity Field in Photosphere
                and Transition Region" (#310)
T Sep  3        Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
W Sep  4	Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
		Intercal009 (UVCS/SUMER, #320)
T Sep  5	Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
		Intercal002 (#330)
F Sep  6	Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
S Sep  7	Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
S Sep  8	Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran

Other activities for Week 36:

Planners for Week 36:
CDS  - Bill Thompson(until 9/6)/Dave Pike  SUMER - M. Mathioudakis 
UVCS - Joe Michels 		           EIT   - Joe Gurman 


M Sep  9 (W37)  Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                  Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
                JOP020 (SUMER/CDS/EIT/MDI, #350) 17:30 - 21:30 UT
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
                JOP046 test (#340), 21:30 - 01:30 UT, EOF: Viggo Hansteen
T Sep 10        Sac Peak/SUMER/La Palma (#300); 14:00 - 17:00 UT
                  Sac Peak: Bruce Lites, EOF: Tom Moran
		UVCS/CDS Off-Limb Intercalibration (#490) 17:00 - 23:00 UT 
                  Coordinator: Helen Mason
W Sep 11        Reaction Wheel 4 Spin-Up/Momentum Management/Station Keeping
		  Spacecraft activities, no observing	
T Sep 12        ACU patch (no experiment commanding)		
F Sep 13	UVCS/CDS Off-Limb Intercalibration (#490) 14:00 - 23:00 UT 
                  Coordinator: Helen Mason
S Sep 14        Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 07:00 - 13:00 UT
                  (JOP026, sequence B+D)
		UVCS/CDS Off-Limb Intercalibration (#490) 14:00 - 20:00 UT 
                  Coordinator: Helen Mason
S Sep 15	Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 07:00 - 12:00 UT 
                  (JOP026, sequence C+A)
		UVCS/CDS Off-Limb Intercalibration (#490) 14:00 - 20:00 UT 
                  Coordinator: Helen Mason
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Muglach, #365) 12:00 - 15:00 UT
	        VLA-Nobeyama-SXT-EIT Filament Campaign (#480) 19 - 01 UT
		  EOF Coordinator: Terry Kucera

Other activities for Week 37:
Monday and Tuesday, September 9 and 10  - 
  Gyro Cals, 1.5 hour losses of NRT, S/C remains in nominal pointing mode.

Planners for Week 37:
CDS  - Dave Pike(until 9/13)/A. Fludra   SUMER -  Viggo Hansteen 
UVCS - Joe Michels 			 EIT   -  Werner Neupert  
MDI  - Julia Saba


M Sep 16 (W38)  Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 07:00 - 13:00 UT 
                  (JOP026, sequence B+D)
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Muglach, #365) 13:00 - 16:00 UT
		  Multiple Velocities over Active Regions
T Sep 17        MDI Continuous
		Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 07:00 - 12:00 UT 
                  (JOP026, sequence C+A)
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Muglach, #365) 15:00 - 18:00 UT
		  Multiple Velocities over Active Regions
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke 
		VLA-Nobeyama-SXT-EIT Filament Campaign (#480) 19 - 01 UT
		  EOF Coordinator: Terry Kucera
W Sep 18        MDI Continuous
		Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 07:15 - 09:45
                  (JOP026, sequence C or A)
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Muglach, #365) 09:45 - 12:00 
		  Multiple Velocities over Active Regions
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke 
		UVCS/CDS/SUMER Polar Plumes Studies (#510) 
		  15:30 - 19:30 UT, Coordinator: Giovanni Peres
		Mauna Loa/SUMER/CDS/EIT/LASCO Bright Point Study
                  (Don Hassler, #430) 20:00 - 24:00 UT
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF: Don Hassler Duration: All day/as time permits
T Sep 19	MDI Continuous
		Tenerife (VTT) - SUMER (Deubner, #360) 10:00 - 12:30 
                  (JOP026, sequence A or C)
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Muglach, #365) 07:00 - 10:00
		  Multiple Velocities over Active Regions
      		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke 
		Mauna Loa/SUMER/CDS/EIT/LASCO Bright Point Study
                  (Don Hassler, #430) 16:30 - 20:00 UT
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF: Don Hassler Duration: All day/as time permits
F Sep 20	SPWG
		MDI Continuous
		Tenerife (GCT) - SUMER (Karin Muglach, #365) 07:30 - 12:00 UT
		  Multiple Velocities over Active Regions
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke 
		Mauna Loa/SUMER/CDS/EIT/LASCO Bright Point Study
                  (Don Hassler, #430) 16:30 - 20:00 UT
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF: Don Hassler Duration: All day/as time permits
S Sep 21        MDI Continuous
		JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera	
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke 
		UVCS/CDS/SUMER Polar Plumes Studies (#510)
		  15:30 - 24:00 UT, Coordinator: : Giovanni Peres
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF: Don Hassler Duration: All day/as schedule permits
S Sep 22	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera 
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke  
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF: Don Hassler Duration: All day/as schedule permits
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT, MDI and SUMER) EOF: Neupert 

