10 March 2025 - Mission Day: 10692 - DOY: 069
Science Operations


1. Boundary conditions

a) Orbit, attitude and manoeuvres

- SOHO is in upside down roll (180 deg) position

- manoeuvres

  Aug 30        stationkeeping and momentum management
  Aug 31        roll

  Nov 20        roll, stationkeeping and momentum management
                (timing TBC)

b) Communications with the spacecraft

  Graphical DSN schedule: http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/dsn/

* Aug 11-Sep 9  26 m keyhole
* Aug 19-Sep 2  34 m keyhole

* Nov 15-Dec 2  26 m keyhole
* Nov 19-Nov 28 34 m keyhole

- The need and approach to reduce FOT manpower requirements needed for
  complex operations during the keyhole remains in effect until further 

  All available keyhole information is at

c) KNOWN submode dependent activities/submode changes:

* TOO           JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (SM5 if SUMER
                observes target, SM6 otherwise)
* Oct 22-Nov 4  Polar plume and active region morphology studies, 
* Aug 2,9       EIT shutterless #28 (timing TBC)
* Nov 8,14      EIT shutterless #29 (timing TBC)

- Some of the default SUMER campaign dates overlap with keyholes - which is
  not a problem in itself (submode 5 will often be needed for keyholes
  anyhow) as long as potential periods of no SUMER data between passes can
  be accepted.

- Except for Major Flare Watches, TRACE will be doing full disk mosaics
  if/when EIT is not able to do synoptic sets due to keyhole operations.

d) Instrument maintenance activities

  EIT bakeout periods will be during keyholes.  Dates and times are defined
  when the DSN schedules become available.

  During the Aug 2007 keyhole EIT will bakeout as follows:

  2007/08/26 DSS-24 16:05 - 01:00; bakeout begins by 21:00 UT
  2007/09/01 bakeout ends from plan at 09:00 UT 
  2007/09/01 DSS-24 15:30 - 17:30  EIT recovery
  2007/09/01 DSS-27 18:30 - 20:00  additional recovery time if needed.

e) Others

  Hinode eclipse season 7 May - 10 Aug.

  TRACE winter eclipse season is 13 Sep 2007 - 13 Mar 2008

2. Priorities for the coming month and more

a) Joint observing plans and campaigns

Continuing campaigns:

* 2002/02/25--  JOP136 Default RHESSI Collaborations (#6850),
                POC: Tero Siili
* 2003/05/13--  Default CDS Co-observations with TRACE (#6950)
* 2005/09/20--  JOP153/MMOP003 Future Major Flare Watch (#8008)
* 2007/03/20--  Default CDS/Hinode-EIS co-observations (#7200)

  Campaign #6850 is for "individual instrument studies" selecting an active
  region target [partially] influenced by the Max Millennium target
  selection to maximise chances of serendipitous co-observations.

  EIT supports all with half/full-res 195 A CME watch in submode 5/6. As
  long as the spacecraft is in submode 6, all EIT CME watch will be in full
  res.  Major Flare Watches will be in full-res even if it requires a
  submode change, unless the target is observed by SUMER.

* Jul 3-Aug 5   JOP 188 Prominence Mass Composition and Variability Study,
                  POC: Gary Kilper, Local POC: Terry Kucera, Joe Gurman

  A study on the relative abundances of hydrogen and helium in prominences
  and on their trends in spatial distribution and variability over time is
  proposed. The method is measurement of the continuum absorption due to
  photoionization for EUV observations and of the absorption in H-alpha
  (6563 A) and He I (10830 A).

  EIT will support.

  MDI will support with synoptic Continuum Images when in high rate.

  Bill Thompson says: Both JOP188 and Filament/Cavity-CME-ICME IHY-CIP
  campaign are on the STEREO planning pages.  From what I understand, the
  SECCHI team has been contacted, and is aware that the campaign organizers
  may request that the timing of the extra 4 hours of SSR2 observations be
  synchronized with observing time in Hawaii.

  Simon Plunkett says that they will not be able to make special changes
  until mid-July.

  Gary Kilper has updated the JOP description with the following changes:
    Observations from July 3 - August 5
    Daily e-mail with targeting info will be sent by garyk (at) rice.edu
    Observing window is 16:30 to 02:42 UT (the next day)
    Targets: quiescent limb prominences

  CDS has not been contacted yet. We are assuming this is a target of
  opportunity to be run on several days in the indicated period. Are there
  plans to run this JOP continuously?

  TRACE will start supporting this JOP on July 9.

