Going with the flow (March 18, 2005)

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A sizeable coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred on March 14, 2005 and is seen in this C2 coronagraph. The sun, which is covered by an occulting disk, is represented by the white circle in the center of the disk. (CMEs are large solar storms, not uncommon, that blast billions of tons of particles into space at millions of kilometers per hours.) What makes this CME fairly unique is that the flow of particles from the CME continues for about 16 hours after the CME begins at 8:00 UT. The CME's structure is bulbous with a clearly defined inner core. The majority of its structure is gone from view in about four hours after the front edge first appears, but pieces and strands continue to flow from the source area for another 12 hours or so.
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