 Planners for Week 38:
 CDS  - Andrzej Fludra (until 9/20)/Paal Brekke SUMER - Helen Mason
 UVCS - Giovanni Peres/Angela Ciaravella        EIT   - Werner Neupert 
 MDI  - Craig DeForest


M Sep 23 (W39)	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
                SUMER, Detector A->B
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke  
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF:  Don Hassler/Eckart Marsch  
		  Duration:  All day/as schedule permits
	        Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
T Sep 24	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF:  Don Hassler/Eckart Marsch  
		  Duration:  All day/as schedule permits
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
W Sep 25	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF:  Don Hassler/Eckart Marsch  
		  Duration:  All day/as schedule permits
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
T Sep 26	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF:  Don Hassler/Eckart Marsch  
		  Duration:  All day/as schedule permits
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
		Filling Factors in Streamers #444 (CDS?, UVCS, LASCO)
		  EOF:  Silvano Fineschi 
F Sep 27	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Mauna Loa Bright Point Lifetimes Study #431 (LASCO/EIT/Yohkoh)
		  EOF:  Don Hassler/Eckart Marsch  
		  Duration:  All day/as schedule permits
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
		Filling Factors in Streamers (#444) (UVCS, LASCO)
		  EOF:  Silvano Fineschi 
S Sep 28	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
		Filling Factors in Streamers (#444) (UVCS, LASCO)
		  EOF:  Silvano Fineschi 
S Sep 29	JOP017 7-12 UT (#390); EOF coordinator: Terry Kucera
		La Palma & Sac Peak, Filament Flow Study (JOP029, #410)
                  12:30-15:30 UT. Coordinator: Paal Brekke
		Coronal Loop Footpoints #445 (EIT/MDI) EOF: Neupert
		Intercal009 (UVCS/SUMER, #450)
                Filling Factors in Streamers (#444) (UVCS, LASCO)
		  EOF:  Silvano Fineschi 

Other activites for week 39:

Planners for Week 39:
CDS  - Paal Brekke (until 9/27)/Bill Thompson   SUMER - Eckart Marsch
UVCS - Joe Michels/ Silvano Fineschi            EIT   - Werner Neupert  
MDI  - Julia Saba/Joe Covington


