14 January 2025 - Mission Day: 10637 - DOY: 014

    Ordered by Year

    Number of entries: 99

    1. Gemma Attrill (UCL,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Low Coronal Signatures of Coronal Mass Ejections: Coronal 'Waves' and Dimmings, 2008
    2. Sanjay Gosain (Mohanlal Sukhadia University,India), Polarimetric Studies of the Solar Atmosphere, 2008
    3. Salvo Luigi Guglielmino (Universita' di Catania,Italy), New perspectives on Emergence of Magnetic Flux on the Solar Surface: Models and Observations, 2008
    4. Derek Allen Lamb (University of Colorado Boulder,United States of America), Formation and Evolution of Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields, 2008
    5. Hakan Oenel (Potsdam University,Germany), Electron Acceleration in a Flare Plasma via Coronal Circuits [URL], 2008
    6. Takenori Joten Okamoto (Kyoto University,Japan), Observational Studies on Formation and Evolution of Solar Active Region Prominences, 2008
    7. David Orozco Suarez (University of Granada,Spain), Diffraction-limited spectropolarimetry of quiet Sun magnetic fields, 2008
    8. Daniel Benjamin Seaton (University of New Hampshire,United States of America), An analysis of reconnection dynamics in an eruptive flare model, 2008
    9. Yingna Su (Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China), Magnetic Shear in Two-ribbon Solar Flares, 2008
    10. Lotfi Yelles Chaouche (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen,Germany), Observational diagnostics of 3D radiation-MHD simulations of solar and stellar atmospheres, 2008
    11. Patrick Antolin (Kyoto University,Japan), Predicting observational signatures of coronal heating by Alfven waves and Nanoflares, 2009
    12. Cristina Chifor (Cambridge,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Dynamic and Non-equilibrium Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere, 2009
    13. Sanja Danilovic (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen,Germany), Magnetic fine structure in the solar photosphere: observations and MHD simulations, 2009
    14. Chandan Joshi (Mohanlal Sukhadia University,India), Modeling and Study of Activity of Sunspots and their periodicity, 2009
    15. Sujin Kim (Kyung Hee University,Republic of Korea), Observational studies of magnetic reconnection in solar preflare activities, 2009
    16. K. Nagaraju (Mangalore University,India), Spectropolarimetry of active regions on the sun, 2009
    17. Frans Snik (Utrecht University,Netherlands), Astronomical Polarimetry, 2009
    18. Matsumoto Takuma (Kyoto University,Japan), Spicule Formation, Coronal Heating, and Solar Wind Acceleration with Alfven waves driven by observed photospheric motions, 2009
    19. Ehsan Tavabi (University of Tabriz,Iran (Islamic Republic of)), Dynamical phenomena in the extended Chromosphere and the Transition Region, 2009
    20. Henry D. Winter (Montana State University,United States of America), Combining hydrodynamic modeling with nonthermal test particle tracking to improve flare simulations, 2009
    21. Deborah Baker (UCL,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Drivers of Solar Coronal Dynamics, 2010
    22. Setareh Javadi Dogaheh (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen,Germany), Numerical Simulation of the Heating of X-Ray Bright Points in the Solar Corona, 2010
    23. Nagashima Kaori (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies,Japan), Local Helioseismology with Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode, 2010
    24. Philippe Kobel (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen,Germany), Center-to-limb investigations of solar photospheric magnetic features at high spatial resolution, 2010
    25. Pankaj Kumar (Kumaun University,India), Multiwavelength Study of Solar-Eruptive Phenomena (Space-Weather Events) and Their Interplanetary Response, 2010
    26. Rohan Eugene Louis (Mohanlal Sukhadia University,India), Study of Small Scale Processes on the Sun using High Resolution Techniques, 2010
    27. Anna Viktorovna Malanushenko (Montana State University,United States of America), Twist in Coronal Magnetic Fields, 2010
    28. Naoto Nishizuka (Kyoto University,Japan), Fractal and Ubiquitous Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere, 2010
    29. Sabrina Leah Savage (Montana State University,United States of America), Using Extreme Ultra-Violet and Soft X-ray Observations as Probes of Magnetic Reconnection During Solar Flares, 2010
    30. Eamon Scullion (University of Sheffield/Armagh Observatory,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Investigating Jets in the Lower-to-mid Solar Atmosphere: Observations & Numerical Modelling, 2010
    31. HUI TIAN (Peking University,China), Observational studies of the solar transition region and solar wind origin, 2010
    32. Lynsey Margaret Thornton (St Andrews,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Small-scale magnetic feature evolution as observed by Hinode/NFI and SoHO/MDI, 2010
    33. Sanjiv Kumar Tiwari (M. L. S. University, Udaipur; Udaipur Solar Observatory/Physical Research Laboratory,India), Helicity of the Solar Magnetic Field, 2010