* Aug 2,9        EIT Shutterless #28

  Aug 2 DSS-27 15:00 - 20:45, runtime 16:00-18:40 UT
  Aug 9 DSS-27 18:45 - 00:45, runtime 20:00-22:40 UT

* Aug 3-31      JOP 189 Physical mechanisms driving solar microflares and
                  supergranular network dynamics - relevance for coronal
                  heating, CDS/EIT/MDI/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/Hinode-XRT/
                  RHESSI/TRACE/DOT/KSO, POC: Jan Rybak, Peter Gomory, 
                  Local POC: C. Alex Young

  The local POC has changed from T. Siili to C. A. Young.

  Detailed campaign/coordination information can be found at 

  Having in mind the SOHO keyhole we plan to request for the Hinode support
  mainly after Aug 17 expecting the SOHO will be supporting (at least)
  partially until Aug 17 in the time interval 07:00-13:30 UT (for UT times,
  see also the Aug 5-18 campaign).

  CDS will support on selected dates, as time allows.

  EIT will support through Aug 25 (until the beginning of the CCD bakeout).

  TRACE will only support 20-31 Aug.

  MDI will support with HR Filtergrams and Magnetograms when target in the
  HRFOV. FD Magnetograms and Dopplergrams otherwise. JOP targets will also
  be specified preferably in the HRFOV.

  The Hinode/EIS,SOT,XRT application has been sent on May 31. Application
  asks for the Hinode support for the period Aug 18-31. Negotiations are
  on the way discussing details with the EIS team.

* Aug 8-18      JOP194 Activity in Filaments and Filament Cavities,
                  SOLARC/ProMag/MWA/RHESSI, POC: Terry Kucera

  As part of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY), we propose an
  observing campaign in the time interval August 5-18, 2007 which will
  follow a targetted filament from East to West limb, in order to study its
  morphology, evolution and activation, and quantify its magnetic and
  plasma properties. Our study will be greatly enhanced should the filament
  erupt as a CME, and if it does, we will also examine in situ observations
  in order to link any pertinent ICME and magnetic cloud observations to
  their filament source.

  The campaign is a conglomeration of four International Heliophysical Year
  (IHY) Coordinated Investigaton Programmes (CIPs) which are headed up by
  Barbara Thompson, Sarah Gibson, Holly Gilbert and Pat McIntosh.

  The most important time of day for campaign participation would be 17:00
  -- 20:00 UT, the best observing period of Mauna Loa. The full Mauna Loa
  observing day can run from 16:30 -- 02:30 UT. Scheduling spacecraft
  supports to these times would help to interleave with the JOP 189, which
  has its ground-based support focus on Canary islands and in Europe.

  EIT will support JOP194 Aug 8-18 with 304A CME Watch at 12-min cadence
  along with 10'x10' subfields in 304A in observation periods to improve
  cadence.  EIT shutterless #28 Aug 9 will be included in the JOP194
  support.  POC Susanna Parenti.

  This will be made into a combination of JOPs and campaigns, exact
  details are still TBC. The 4 IHY Coordinated Investigation Programs (CIPs)
  have websites at:

  Bill Thompson says: Both JOP188 and Filament/Cavity-CME-ICME IHY-CIP
  campaign are on the STEREO planning pages.  From what I understand, the
  SECCHI team has been contacted, and is aware that the campaign organizers
  may request that the timing of the extra 4 hours of SSR2 observations be
  synchronized with observing time in Hawaii.

  Simon Plunkett says that they will not be able to make special changes
  until mid-July.

  Terry Kucera says that the dates have been changed to August 8-18. She
  provided a JOP description, now called JOP194:

  For UVCS, if the target has not reached within 30 degrees to the limb,
  they will do 'synoptic study of the west-limb corona'.

  CDS will support.

  Still no request for MDI support. At this point JOP189 takes priority
  over coordinations that MDI will participate in during August.  Terry
  Kucera says that they will not make a special request for MDI data.

  MDI's 96 minute ALT cadence will change during the keyhole.

* Sep 10-Nov 11 MDI 60-day Continuous Contact (TBC)

  Tina Kelly has proposed to shift the 60-day continuous contact from
  Sep-Nov to Dec-Jan timeframe.  The outcome of the proposal remains TBD.

  MDI will run 1 min cadence, full disk magnetograms and dopplergrams ---
  independent of the timing of the 60-day CC.

  MDI would like the DSN schedule for the 60 Day CC as soon as it is

* Oct 22-Nov 4  Polar plume and active region morphology studies, 

  CDS will join the campaign - please add CDS Planner e-mail address to the
  mailing list. All Hinode and SUMER users are invited to submit requests
  for complementary CDS observations.

  There are several JOPs associated with this campaign. These are listed
  separately on the calendar (see below) and will have separate campaign
  numbers when the time gets closer.

  Werner Curdt writes that observers are requested to contact all
  instrument teams involved and to timely submit JOP/HOP descriptions with
  all the observational details approved. The responsibility for the
  proposed studies rests with the observers. Note, that TRACE will be in
  eclipse at that time, and EUV observations will be constrained.