M Sep 30 (W40)  Intercal001 (#535), 16:00 - 21:00 UT, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/UVCS, EOF: Joe Michels	
T Oct  1        SVM Reserved for Memory Dump, 15:00 - 21:00 UT
                Intercal002 (#460), 14:00 - 21:00 UT, CDS/SUMER
                  EOF: Udo Schuehle
		JOP046 (#470), Dynamics and Helium Line Formation 
                  7:00 - 14:00 UT, EOF: Phil Judge (SUMER/CDS/EIT)
		Active Region Campaign (#525) EIT/LASCO/Yohkoh SXT/UVCS
		  EOF: Chris St. Cyr and Werner Neupert
W Oct  2	JOP046 (#470), Dynamics and Helium Line Formation 
                  7:00 - 14:00 UT, EOF: Phil Judge (SUMER/CDS/EIT)
		Active Region Campaign (#525) EIT/LASCO/Yohkoh SXT/UVCS
		  EOF: Chris St. Cyr and Werner Neupert
T Oct  3	JOP042 (#530), Non-Thermal Line Broadening,
                  7:00 - 16:00 UT, CDS/SUMER, EOF: Paal Brekke
F Oct  4	JOP042 (#530), Non-Thermal Line Broadening,
                  7:00 - 16:00 UT, CDS/SUMER, EOF: Paal Brekke
                JOP020 (#520) Nano-Flares, 7:30 - 10:30 UT
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT, EOF: Viggo Hansteen
S Oct  5	  
S Oct  6        Macrospicules (#576) EIT/BBSO/SUMER  
		  EOF:  Werner Neupert, 16:00 - 19:00 UT

Planners for Week 40:

SOL  -  Martin Huber				 MDI  -  Julia Saba		
CDS  -  Bill Thompson (until 10/4)/Dominic Zarro SUMER - Phil Judge
UVCS -  Martin Huber                 	         EIT   - Werner Neupert 


M Oct  7 (W41)  Macrospicules (#576) EIT/BBSO/SUMER  
		  EOF:  Werner Neupert 16:00 - 19:00 UT
		Intercal001 (#536), 15:30 - 20:30 UT, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/UVCS, EOF: Joe Michels	
		JOP003 (#580) CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear
		  "Energetics of Eruptive Limb Prominences"
		  EOF: Terry Kucera 20:00 - 03:00 UT
T Oct  8 	Macrospicules (#576) EIT/BBSO/SUMER  
		  EOF:  Werner Neupert 16:00 - 19:00 UT
		JOP003 (#580) CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear
		  EOF: Terry Kucera 20:00 - 03:00 UT
W Oct  9 	Macrospicules (#576) EIT/BBSO/SUMER  
		  EOF:  Werner Neupert 16:00 - 19:00 UT
		JOP003 (#580) CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear
		  EOF: Terry Kucera 20:00 - 02:00 UT
T Oct 10	JOP003 (#580) CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear
		  EOF: Terry Kucera 20:00 - 02:00 UT
F Oct 11	JOP003 (#580) CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear
		  EOF: Terry Kucera 20:00 - 02:00 UT
S Oct 12	
S Oct 13	JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT

Other activities for week 41: 
* UVCS/LASCO, Dynamics of Equatorial Regions (#600), coordinated
    with JOP003, EOF: John Kohl

Planners for Week 41:
SOL  -  John Kohl				   MDI   - Craig DeForest
CDS  -  Dominic Zarro (until 10/11)/Andrzej Fludra SUMER - Terry Kucera
UVCS -  John Kohl		                   EIT   - Jim Lemen


M Oct 14 (W42)	JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
                 Intercal009 (#565) SUMER/UVCS/LASCO, 17:00 - 04:30 UT
                  EOF:  Joe Michels
T Oct 15	JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
		JOP033 (#570) UV and X-ray Jets, 22:30 - 02:30 UT
                  CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
                  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher
W Oct 16	JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
                JOP033 (#570) UV and X-ray Jets, 22:00 - 01:00 UT
                  CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
                  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher
T Oct 17	MDI Continuous Starts at 13:00 UT, 
                  Reserved for Non-Helioseismology Studies
		JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
F Oct 18	SPWG
		MDI Continuous, Reserved for Non-Helioseismology Studies
		JOP022 (#400) EOF: Philippe Lemaire, 17:00 - 14:00 UT
		JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
                EIT/MDI (#630) EOF: Jim Lemen
S Oct 19	MDI Continuous, Reserved for Non-Helioseismology Studies
		JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
                EIT/MDI (#630) EOF: Jim Lemen
S Oct 20	MDI Continuous, Reserved for Non-Helioseismology Studies
		JOP037/Sac Peak (#480), EOF: Roberto Falciani
		  14:00-17:00 UT
                EIT/MDI (#630) EOF: Jim Lemen
		EIT/MDI/La Palma (Tarbell)  (#670) EOF: Jim Lemen