    34. Catherine Fischer (Utrecht University,Netherlands), Transient events in the solar photosphere at high spatial and temporal resolution, 2011
    35. Morten Franz (Kiepenheuer Institut fur Sonnenphysik,Germany), Spectropolarimetry of Sunspot Penumbrae -- A Comprehensive Study of the Evershed Effect Using High Resolution Data from the Solar Observatory HINODE, 2011
    36. Girjesh R. Gupta (Indian Institute of Science,India), On the nature of propagating MHD waves in the solar atmosphere, 2011
    37. Ryohko Ishikawa (The University of Tokyo,Japan), Properties of transient horizontal magnetic fields as revealed with Hinode and their implication to the origin of quiet Sun magnetism, 2011
    38. Hiroaki Ito (Nagoya University,Japan), Observational study on properties of photospheric magnetic field in the polar region of the Sun, 2011
    39. Kenichi Otsuji (Kyoto University,Japan), Observational Study of Solar Emerging Magnetic Flux Region, 2011
    40. David Perez Suarez (Queens University Belfast/Armagh Observatory,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Multi-layer Analysis of a Coronal bright Point, 2011
    41. Kimberley Steed (UCL,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Solar influences in the heliosphere: understanding coronal mass ejections and their associated magnetic clouds, 2011
    42. Srividya Subramanian (Queens University Belfast/Armagh Observatory,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Small Scale EUV and Z-ray Transient Brightenings in the Solar Atmosphere, 2011
    43. Dominik Utz (Karl Franzens University,Austria), Observation and Interpretation of Small Scale Magnetic Flux Elements in the Solar Atmosphere, 2011
    44. Richard Wenzel (ETH,Switzerland), Sunspot Umbra Atmospheres, 2011
    45. Caroline Elizabeth Alexander (University of Central Lancashire,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Phenomena in the solar corona: characteristic structure and dynamic evolution, 2012
    46. Celine Boutry (Universite Paris-Sud,France), Echanges de matiere et d'energie dans la couronne solaire: des regions actives aux nanoflares, 2012
    47. Iballa Beatriz Cabello Garcia (Universidad de Valencia,Spain), Estudio de pequenas estructuras magneticas de la fotosfera solar, 2012
    49. Alison Hartshorn (UCL,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Flux Emergence and its Consequences in the Solar Atmosphere, 2012
    50. Andrew Stephen Hillier (Kyoto University,Japan), Numerical Study of Plasma Instabilities to Investigate Fine Scale Prominence Dynamics, 2012
    51. Yusuke Iida (University of Tokyo,Japan), Surface Magnetic Flux Maintenance In Quiet Sun, 2012
    52. Kazumasa Iwai (Tohoku University,Japan), Studies on Generation Processes of Solar Radio Type-I Noise Storm, 2012
    53. Donald Schmit J (University of Colorado,United States of America), Diagnosing the Prominence-Cavity Connection in the Solar Corona, 2012
    54. Ioannis Kontogiannis (Athens,Greece), The role of chromospheric fine structure on the formation of the magnetic canopy and the propagation of waves, 2012
    55. Kyoung-Sun Lee (Kyung Hee University,Republic of Korea), Observational Studies of Solar Coronal Small-Scale Features Using EUV Imaging Spectroscopy and Stereoscopy, 2012
    56. Ram Ajor Maurya (Udaipur Solar Observatory/Physical Research Laboratory (Mohan Lal Sukhadia University),India), A Study of Oscillations in Solar Active Regions, 2012
    57. Sophie Ann Murray (Trinity College Dublin,Ireland), Fields and Flares: Understanding the Complex Magnetic Topologies of Solar Active Regions, 2012
    58. Brendan O'Dwyer (Cambridge,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), EUV and X-ray Spectroscopic Diagnostics of the Solar Corona, 2012
    59. Nicholas Robert Owen (University of St Andrews,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), The Propagation and damping of Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere, 2012
    60. Jason T Scott (Montana State University,United States of America), Multi-Instrument Observations of Coronal Loops, 2012
    61. Sergio Terzo (Palermo,Italy), Analysis of small-scale variability of coronal observations with the Hinode/X-Ray Telescope, 2012
    62. Hiroko Watanabe (Kyoto University,Japan), Observational Study of Umbral Dots. Manifestation of Magnetoconvection in a Solar Sunspot, 2012
    63. Qingmin Zhang (Nanjing University,China), High-resolution Observational and Modeling Researches on Coronal Bright Points and Prominence Longitudinal Oscillations, 2012
    64. David Buehler (Goettingen,Germany), Analysis of small scale solar magnetic fields using Hinode SOT/SP, 2013
    65. Neda Dadashi (Braunschweig University,Germany), Diagnostic of the solar transition region and corona from VUV spectroscopy and imaging, 2013
    66. David Robert Graham (University of Glasgow,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), EUV Spectroscopy During the Impulsive Phase of Solar Flare Footpoints, 2013