  Several teams requested a POC for this entire time instead of individual
  JOP leaders.

  POC in ISAS:           Enrico Landi (TBC)
  POC in MPS:            Davina Innes
  SUMER planner in GSFC: Udo Schuehle

* Oct 22-Nov 2  JOP190/HOP027 Temperature, density and 3-D structure of
      	          active region loops, CDS/SUMER/MDI/Hinode-EIS/Hinode-SOT/
                  Hinode-XRT (TBD)/ TRACE (TBD)/STEREO/VTT/Huairou,
                  POC: Davina Innes

  CDS will support.

  MDI can only support with 1 minute full disk Magnetograms/Dopplergrams
  and 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms and Continuum images (when in high

  If the 60 Day CC is moved, MDI can provide either FD or HR mode

* Oct 22-Nov 2  JOP191/HOP027 3-D structure and evolution of filaments/
      	     	  prominences, CDS/SUMER/MDI/Hinode-EIS (TBD)/Hinode-SOT/
                  Hinode-XRT (TBD)/ TRACE (TBD)/STEREO/VTT/Huairou,
                  POC: Davina Innes

  CDS will support.

  MDI can only support with 1 minute full disk Magnetograms/Dopplergrams
  and 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms and Continuum images (when in high

  If the 60 Day CC is moved, MDI can provide either FD or HR mode

* Oct 22-Nov 2  JOP193/HOP031 Coronal holes boundaries evolution, CDS/SUMER/
                  POC: Maria Madjarska

  CDS will support.

  MDI can only support with 1 minute full disk Magnetograms/Dopplergrams
  and 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms and Continuum images (when in high

  If the 60 Day CC is moved, MDI can provide either FD or HR mode

* Oct 22-Nov 4  JOP192/HOP027 Chromospheric heating - signatures of waves and
                  reconnection, CDS/SUMER/MDI/Hinode-EIS (TBD)/Hinode-SOT/
                  Hinode-XRT (TBD)/TRACE (TBD)/STEREO
                  POC: Davina Innes

  CDS will support.

  MDI can only support with 1 minute full disk Magnetograms/Dopplergrams
  and 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms and Continuum images (when in high
  rate). If the 60 Day CC is moved, MDI can provide either FD or HR mode

* Oct 22-Nov 2  HOP032 The magnetic structure of macrospicules. 
                  POC: G. Doyle

* Oct 22-Nov 4  Solar wind study. POC: E.Landi, M.Miralles

  HOP submission in progress.

  UVCS support (TBC)?

* Oct 22-Nov 4  Plume study. POC: G.Del Zanna

  HOP submission in progress.

* Oct 22-Nov 4  HOP003/study #32 Velocity field in a coronal hole. 
                  POC: S. Kamio


* Nov 8,14      EIT shutterless #29

* Dec 2--->2008 Exceptional Ulysses Quadrature (ends May 28, 2008)

* Dec 17-23     Ulysses-SOHO Quadrature Observations. POC: G. Poletto

* Dec 26-30     MDI Continuous Contact

  Depends on whether or not there is a 60 day CC during this time, but the
  default plan will be FD, 1 minute cadence Magnetograms and Dopplergrams.

b) Intercalibration activities

  Last Intercal 1: 11 July 2007

* August 6-10    ICAL01 (#7113), CDS/EIT, TBC

  Possible EIS collaboration. EIS and Stereo have been added to the 
  Campaign #7113 description.

  Details and confirmation will be determined by the planners. 

  EIT: ICALs are OK except (usually) during the weeks of shutterless.

c) Individual instrument plans


  See section 2a for MDI continuous contact periods.

  MDI may reduce the ALT cadence during Keyholes to be less than 15 ALT
  magnetograms per day if the lack of high rate telemetry is such that we
  will lose all or almost all of the 15 ALT Magnetograms each day.  The ALT
  cadence will be decided on an individual Keyhole basis and even a daily
  basis during each Keyhole depending on the 70 m antenna availability at
  the time.  MDI may also downlink select magnetograms in the 5 kbps
  telemetry if no 70 m passes are available at least every 2 days for Mag
  dump in the 160 kbps telemetry.

  All requests for MDI support need to be made several months ahead of time
  and sent to mdi-ops(at)mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov.  Even outside keyholes,
  MDI can only do 1-minute cadence observations when we have contact and
  there is no recorder dump in progress.

  MDI's REQUEST page is at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/coordination.txt
  NOTE: Listing of a study on that page means *only* that a request has
  been received, not that it will necessarily be supported.

  A description of MDI Observing Modes most used for JOPs and campaigns (FD
  vs. HR) can be found at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/Collaborate.
  Anyone requesting MDI observations is encouraged to read this page in
  order to have a better idea of what observing modes would be best suited
  for a particular study.  More detailed information about how MDI
  operates, observational constraints and telemetry information can be
  found at http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/MDI_Collaboration_Details.