Planners for Week 42
SOL  - Jim Lemen				
CDS  - Andrzej Fludra (until 10/18)/Jim Klimchuk      SUMER - Jongchul Chae
UVCS - Larry Gardner			              EIT   - Jim Lemen
MDI  - Julia Saba				      LASCO - Chris StCyr


M Oct 21 (W43)  MDI Continuous Ends at 7:30 UT
T Oct 22	JOP033 (#572) UV and X-ray Jets, Start: 18:45 UT, ~ 3 hours
                  MDI/CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
                  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher
		Tenerife/SUMER Collaboration (#590), EOF: Philippe Lemaire
		  8:00 - 12:00 UT
		CO_IR Oscillation Study (#660), EOF Coordinator: Tom Ayres
		  15:00 -18:00  UT, 21:00 -01:00 UT
W Oct 23        JOP033 (#572) UV and X-ray Jets, Start: 17:25 UT, ~3 hours
		  MDI/CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
		  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher
                Tenerife/SUMER Collaboration (#590), EOF: Philippe Lemaire
		  8:00 - 12:00 UT
		CO_IR Oscillation Study (#660), EOF Coordinator: Tom Ayres
		  15:00 -18:00  UT, 21:00 -01:00 UT
	        Loop Filling Factor (#700), EOF Coordinator: Jim Klimchuck
		  CDS/YOHKOH/EIT  6:30 - 17:00 UT
T Oct 24	JOP033 (#572) UV and X-ray Jets, Start: 17:40 UT, ~3 hours
		  MDI/CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
		  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher
		Tenerife/SUMER Collaboration (#590), EOF: Philippe Lemaire
		  8:00 - 12:00 UT
		CO_IR Oscillation Study (#660), EOF Coordinator: Tom Ayres
		  15:00 -18:00  UT, 21:00 -01:00 UT
F Oct 25	CO_IR Oscillation Study (#660), EOF Coordinator: Tom Ayres
		  15:00 -18:00  UT, 21:00 -01:00 (Sat) UT
		Loop Filling Factor (#700), EOF: Jim Klimchuck
		  CDS/YOHKOH/EIT  10:00 - 11:00 UT
S Oct 26	Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements (#710), Sac Peak/CDS
                  14:00 - 17:00 UT, EOF: Dominic Zarro, Sac Peak: Bruce Lites
S Oct 27	XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak
		Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements (#710), Sac Peak/CDS
                  14:00 - 17:00 UT, EOF: Dominic Zarro, Sac Peak: Bruce Lites

Planners for Week 43:

SOL  -  Lyndsay Fletcher				
CDS  -	Jim Klimchuk (until 10/25)/Viggo Hansteen	SUMER - Tom Ayres
UVCS -	Larry Gardner					EIT   - Tom Metcalf
MDI   - Craig DeForest					LASCO - Russ Howard


