Minutes of the 33rd SOHO SWT Meeting
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
23-24 April 2001
Welcoming Address
Action Items
Agree Agenda and Action Revision
Actions Revision
Spacecraft Status
Ground System Status
Instrument Status
GOLF (A.Gabriel)
VIRGO (C.Frölich)
MDI (P.Scherrer)
CDS (A.Fludra)
EIT (J.-P.Delaboudiniere)
UVCS (J.Kohl)
LASCO (R.Howard)
SWAN (E.Quemerais)
CELIAS (F.Ipavich)
ERNE (J.Torsti)
Payload Temperature Changes
Future Spacecraft Manoeuvres
MEDOC Campaigns
Major Flare Watch for HESSI Collaborations
5 Year Event and Future Outreach Activities
Status of SOHO Archives
Working with SOHO data
Meetings and Workshops
Annex 1: Agenda
Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 3: LZ CDROM recipients (removed in bold)
Annex 4: Spacecraft Status
Annex 5: Ground System Status
Annex 6-1: GOLF
Annex 6-2: CDS
Annex 6-3: EIT
Annex 6-4: UVCS
Annex 6-5: LASCO
Annex 6-6: SWAN
Annex 6-7: CELIAS
Annex 6-8: ERNE
Annex 7: SUMER request for 360 roll
Annex 8: Review of MEDOC campaigns
Annex 9: Status of the SOHO Archive
Annex 10: Meetings and Workshops
About this document ...
Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan
Mon May 7 14:37:27 EDT 2001