V. Domingo welcomed all participants, informed them about the health status of A.Poland and presented the ``BEST of What's Knew 1996 Award'' for Aviation and Space, presented to ESA and NASA for SOHO by Popular Science Magazine on 12 November 1996.
Agenda --- annex 1
List of Participants --- annex 2
Action 20-1: closed
On PIs to determine if the new computation of the spacecraft
velocity in heliocentric coordinates is correct. (Samples can be found at
http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/ancillary/ orbit/definitive/new_samples).
Input to L. Sanchez by September 6.
Action 20-2: closed
On ESA to provide a detailed script for the station keeping/momentum
management maneuver on 11-12 September, including window for SSU/SEU
patch upload and testing. Due date: 30 August.
Action 20-3: ongoing
On ESA/Matra, MDI and VIRGO to analyse S/C pointing disturbances.
Action 20-4: closed
On PS to establish Working Group to study technical matters of telemetry redistribution with relevant parties (EIT, CDS, SUMER, UVCS, S/C).
Action 20-5: ongoing
On PS to organize series of small workshops at SOHO EAF.