- SOHO Screen Saver
(Now also available for Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion).
- SOHO Viewer iPhone Application
- Sun Spotter (for Mac OS X and Windows)
- SOHO Realtime Image Viewer (Linux)
- Best Of SOHO CD-ROM 2003 edition (latest)
- Wallpaper for your Desktop
- SOHO Spacecraft Paper Model
- Star Light - Coloring Book (PDF, 696K), Portugese version (PDF, 2.2M)
- The Sun as Art
- SOHO Viewer iPhone Application
- Windows 9x or Macintosh.
(We have reports that it works also with Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP Professional)- Disk with 3 MB of free space available.
v.26 for OS X 10.5 - 10.8 (Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion) (385K)
- v. 24 for Macintosh Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard 57K)
- v.11 Macintosh Universal (Intel/x86 and PowerPC, 33K)
- Macintosh PowerPC version (2.1 MB hqx file).
- Mac OS X version ( 39K, dmg file). Courtesy of Charles G. Bennett of BenaTong.
- Newer Windows Vista and Windows 7 version (619K zip file).
- Older Windows XP version (1.2 MB exe file).
NOTICE: SOHO, NASA, ESA or any SOHO affiliated institution neither endorses or supports the development of SOHO screensaver software. These are private volunteer efforts and initiatives to port the SOHO screensaver to multiple platforms. As a result, none of the above agencies and institutions have any responsibility about the quality, security and reliability of the software (i.e. screensaver) distributed to the public. Use at your own risk.
- v. 24 for Macintosh Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard 57K)
- ftp sohoftp.nascom.nasa.gov
- username: anonymous
- password: your e-mail address
- cd /pub/www/screensaver
- binary
- For Win 9x: get SohoScreens.exe
- For MacOS: get SohoScreens.hqx
- bye
- username: anonymous
A new computer screen saver made available by the European Space Agency now allows computer users to watch spectacular, almost real-time images of our Sun. The images, coming directly from 1.5 million kilometres away in space, will flash on your computer screen courtesy of ESA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
Every time your screen saver kicks in it will look, via the Internet, for the most recent images SOHO has sent to scientists. A few seconds, and the show begins.
You will be able to witness exciting events as they happen on our star: huge expulsions of matter that scientists call Coronal Mass Ejections; sunspots, now growing in number as the Sun reaches the peak of activity in its 11-year cycle; and even the demise of the so-called sun-grazing comets, as they disappear forever into our star. Now, give a rest to your computer and enjoy the show live from the Sun.
Download screen saver:
The screen saver also can be downloaded using FTP:
NOTICE: If you are running Windows 9x, the screensaver may not be updating the images, specially if your use Netscape as your web browser. To solve it, go to 'Start', 'Settings', 'Control Panel' and double-click on 'Internet'. Click on the 'Advanced' tab, and then, in the 'Temporary Internet Files' section, click on 'Settings'. Under 'Check for newer versions of stored pages', select 'Every visit to the page'.
SOHO Viewer iPhone Application
Check out the SOHO Viewer iPhone Application. Freeware. Download
( Download
and Information). Credit: .Jerome Diaz.
SOHO Sun Spotter
A simple tool for grabbing a variety of the latest solar images of the Sun from the SOHO web site. The MDI Sunspot view corresponds to the sort of view you would see using a telescope equipped with a standard solar filter, the others are a bit more obscure. Freeware. Download
( Download
and Information). Credit: Neale Monks.
SOHO Realtime Image Viewer (Linux)
Kicker applet for viewing realtime images of the Sun provided by the SOHO satellite and several other sources ( Download and Information)

An interactive multimedia exploration of the Sun through the eyes
of SOHO. The CD covers topics ranging from the history of solar
exploration to new scientific results and the Sun's influence on the
Earth's environment. The CD-ROM contains over 100 movie clips and more
than 400 images.
HAVING PROBLEMS? Important information about installation and FAQ's (Technical support)
General information about the CD-rom and its contents
System requirements
CD-booklet - user manual (PDF file)
Requires Acrobat Reader
How to get a copy
Download version
News and updates
Download SOHO images for your Desktop Wallpaper.