10 March 2025 - Mission Day: 10692 - DOY: 069
Science Operations


1. Boundary conditions

a) Orbit, attitude and manoeuvres

- SOHO is in upside down roll (180 deg) position

- manoeuvres

  To the degree possible, manoeuvres take place during the last days of
  34-m keyholes.  Currently set manoeuvre dates are:

  Feb 19        station-keeping and momentum management
  Feb 22	roll

  May 20 (TBC)	station-keeping, momentum management, roll

b) Communications with the spacecraft

  Graphical DSN schedule: http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/dsn/

  Keyhole dates for the next 6 months:

* Feb 4-Mar 2   26 m keyhole
* Feb 11-24     34 m keyhole

* May 7-25      26 m keyhole
* May 11-21     34 m keyhole

- The need and approach to reduce FOT manpower requirements needed for
  complex operations during the keyhole remains in effect until further 

  All available keyhole information is at
  http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/keyholes.html. Direct link to the list of
  estimated dates for future keyholes is

- DSN D45 and D65 (34-m) antennae status

  - D45 and D65 have been and currently remain downlink/telemetry-only, but
    are in the process of being upgraded with uplink/commanding
  - The upgrade-to-uplink reviews are scheduled for 29-30 Jan.
  - D45 and D65 comprise approximately third of the passes during the Feb
    4-Mar 2 keyhole period

  The capabilities and the timing of the uplink availability of D45 and D65
  remain hence TBD up to few days prior to the beginning of the
  keyhole. The keyhole will as a baseline be planned based on neither of
  the two being uplink-capable at any time during the keyhole. Alternative
  plans will be made and the keyhole pass schedule adjusted, if possible.

c) KNOWN submode (SM) dependent activities/submode changes:

* TOO           JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (SM5 if SUMER
                observes target, SM6 otherwise)
* Jan 23, 30    EIT shutterless #30 (SM6)
* Apr 9,16      EIT Shutterless #31 (SM6)
* Apr 21-May 8  SUMER Campaign, TBD (SM5)
* Jul 23,30     EIT Shutterless #32 (SM6)

- Some of the default SUMER campaign dates overlap with keyholes - which is
  not a problem in itself (submode 5 will often be needed for keyholes
  anyhow) as long as potential periods of no SUMER data between passes can
  be accepted.

- Except for Major Flare Watches, TRACE will be doing full disk mosaics
  if/when EIT is not able to do synoptic sets due to keyhole operations.

- There may be a submode-related timing conflict between EIT shutterless 31
  (Apr 9, 16) and the TBD SUMER support of Whole Heliospheric Interval
  (WHI) campaign (Mar 20 - Apr 16; see section 2b for WHI details).

d) Instrument maintenance activities

  EIT bakeout periods will be during keyholes.  Dates and times are defined
  when the DSN schedules become available.

  TRACE annealing is scheduled for the week starting 25 Feb 2008.

e) Others

  TRACE winter eclipse season is 13 Sep 2007 - 13 Mar 2008. Hard eclipses
  started on 23 Sep 2007 and will end on 2 Mar 2008.

  Unattended automated night passes for SOHO began October 6 2007.

2. Priorities for the coming month and more

a) Joint observing plans and campaigns

Continuing campaigns:

* 2002/02/25--  JOP136 Default RHESSI Collaborations (#6850),
                POC: Tero Siili
* 2003/05/13--  Default CDS Co-observations with TRACE (#6950)
* 2005/09/20--  JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (#8008)
* 2007/03/20--  Default CDS/Hinode-EIS co-observations (#7200)

  Campaign #6850 is for "individual instrument studies" selecting an active
  region target [partially] influenced by the Max Millennium target
  selection to maximise chances of serendipitous co-observations.

  EIT supports all with half/full-res 195 A CME watch in submode 5/6. It is
  clear that STEREO-EUVI provides adequate "context" information for RHESSI
  flare observations. Routine EIT submode and resolution switches are
  probably no longer needed.

* Dec 2-May 28  Exceptional Ulysses Quadrature

* Dec 3-Feb 3   MDI 60-day Continuous Contact

* Jan 23,30     EIT Shutterless #30. POC: S. Parenti
  Run times:
  Jan 23, 2008 DSS-66 13:00-15:50 UT
  Jan 30, 2008 DSS-66 13:00-15:50 UT

* Mar 3-May 4   MDI 60-day Continuous Contact

  This will not be rescheduled.