M Oct 28 (W44)  XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak, 18:37-23:00 UT
		Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements (#710), Sac Peak/CDS
                  14:00 - 17:00 UT, EOF: Dominic Zarro, Sac Peak: Bruce Lites
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  UVCS/CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, Start: 
                  16:00 UT, ~ 6 hours, EOF: Viggo Hansteen
T Oct 29	Test for SERTS Rocket Flight (#369), 17:00 - 20:00 UT
		  EOF: Bill Thompson, NRT and Telephone-Link White Sands
		XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak, 18:37-23:00 UT
		Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements (#710), Sac Peak/CDS
                  14:00 - 17:00 UT, EOF: Dominic Zarro, Sac Peak: Bruce Lites
                JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  UVCS/CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 20:00 - 24:00 UT
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
W Oct 30	XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak, 17:30-22:00 UT
		Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements (#710), Sac Peak/CDS
                  14:00 - 17:00 UT, EOF: Dominic Zarro, Sac Peak: Bruce Lites
                JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  UVCS/CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 16:00 UT, 6 hours,
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
T Oct 31        XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak, 16:30-21:00
                JOP033 (#574) UV and X-ray Jets, Duration: 3-4 hours
		  MDI/CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
		  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher, 21:00 UT
                JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 16:00 UT, 6 hours,
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
F Nov  1	XBP Campaign (#630), POC: Karen Harvey (kharvey@noao.edu) 
                  MDI/SUMER/CDS/EIT/Yohkoh SXT/BBSO/MSO/CSUN/Mauna Loa/       
                  SOONSPOT/Kitt Peak, 15:30-20:00 UT
                JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 6 hours,
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
		JOP042 (#680) Nature of Non-Thermal Line Broadening,
		  CDS/SUMER, EOF: Viggo Hansteen, 17:00 UT, ~ 7 hours
S Nov  2        JOP033 (#574) UV and X-ray Jets, 
		  CDS/SUMER/Yohkoh BCS and SXT, UVCS and EIT for Limb
		  Targets, EOF: Lyndsay Fletcher, 21:00-00:00  UT
                JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 13:00-16:40 UT
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen
		Mercury Passage (far side, 0.3 Solar radius from limb)
S Nov  3        JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, 
                  CDS/SUMER/EIT/Big Bear/Yohkoh, 17:30-21:30 UT
                  EOF: Viggo Hansteen

Other activites for Week 44:
  * UVCS/LASCO, Dynamics of Equatorial Regions (#604), EOF: John Kohl 
     (ongoing during the week)
Planners for Week 44:
SOL  - Simon Plunkett
CDS  - Viggo Hansteen                    	SUMER - John Mariska
UVCS - John Kohl				EIT   - Tom Metcalf
MDI  - Julia Saba				LASCO - Russ Howard


M Nov  4  (W45) Intercal001 (#620) CDS/SUMER/UVCS/EIT, EOF: Joe Michels
		  18:00 - 01:00 UT
T Nov  5	Coordinated Observations of the K Corona (#720) (UVCS/LASCO)
                  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 05:00 UT (14 hrs)
W Nov  6	JOP052 (#575) Lock-in Detection of Network Driven Waves in
                  the Corona, MDI/SUMER/UVCS/EIT, EOF: Craig DeForest
		  16:00 - 00:30 UT
T Nov  7        JOP052 (#575) Lock-in Detection of Network Driven Waves in
                  the Corona, MDI/SUMER/UVCS/EIT, EOF: Craig DeForest
		  16:00 - 00:30 UT
	        Density Structure of Polar Transition Region and Corona (#730)
		  UVCS/CDS/SUMER;  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 01:00 UT
F Nov  8        Density Structure of Polar Transition Region and Corona (#730)
		  UVCS/CDS/SUMER;  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 01:00 UT
S Nov  9	Density Structure of Polar Transition Region and Corona (#730)
		  UVCS/CDS/SUMER;  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 01:00 UT
		IPS Coordinated  Observations (#740) UVCS/VLBA
		  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 01:00 UT
		Momentum Management
S Nov 10	IPS Coordinated  Observations (#740) UVCS/VLBA
		  EOF: Silvano Fineschi, 15:00 - 01:00 UT

Other activites for Week 45:
Polar Plume Studies (#705)  EOF Coordinator: Barbara Thompson, CDS/EIT 

Planners for Week 45:

