06 October 2024 - Mission Day: 10537 - DOY: 280

The Sun observed by SUMER on 2 February 1996 in the emission line of Ne VIII at 770.4 A, formed in the lower corona at about 600,000 K. The picture was put together from 8 horizontal raster scans in alternating directions and of different length, starting in the solar SE. Each raster scan includes 664 to 1074 exposures, each lasting 7.5 s. The picture is shown in bins of 3x3 pixels, one pixel being approx. 1 arcsec^2. The brightest pixels in this picture correspond to an intensity of approx. 260 counts/line/arcsec^2, whereas the intensity is generally below 40. The avera intensity on the disk is around 6 counts/line/arcsec^2.



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