Next: Status of experiments
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a) Status of the project
see handout --- annex 9
- B.Gardini hast left SOHO; replaced by F.Vandenbussche as spacecraft manager.
- SM finished (experiments should be checked if they were damaged by acoustic and vibration tests)
- PLM engineering model: SFT to be finished by 9 July 1993
- MCDRs (Spacecraft CDR, Payload CDR and Ground Segment CDR) to take place in the near future
- Comment by K.Wilhelm that the sun-shield of SUMER is still missing in the interface drawings in EID-A. An action was put on the Project to include it there (action 10.6).
b) Spacecraft status
see handout --- annex 10
- EM: all models delivered to Matra + integrated
- FM PLM: structure will be ready early September 93
- FM SVM: ready October 93
- FM subsystems: ready August -- November 93
- Critical areas:
- tape recorder problems at low temperature and low bit rates still not solved (mainly a problem for Cluster); ESA is studying alternatives (solid state memory)
- replacement of two FM components may have an impact on the schedule
- power supply subsytem on critical path
c) Payload development status
see handout --- annex 11
- Helmut Schweizer replaced Yves Constantin as SOHO AIV engineer
- experiment delivery slot: 1.November 93 --- end of January 94
- critical areas:
- delivery of template to CVZ (31 July 93)
- closure of main NCR's raised on EM
- provide FM alignment offset data (16 July 93)
- provide FM database update (end of July)
- provide EMC test inputs (15 August 93)
d) Cleanliness
see handout --- annex 12
Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:25:28 EST 1998