* Mar 20-Apr 16 Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) Campaign, 
                  POC: Sarah Gibson, TBD

  The current thinking is that this set of campaigns (associated with the
  International Heliospheric Year - IHY) will be structured as multiple
  JOPs, but be centrally coordinated in the same fashion as the Aug 2007
  run of JOP194.

  The tentative JOP titles and timings are:

  Mar 20-26:    JOP 201 Linking the Corona to the Solar Wind at
                Ulysses, LASCO/UVCS/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT/
                TRACE/EISCAT/HSO/IPS/Ooty (POC: G. Poletto, URL

  Mar 27-Apr 2: JOP 202 Origin of the Slow Solar Wind/Streamer Study
                Nagoya/Nancay/OOTY (POC: Strachan, URL

  Apr 3-9:      JOP 203 Coronal Hole Boundary & Low-latitude Coronal Holes,
                Ooty/STELAB-IPS/Nancay (POCs: M. Miralles and C. DeForest,
                URLs http://web.hao.ucar.edu/~sgibson/WHI/WHI-TOO_EQHOLE.html
                and http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/JOPs/jop203.html).
                As default a polar hole from the north and on the east limb
                (due to Ulysses) will be selected as target.

                If an equatorial coronal hole is present (as is likely at
                this point), the Target of Opportunity 2 (JOP 206; see below)
                will be run.

  Apr 10-16:    JOP 204 Characterizing the energetics and dynamics of
                the quiet Sun, CDS/EIT/MDI/SUMER(TBD)/UVCS/Hinode-EIS/
                HSO-COMP/HSO-MOTH/NSO-IBIS/NSO-SPINOR (POC: S. McIntosh,
                URL http://web.hao.ucar.edu/~sgibson/WHI/WHI-QS.html)

  Targets of Opportunity (ToO) JOPs are:

  ToO-1: JOP 205 Active Regions, EIT/MDI/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/
         STEREO-SECCHI/TRACE/Nancay/SMEI (POC: Leamon, URL

  ToO-2: JOP 206 Low-latitude Coronal Holes, CELIAS(TBD)/
         NSO-SOLIS(TBD)/Ooty/STELAB-IPS/Nancay (POC: M. Miralles, 
         URL http://web.hao.ucar.edu/~sgibson/WHI/WHI-TOO_EQHOLE.html and 

  ToO-3: JOP 194 Activity in filaments and filament channels (POC:
         Gibson, URL

  If a ToO JOP is run, the week's regularly scheduled JOP would also be
  run, but for a reduced time.

  UVCS will support.

  TRACE has received a request to support.

  MDI can support all JOPs with full disk, 1 minute cadence, magnetograms
  and dopplergrams in addition to the 96 minute synoptic magnetograms and
  continuum images (when in high rate).

  According to a 15 Jan 2008 e-mail from S. Gibson, high-resolution MDI
  observations will not be needed for this campaign.

  CDS will participate. As requested, the relevant JOP descriptions have
  been forwarded to the CDS team.

  SUMER has plans to (partly) participate in the WHI activities (SUMER
  campaign dates remain TBD and MAY overlap with the WHI). SUMER has been
  contacted to participate in JOP 204. We plan to do so, but need further

  There may be a submode-related timing conflict between EIT shutterless 31
  (Apr 9, 16) and the TBD SUMER support of WHI observations. SUMER is
  requested to confirm WHI participation dates and times. See also section

* Apr 9,16      EIT Shutterless #31

* Apr 21-May 8 SUMER Campaign, TBC

  There are plans to (partly) participate in the WHI activities. See also
  section 2c. Dates remain TBC.

  The campaign will be structured as multiple JOPs in the same fashion as
  the 2006 SUMER campaigns have been.

  Currently submitted JOP/HOP proposals are (timings remain TBD):

  1) JOP 207 Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas with SOHO and Hinode,
     CDS/SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT, POC: Susanna Parenti.

  2) Relationship between movements of magnetic features and mass outflow
     in funnels, MDI/SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT/TRACE, POC: Hui

  3) Coronal bright points in quiet Sun and coronal hole,
     MDI/SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT/TRACE, POC: Hui Tian

  4) Checking the possible drives of solar wind origin in the coronal hole,
     SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT, POC: Hui Tian

  5) How does the solar wind originate from the quiet-Sun region?
     SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT, POC: Hui Tian

  6) Connection between UV explosive event and magnetic cancellation,
     SUMER/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT, POC: Hui Tian

* Jun 11-15     MDI Continuous Contact

  The default campaign will be full disk Magnetograms and Dopplergrams.