    67. Zhenghua Huang (Armagh Observatory & Queen's University Belfast,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Evolution of Bright Points, X-ray jets, their physical parameters and magnetic field in and around Coronal Holes, 2013
    68. Peter H Keys (Queens University Belfast,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), The dynamic properties of magnetic bright points, 2013
    69. Ehsan Pedram (University College London,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Lower Atmospheric Signatures of Solar Eruptive Events, 2013
    70. T.L. Riethmueller (Braunschweig University,Germany), Investigations of small-scale magnetic features on the solar surface [URL], 2013
    71. Antonia Stefanova Savcheva-Tasseva (Boston University,United States of America), The Evolution of Solar Sigmoidal Active Regions, 2013
    72. Lucas Adrian Tarr (Montana State University,United States of America), Energetic Consequences of Flux Emergence, 2013
    73. Kamalam Vanninathan (The Queen's University Belfast,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), The role of chromospheric jet-like events in coupling the chromosphere and corona: A multi-instrument approach, 2013
    74. Meetu Verma (Potsdam University,Germany), The Evolution and Decay of Sunspots, 2013
    75. Philippe A Bourdin (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen,Germany), Observationally driven 3D MHD model of the solar corona above a magnetically active region, 2014
    76. Sarah Jane Edwards (St Andrews,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), On the topology of global coronal magnetic fields, 2014
    77. Jayant Joshi (TU Braunschweig,Germany), Magnetic and velocity field of sunspots in the photosphere and upper chromosphere , 2014
    78. Anjali John Kaithakkal (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies,Japan), A Study on the Photospheric Polar Magnetic Patches of the Sun as Revealed with Hinode, 2014
    79. Naomasa Kitagawa (The University of Tokyo,Japan), Coronal upflows from edges of an active region observed with EUV Imaging Spectrometer onboard Hinode, 2014
    80. Adam R Kobelski (Montana State University,United States of America), Empirical Studies on the Intiation of Impulsive Heating in Coronal Loops, 2014
    81. Nobuharu Sako (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies,Japan), Statistical Study of X-ray Jets using Hinode/XRT, 2014
    82. Raphael Attie (Max Planck Institute and TU Braunschweig,Germany), The relationship between supergranulation flows, magnetic evolution and network flares, 2015
    83. Milan Gosic (University of Granada,Spain), The Solar Internetwork, 2015
    84. Masoud Afshari (University of Palermo,Italy), The X-Ray Dark Side of Venus, 2016
    85. Yumi Bamba (Nagoya University,Japan), Study on Solar Flare Trigger Process Based on Satellite Observations, 2016
    86. Michael S. Freed (Montana Sate University,United States of America), An Empirical Study of Coronal Observations at the Solar Limb, 2016
    87. Rebcecca Hewitt (Queens,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Small-scale structures on the Solar Surface: The Evolution of Magnetic Bright Point, 2016
    88. Haruhisa Iijima (The University of Tokyo,Japan), Numerical studies of solar chromospheric jets, 2016
    89. Graham Stewart Kerr (University of Glasgow,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Observations and Modelling of Chromospheric Solar Flares, 2016
    90. Vanessa Polito (University of Cambridge,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), UV spectroscopy of solar flares, 2016
    91. Takafumi Kaneko (The University of Tokyo,Japan), Numerical Study of Solar Prominence Formation, 2017
    92. Peter James Levens (University of Glasgow,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), An investigation of tornado prominences: plasma and magnetic field properties., 2017
    93. Christopher Samuel Moore (University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA), Atomic Layer Deposition Re ective Coatings for future Astronomical Space Telescopes and the Solar Corona viewed through the MinXSS (Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer) CubeSats [URL], 2017
    94. Peter James Levens (University of Glasgow,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Diagnostics of solar tornado-like prominences, 2018
    95. Sargam Madhav Mulay (Cambridge,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), EUV Spectroscopy of Solar Active Region Jets, 2018
    96. Takayoshi Oba (SOKENDAI,Japan), Three-dimensional Convective Velocity fields in the Solar Photosphere, 2018
    97. Yusuke Kawabata (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Observational Studies on Non-potential Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions, 2019
    98. Gabriel Pelouze (Universite Paris-Sud, France), Unified interpretation of flows associated with condensation and evaporation cycles in coronal loops, 2019
    99. Tei, Akiko, (Kyoto University, Japan), Spectroscopic Studies of the Dynamic Solar Chromosphere: Spicules and Flares, 2020

Last update: 2020-03-09


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