SOL  -  Craig DeForest
CDS  - 	Chris Haskel/ Liyun Wang		SUMER - John Mariska
UVCS -  Silvano Fineschi                        EIT   - Barbara Thompson
MDI  - 	Craig DeForest				LASCO - Clarence Korendyke


M Nov 11 (W46)  UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign,
		 CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, EOF: Richard Harrison
		 09:15 - 17:00 UT
T Nov 12	UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
		St. Andrews Loop Campaign (#690), CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT
		 14:00 - 17:00 UT
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign,
		 CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, EOF: Richard Harrison
		 06:30 - 13:30 UT
W Nov 13        SERTS launch (#370) - Launch at 18:30,
                 Launch Window 18:30 - 19:30 UT, EOF: Bill Thompson
		 NRT and Telephone-Link White Sands
		UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
		St. Andrews Loop Campaign (#690), CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT
		 14:30 - 17:30 UT
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign,
		 CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, EOF: Richard Harrison
		 06:30 - 13:00 UT
T Nov 14	SWT
		Contingency SERTS Launch (#370) -  Launch at 18:30,
                 Launch window 18:30 - 19:30 UT, EOF: Bill Thompson
		 NRT and Telephone-Link White Sands
		LASCO/EIT Off-limb Loop Diagnostics (#750)
		 EOF: Barbara Thompson, 14:00 -16:30 UT
		UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
		St. Andrews Loop Campaign (#690), CDS/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT
		 14:00 - 16:30 UT
F Nov 15        LASCO/EIT Off-limb Loop Diagnostics (#750)
		 EOF: Barbara Thompson, 14:00 -16:30 UT
		UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
S Nov 16	MDI Continuous Begins AT 09:25 UT
		UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella
S Nov 17	MDI Continuous
		UVCS/SUMER, O(VI) in Northern Coronal Hole (#760)
		 EOF: Angela Ciaravella

Planners for Week 46:

SOL  -  Richard Harrison
CDS  - 	Stein Haugan				SUMER - Klaus Wilhelm
UVCS - 	Angela Ciaravella			EIT   - Barbara Thompson
MDI  - 	Julia Saba				LASCO - John Cook


M Nov 18 (W47)	MDI Continuous
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, EOF: Andrzej Fludra
		 CDS/SUMER/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, 6:30 - 13:00 UT
T Nov 19	MDI Continuous Ends (00:30 UT)
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, EOF: Andrzej Fludra
		 CDS/SUMER/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, 6:30 - 13:00 UT
W Nov 20	Off-Pointing for Calibration
		JOP003, (#585) IACG CME Onset Campaign, EOF: Andrzej Fludra
		 CDS/SUMER/EIT/Yohkoh-SXT, 6:30 - 13:00 UT
T Nov 21	90 Degree Roll for SWAN Calibration and JOP002 (#790)
		 EOF: Alan Gabriel
		Vector Magnetogram AR at 45 Degrees Roll (#800)
                  EIT/MDI/Yohkoh SXT
F Nov 22	Momentum Management & Station Keeping Maneuver
S Nov 23
S Nov 24	
Planners for Week 47:

SOL  -  No SOL: SOC will chair because of focus on S/C operations
CDS  -  Andrzej Fludra                   SUMER -  Claus De Boer
UVCS -  Angela Ciaravella                EIT   -  Elaine Einfalt
MDI  -	Craig DeForest	  		 LASCO -  Chris St. Cyr