  MDI is back in Focus 5 for best focus for FD observing and will stay 
  there at least through November.


  We have been using the LyA detector for some observations and will keep
  planning so when appropriate.

  For weekly plans, see the SOHO calendar and the UVCS planning page:


  For details see http://solar.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/scientificops/request.shtml.


  EIT: 195 A CME watch plus synoptics at 6-hour cadence, as usual. Full-res
  CME watch whenever we're in submode 6.

  LASCO and EIT will do annual instrument calibrations during morning and
  daytime NRT week of Jul 30 - Aug 3.


  Oct 22-Nov 4  Polar plume and active region morphology studies,

  See details in Section 2a for list of JOPs/HOPs to be run at this time.

  There are tentative plans for another SUMER campaign from April 21 to
  May 4, 2008.


  NOTE that TRACE in general reserves the right to withdraw support from
  agreed, existing collaborations if a sufficiently "good active region" is
  called by the Max Millennium group.

  For TRACE summer eclipse season see section 1e.

  During our fall eclipse season that starts in October, we will accept
  observing requests through Novemeber 1st. Any observations that are to
  take place after November 1st will be evaluated in October once eclipse
  season has started and then we will decide what makes sense for us 
  to support. 

3. Any other business

* VC3 and non-ranging handovers

  From MDI/Gregory: for automation (actually for ops in general), I would
  like to suggest that we do away with VC3 (except for non-ranging)
  handovers.  I know that during long overnight contacts, the FOT
  traditionally go to VC3 while still giving periodic VC2 around ALT times
  (refer to the "Standard Ops Policy" OCD submitted 17 Oct 2005 for

* .REL files' creation interval

  To aid getting prompt relativistic electron information from COSTEP with
  which to predict SEP events, we are wondering if all instrument teams can
  support changing the creation interval for .REL files to 1 minute instead
  of 30 minutes? This would not affect real-time telemetry streams, only
  the .REL files that are currently ftp'd to you every 30 minutes.

  Status: the above request for information has been sent to the teams and
  the SOCs are compiling the replies before the matter is taken further.
  MDI has requested clarification on the changes proposed to the .REL files

* Next SPWG:

  Friday 24 August after daily & weekly meetings

The rest are FYI items:

* If anyone has projects that require high rate (i.e. 1 minute cadence and
  anything other than 96 minute synoptic Magnetograms) MDI support, now is
  a good time to ask!  If you need MDI data, make sure you request it
  specifically.  There is no significant change in the shutter performance
  over the last 10 months; monitoring continues, but no immediate changes
  in operations are planned.

* DSN support should be requested at least 6 months in advance.  Keep this
  in mind for: ground-based collaborations that require MDI support,
  stellar/shutterless observations that require NRT, etc.

* Future Mercury and Venus transits: SOC is requesting the Flight Dynamics
  Facility (FDF) to provide estimates and data for not only disk, but also
  for coronal transits.  For this purpose FDF needs a criterion
  (radial/angular distance from Solar disk centre) to define the coronal
  transits.  Currently FDF has been instructed to use
  SOHO/Sun/[Mercury,Venus] angle of (35 arcmin (from centre of Solar disk)
  as criterion.  Instrument teams are requested to provide the SOC with
  information on whether a larger angle is applicable.

* Hinode operational and planning information can be found from

* STEREO operational and planning information can be found via 
  http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/, more specifically from 

* The SOHO JOP/ICAL database and the web pages are now the Solar JOP/ICAL
  database and web pages. This is due to anticipated increased
  contributions by and collaborations as well as intercalibrations with
  STEREO and Hinode.

* To provide more unambiguous identification, individual instruments on
  board spacecraft other than SOHO will be as of this SPWG be referred to
  with notation SPACECRAFT-INSTRUMENT, for example Hinode-EIS.

* The Project Scientist has decided that submission of the Inputs to the
  Activity Plan (IAPs) will change to be voluntary.  The PS has informed
  the SOHO community of the change on 22 Feb by e-mail.

* The FOT will begin testing the automation procedures on the week
  beginning 19 March. The passes will continue to be manned until after an
  operational readiness review and both agencies agree to a change in the
  mission management plan, both of which won't be for at least a couple of
  months, after we have significant experience with the automation.

* New JOP vs. modified existing JOP rules-of-thumb: New JOP, if/when
  scientifically or qualitatively new type of a coordination is set up;
  modified JOP, when the investigation (the foci or targets thereof)
  remains essentially the same but new instruments/spacecraft/GBOs/etc are
  brought to bear.

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Last modification: July 27, 2020

SOHO is a project of international cooperation between