  MDI is willing to do high resolution observations during this CC period.
  Specifically, doing another Helioseismology study with Hinode would be
  ideal.  Observing campaigns suggested for HR Helioseismology studies are
  hr_ve_fe_me (620"x310" FOV) or hr_t2_ve_fe_me (420"x420" FOV) in
  non-track mode. Those interested, please request specific observations
  about 1 month ahead of time.  Due to commanding constraints for MDI, we'd
  like to plan our observations ASAP.

* Jul 9-13      MDI Continuous Contact

  The default campaign will be full disk Magnetograms and Dopplergrams.

  MDI is willing to do high resolution observations during this CC period.
  Specifically, doing another Helioseismology study with Hinode would be
  ideal.  Observing campaigns suggested for HR Helioseismology studies are
  hr_ve_fe_me (620"x310" FOV) or hr_t2_ve_fe_me (420"x420" FOV) in
  non-track mode. Those interested, please request specific observations
  about 1 month ahead of time.  Due to commanding constraints for MDI, we'd
  like to plan our observations ASAP.

* Jul 23,30     EIT Shutterless #32

b) Intercalibration activities

  Last Intercal 1s: Dec 5, 2007 and Jan 16, 2008

* Feb 4-8         ICAL01 (#7113), CDS/EIT/Hinode-EIS

  ICALs are normally performed monthly.

  Possible EIS collaboration. CDS views Hinode-EIS participation as
  extremely important.  EIS and Stereo have been added to the Campaign
  #7113 description.

  Details and confirmation will be determined by the planners. 

  EIT: ICALs are OK except (usually) during the weeks of shutterless ---
  whenever CDS prefers. ICAL 1 on the week Feb 4-8 is OK.

c) Individual instrument plans


  See section 2a for MDI continuous contact periods.

  MDI may reduce the ALT cadence during Keyholes to be less than 15 ALT
  magnetograms per day if the lack of high rate telemetry is such that we
  will lose all or almost all of the 15 ALT Magnetograms each day.  The ALT
  cadence will be decided on an individual Keyhole basis and even a daily
  basis during each Keyhole depending on the 70 m antenna availability at
  the time.  MDI may also downlink select magnetograms in the 5 kbps
  telemetry if no 70 m passes are available at least every 2 days for Mag
  dump in the 160 kbps telemetry.

  All requests for MDI support need to be made several months ahead of time
  and sent to mdi-ops(at)mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov.  Even outside keyholes,
  MDI can only do 1-minute cadence observations when we have contact and
  there is no recorder dump in progress.

  MDI's REQUEST page is at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/coordination.txt
  NOTE: Listing of a study on that page means *only* that a request has
  been received, not that it will necessarily be supported.

  A description of MDI Observing Modes most used for JOPs and campaigns (FD
  vs. HR) can be found at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/Collaborate.
  Anyone requesting MDI observations is encouraged to read this page in
  order to have a better idea of what observing modes would be best suited
  for a particular study.  More detailed information about how MDI
  operates, observational constraints and telemetry information can be
  found at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/MDI_Collaboration_Details.

  MDI is back in Focus 5 for best focus for FD observing and will stay 
  there at least until May 2008.


  We have been using the LyA detector for some observations and will keep
  planning so when appropriate.

  For weekly plans, see the SOHO calendar and the UVCS planning page:


  For details see http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/scientificops/request.shtml.


  EIT: 195 A CME watch plus synoptics at 6-hour cadence, as usual. Full-res
  CME watch whenever we're in submode 6. Hope never to change until the
  Bogart mission.

  LASCO continues the C2 pB program at 6hr cadence till Apr 2008. POC:
  Angelos Vourlidas.


  A 2-week long SUMER campaign from April 21 to May 8, 2008 is being
  planned, but the dates are TBC. SUMER plans also to support the Whole
  Heliospheric Interval (WHI) activities earlier in April. See also section
  2a above.

  SUMER has received six JOPs/HOPs for this campaign. Priority will be
  given to those sets of observations, which are new. Planning will be done
  with and details given in the planning tool
  http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/theissen/scr/planning/index.cgi. The tool
  will be opened as soon as the dates are fixed. Observers are requested to
  communicate their details via this tool.