M Nov 25 (W48)	JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
T Nov 26	JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
		JOP053 (#540) EOF: Sami Solanki, SUMER/CDS/EIT/MDI
                  Brightness of Features in the Upper Solar Atmosphere
		  6:45 - 9:00 UT, 19:20 - 24:00 UT
W Nov 27	JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
                90 Degree Angle between SOHO and Ulysses (#810)
                  Ulysses/UVCS (Position Angle 69), EOF: John Raymond
		  15:00 - 01:00 UT
		Intercal001 (#610) CDS/EIT/SUMER, EOF: Udo Schuehle 
T Nov 28	Happy Thanksgiving!: No Daily Meeting
		JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
		JOP053 (#540) EOF: Sami Solanki, SUMER/CDS/EIT/MDI
                  Brightness of Features in the Upper Solar Atmosphere
		  18:00 - 24:00 UT
                90 Degree Angle between SOHO and Ulysses (#810)
                  Ulysses/UVCS (Position Angle 69), EOF: John Raymond
		  15:00 - 01:00 UT
F Nov 29	JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
		JOP054 (#550) EOF: Sami Solanki, 20:00 - 24:00 UT
                  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures,
                90 Degree Angle between SOHO and Ulysses (#810)
                  Ulysses/UVCS (Position Angle 69), EOF: John Raymond
		  15:00 - 01:00 UT
S Nov 30	JOP009 (#650) EOF: Frederic Paletou, Prominence 
                  Diagnostics and Dynamics, GCT: Roberto Molowny-Horas
                  Tenerife GCT/CDS/UVCS/EIT/MDI, 09:00 - 13:00 UT
		JOP053 (#540) EOF: Sami Solanki, SUMER/CDS/EIT/MDI
                  Brightness of Features in the Upper Solar Atmosphere
		  18:00 - 24:00 UT
S Dec 01	SVM Reserved for 6 hours: Memory Dumps
		  16:30 - 22:30 UT, no NRT, Normal Telemetry

Planners for Week 48:

SOL  -  Lyndsay Fletcher
CDS  -  Eddy Breeveld                 	SUMER - Frederic Paletou
UVCS -  John Raymond/Ester Antonucci    EIT   - Barbara Thompson
MDI  -  Julia Saba                      LASCO -


M Dec 02 (W49)	1 YEAR SOHO!! 4:00 pm EST, Party at EOF
                Tape Recorder Maintenance, no Impact on Operations
		He 10830 Observations (#820), EOF: Bill Thompson
		   CDS/Kitt Peak,, 17:00 - 20:00 UT
T Dec 03	JOP054 (#551) EOF: Sami Solanki, 20:00 - 24:00 UT
		  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures,
		He 10830 Observations (#820), EOF: Bill Thompson
		   CDS/Kitt Peak, 17:00 - 20:00 UT
W Dec 04	Submode 2 Test (LASCO/EIT High Rate) 18:30 - 22:30 UT
T Dec 05        Submode 3 Test (CDS High Rate) 12:30 - 16:30 UT
		JOP056 (#780): The Interstellar Focusing Cone
                Emerging Flux Bright Points "Blinkers" (#840)
		  MDI/CDS/EIT, 19:00 -20:00 UT, EOF: Jeff Newmark
F Dec 06        JOP056 (#780): The Interstellar Focusing Cone
		JOP054 (#552) EOF: Isabelle Ruedi, 20:00 - 24:00 UT
		  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures,
S Dec 07        JOP056 (#780): The Interstellar Focusing Cone
		JOP001 (#850) Emerging, Submerging, and Canceling 
                  Magnetic Flux, EIT/MDI/CDS/SUMER, EOF: Jeff Newmark
S Dec 08	JOP001 (#850) Emerging, Submerging, and Canceling 
                  Magnetic Flux, EIT/MDI/CDS/SUMER, EOF: Jeff Newmark

Planners for Week 49:

SOL  - Craig DeForest
CDS  - Bill Thompson                     SUMER - George Doschek
UVCS - Silvio Giordano                   EIT   - Jeff Newmark
MDI  - Craig DeForest                    LASCO - Douglas Biesecker


