Action Items and
Minutes of the
Minutes of the
Action Items and Resolutions SOHO SWT--24
Agree Agenda and Actions Revision
Spacecraft Status
ISTP Re-engineering Status
ACE Status Update
TRACE Status Update
Status of Instruments and Main Scientific Achievements
Science Priorities for the Next 6 Months
Future S/C Manoeuvres and Operations
Outcome of NASA Senior Science Review
GI Programme
Status of SOHO Archive
PR Issues
Meetings and Workshops
New SWT Meeting Cycle
Annex 1: Agenda
Annex 2: List of Participants
Annex 3: FAI Award for SOHO
Annex 4: Spacecraft Status (H.Schweitzer & J.-P.Olive)
Annex 5: ISTP Re-engineering Status Report (R.Mahmot)
Annex 6: Advanced Composition Explorer ACE (J.F. Ormes)
Annex 7: TRACE Status Update (T. Tarbell)
Annex 8: Instruments Status
GOLF (J. Charra)
VIRGO (C.Froehlich)
MDI (R. Bush)
SUMER (A. Poland)
CDS (R.Harrison)
EIT (J. Gurman)
UVCS (J.Kohl)
LASCO (R. Howard)
SWAN (E. Quemerais)
CELIAS (P. Bochsler)
COSTEP (H.Kunow)
ERNE (J. Torsti)
Annex 9: CDS Plans (R. Harrison)
Annex 10: 1998 HAO-NSO Solar Eclipse Campaign (P. Judge)
Annex 11: MDI High Rate Telemetry Requirements (R. Bush)
Annex 12: Status of the SOHO Archive (L.Sanchez)
Annex 13: Publications (B.Fleck)
Annex 14: Meetings and Workshops (B.Fleck)
Annex 15: Agenda SWT-24 Science Workshop
Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:27:41 EST 1998