The PI's presented the status of their instruments (see annex 8).
Discussed a method for determining the roll angle of SOHO analyzing EIT images using a cross-correlation method. This method appear to me robust even during proton events (see annex 8).
Action 27-3:
On EIT team to provide documentation on their roll determination
method by end of March.
J.P. Delaboudiniere commented about the use of EIT images without proper references to the instrument team (e.g. the recent Solar Wind paper in Science February 5th 1999 by Hassler et al.).
Discussed some details about the degradation of the Ly-detector and that this detector is being operated in a very conservative way. Tests of the detector will be executed in a few weeks.
Mentioned that a UVCS type of instrument was recently selected as a candidate for a MIDEX mission (ASCE) (see annex 8).
Plan to change some of the onboard software. Discussed the more complicated calibration/straylight corrections. A long term trend in the measurements could be due to a more active Sun (see annex 8) .
Gave status and science activities since last STW. Showed some interesting new results obtained during a CME in may 1998. Mentioned two new workshops planned for this year (see annex 8).
No representative from LASCO. B. Fleck mentioned that they are still working on a recovery of C1.