M Dec 09 (W50)	Emerging Flux Bright Points, "Blinkers" (#841)
		  MDI/CDS/EIT, EOF: Jeff Newmark, 17:00 - 19:00 UT
T Dec 10	JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 21:45 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
W Dec 11	Submode 2 Test (LASCO/EIT High Rate) 13:00 - 17:00 UT
		JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 20:25 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT 
T Dec 12	OCDs for MDI continuous coverage due by 12:00 noon local
		JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 20:40 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
F Dec 13	JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 19:15 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
		JOP054 (#554) EOF: Isabelle Ruedi,  CDS/EIT/MDI
		  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures
S Dec 14	JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 19:35 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
S Dec 15	JOP054 (#556) EOF: Isabelle Ruedi,  CDS/EIT/MDI
		  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures
		MDI Continuous Begins (15:50 UT)
		JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 18:10  UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT

Planners for Week 50:
SOL  -  Dick Shine
CDS  -  Peter Young                       SUMER - Gethyn Timothy
UVCS -  Ruth Esser                        EIT   - Jeff Newmark
MDI  -	Dick Shine		          LASCO - Don Michels

M Dec 16 (W51)	MDI Continuous
		JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 18:30 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
T Dec 17	MDI Continuous
		JOP057 (#770) Observations of Polar Jetlets, 
                  16:00 - 18:45 UT, EOF: Ken Dere,  
		  CDS/EIT/SUMER/Pic Du Midi/Sac Peak/Sonora/Yohkoh SXT
		JOP055 (#560) Coronal Holes Versus Normal Quiet Sun
		  CDS/SUMER/EIT/MDI/UVCS, EOF: Ruth Esser, 20:00-01:00 UT
W Dec 18	MDI Continuous 
                High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
		JOP054 (#860) EOF: Isabelle Ruedi,  CDS/EIT/MDI
		  Empirical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures
T Dec 19	MDI Continuous Ends (01:50 UT)
                High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
		Emerging Flux Bright Points, "Blinkers" (#870)
		  MDI/CDS/EIT, EOF: Jeff Newmark 
F Dec 20        SPWG
		High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
S Dec 21        Stellar Observation,  UVCS/SUMER
		High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
S Dec 22        Transition to Submode 2: 00:00 UT

Planners for Week 51:

SOL  - Andrzej Fludra
CDS  - Andrzej Fludra                     SUMER - Werner Curdt
UVCS - John Raymond                       EIT   - Jeff Newmark
MDI  - Joe Covington                      LASCO - Chris StCyr


M Dec 23 (W52)	Enhanced LASCO/EIT Telemetry
		High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
T Dec 24	Enhanced LASCO/EIT Telemetry
		High Latitude Streamer (#830), EOF: Madhulika Guhathakurta
W Dec 25	Merry Christmas! No Daily Meeting
		Enhanced LASCO/EIT Telemetry
T Dec 26	Enhanced LASCO/EIT Telemetry
F Dec 27	Enhanced LASCO/EIT Telemetry
S Dec 28	Transition to Submode 3, 22:00 UT, Enhanced CDS Telemetry
S Dec 29	Enhanced CDS Telemetry

Planners for Week 52

SOL  - None; no JOPs
CDS  - Dominic Zarro (from 12/28)           SUMER - None
UVCS - Joe Michels      		    EIT   - Jeff Newmark
MDI  - Craig Feinstein			    LASCO - Chris StCyr


M Dec 30 (W01)  Enhanced CDS Telemetry
T Dec 31        Enhanced CDS Telemetry
W Jan 01        Happy Newyear! No Daily Meeting
		Enhanced CDS Telemetry
T Jan 02        Enhanced CDS Telemetry
F Jan 03        Enhanced CDS Telemetry
		EIT to begin week-long bake-out until Jan. 10th
		tests begin in morning, bake-out in afternoon
S Jan 04        Enhanced CDS Telemetry
S Jan 05        Enhanced CDS Telemetry
Planners for Week 1
SOL  - None; no JOPs
CDS  - Dominic Zarro                        SUMER - None
UVCS - Silvio Giordano                      EIT   - Joe Gurman
MDI  - Craig DeForest                       LASCO - Chris StCyr


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Last modification: July 27, 2020

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