  NOTE that TRACE in general reserves the right to withdraw support from
  agreed, existing collaborations if a sufficiently "good active region" is
  called by the Max Millennium group.

  For TRACE summer eclipse season see section 1e.

  During our fall eclipse season that starts in October, we will accept
  observing requests through November 1st. Any observations that are to
  take place after November 1st will be evaluated in October once eclipse
  season has started and then we will decide what makes sense for us 
  to support. 

  During the period of deepest eclipses (Nov. 16 - Feb. 15) of its winter
  eclipse season, TRACE will be operated by three command loads per week
  (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). TRACE will accept a limited number of
  JOP requests, giving preference to those that involve multiple
  observatories (in space and/or on the ground), provided that their
  targets can be specified on a schedule that is compatible with the
  reduced frequency in instrument command loads during the winter eclipse

  TRACE annealing is scheduled for the week starting 25 Feb 2008.

3. Any other business

* Next SPWG:

  Friday 29 Feb after daily & weekly meetings.

The rest are FYI items:

* In the future SOHO's DSN contacts will grow shorter as we lose 26-m
  antenna support and other, new missions get higher priority. The
  instrument teams are therefore requested to look at the NRT commanding
  that is done (especially for emergencies and recoveries) and see what can
  be converted into TSTOLs that the FOT can run (even without explicit
  instrument or SOC direction).

* If anyone has projects that require high rate (i.e. 1 minute cadence and
  anything other than 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms) MDI support, now is
  a good time to ask!  If you need MDI data, make sure you request it
  specifically.  There is no significant change in the shutter performance
  over the last 10 months; monitoring continues, but no immediate changes
  in operations are planned.

* DSN support should be requested at least 6 months in advance.  Keep this
  in mind for: ground-based collaborations that require MDI support,
  stellar/shutterless observations that require NRT, etc.

* Future Mercury and Venus transits: SOC is requesting the Flight Dynamics
  Facility (FDF) to provide estimates and data for not only disk, but also
  for coronal transits.  For this purpose FDF needs a criterion
  (radial/angular distance from Solar disk centre) to define the coronal
  transits.  Currently FDF has been instructed to use
  SOHO/Sun/[Mercury,Venus] angle of (35 arcmin (from centre of Solar disk)
  as criterion.  Instrument teams are requested to provide the SOC with
  information on whether a larger angle is applicable.

* Hinode operational and planning information can be found from
  http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/solar/hinode_op/. For contacts with the
  Hinode team(s), some guidelines... General discussion of campaign plans
  that are evolving and are several months away should go to the Hinode
  instruments' science schedule coordinators (SSCs). If a single clearly
  primary Hinode instrument can be identified, the campaign coordinators
  should contact the SSC of that instrument only. The Hinode instrument
  planners will not be involved until the detailed pointings and such are
  being discussed. The SSCs for the different Hinode instruments are:
  EIS: Len Culhane, John  Mariska, Tetsuya Watanabe
  SOT: Thomas Berger, Takashi Sekii
  XRT: Leon Golub, Kiyoto Shibasaki

* STEREO operational and planning information can be found via
  http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/, more specifically from
  http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/plans.shtml. Lead time for special
  requests for STEREO supports should be at least a month.

* The SOHO JOP/ICAL database and the web pages are now the Solar JOP/ICAL
  database and web pages. This is due to anticipated increased
  contributions by and collaborations as well as intercalibrations with
  STEREO and Hinode.

* To provide more unambiguous identification, individual instruments on
  board spacecraft other than SOHO will be as of this SPWG be referred to
  with notation SPACECRAFT-INSTRUMENT, for example Hinode-EIS.

* New JOP vs. modified existing JOP rules-of-thumb: New JOP, if/when
  scientifically or qualitatively new type of a coordination is set up;
  modified JOP, when the investigation (the foci or targets thereof)
  remains essentially the same but new instruments/spacecraft/GBOs/etc are
  brought to bear.

* SOHO calendar email notifications: a new mailing list for notifications
  of changes in the SOHO calendar has been taken into use. Distributed
  changes are decided upon by the SOCs to be relevant (as opposed to
  corrections of typing errors, etc.). Examples are schedule changes, added
  and deleted campaigns and so forth. To join the list send e-mail to the

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Last modification: July 27, 2020

SOHO is a project of international cooperation between