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Future Workshops and Colloquia

B.Fleck presented a list of SOHO science related conferences and some background information on the EGS sessions (see annex 8). Several PIs expressed their uneasiness to submit abstracts before having seen first results from their instruments. There is an action on the Project Scientist to contact R.Harrison and arrange a free block for SOHO presentations at the EGS (Action 17-5).gif

The PIs also felt that there are simply too many meetings to attend all of them. It was therefore suggested to appoint ``ambassadors'' to give SOHO overview presentations at the numerous spring 1996 meetings. Main events for the SOHO community to show first and early results: EGS, SPD, COSPAR, and fall AGU.

There is an action on the Project Scientist to arrange a special SOHO session at 1996 SPD meeting (Action 17-6).

E.Antonucci presented the various events at COSPAR 96. It was agreed to have 1 invited talk by each experiment team. E.Antonucci to send invitations.

There will be a special session ``First Results from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory'' at the fall 1996 AGU meeting. Convenors: V.Domingo, A.Poland, A.Gabriel and G.Brueckner.

M.Huber will contact the organizers of the 8th European Meeting on Solar Physics in Thessaloniki to arrange for a 2 hour open SOHO session.

V.Domingo will organize a SOHO session and/or overview talk at the General Assembly of the European Physical Society in Seville.

B.Fleck will investigate boundary conditions and constraints for Symposia or Joint Discussions during the 1997 IAU General Assembly in Kyoto.

It is planned to organize an ESLAB Synposium in the second half of 1997 as follow up of the 1985 ESA Workshop on Future Missions in Solar, Heliospheric & Space Plasma Physics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (ESA SP-235).

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Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:26:33 EST 1998