New Help for DAS 33 



This document contains help about the UVCS instrument and its software (DAS).  It contains a description of the modifications to the DAS and detailed information regarding the changes to the calibration file. This document is not directed toward the first time user of the DAS.
In order to make running the DAS trouble-free and helpful to the first time user, the DAS33 is equipped with an ASCII tutorial file. The tutorial file will serve as a user's guide, which takes the user step by step through running the DAS33. Due to its length the tutorial file will not be given here. For detailed description of the DAS functions, consult the help button inside the DAS or see the web version of the tutorial file at (click on Tutorial).

New from DAS32 to DAS33:

- Radiometric calibration
- Small slit calibration
- Added pointing display code
- Extended header support
- Updated mirror pointing calibration
- Added help text in menus

In addition to the changes to the DAS, further help is provided, such as description of keywords & configuration parameters

Radiometric Calibration:

Intercalibration of Ly-alpha and OVI Channels:

The Ly-alpha channel and the redundant path of the OVI channel provide two independent measurements of Ly-alpha intensity. DAS33 has revised radiometric efficiencies for the wavelengths common to these two optical paths. The revised efficiencies are based on laboratory measurements, in flight comparisons to the spectral intensities of stars, and intercomparisons of the two Ly-alpha paths from co-registered coronal observations. The intercomparison ensures that observations with either path result in the same measured intensity within about ±10 % plus the statistical uncertainty.

These changes are included in the plots referenced below comparing overall efficiencies between the previous and revised calibration.

Variations of Efficiency as a Function of Height:

Previous versions of the radiometric calibration assumed that the efficiency of the UV channels for a particular wavelength did not vary with the amount of exposed mirror, yielding a linear "vignetting curve" of effective mirror area versus exposed mirror.

However, different portions of the UV gratings are illuminated for observations at different heights, and there are new inflight measurements and laboratory measurements of replica gratings that provides the variation in efficiency across the gratings. The radiometric calibration now accounts for this variation, resulting in the vignetting curves as displayed in these graphs (Ly-alpha, OVI, RED Ly-alpha).

Based on laboratory data  the variations of efficiency as a function of height are not a significant function of wavelength for both the Ly-alpha and OVI channels.

Redundant Path Vignetting:

The new radiometric calibration also accounts for a separate source of "vignetting" behavior in the UVCS "redundant path". The redundant path has a more complicated behavior because of its secondary mirror; for some telescope mirror apertures light from the primary mirror may overfill the secondary mirror, resulting in a flattening of the "effective area" beyond about 36 mm aperture. In addition, light from the secondary mirror only illuminates a portion of the OVI detector fully, with a varying "partial vignetting" away from this region.

It is not meaningful to perform a redundant path radiometric calibration in a portion of the detector receiving no redundant light, and the calibration becomes more uncertain in the partially vignetted zone. The DAS 33 radiometric calibration correctly calculates the effective area for each channel. In the case of the redundant path it performs the computation for each spectral bin, and informs the user of detector areas in which calibration could not be performed or had high uncertainty. Plots of the unvignetted area for each pixel of the OVI channel at various unocculted apertures can be found here.

   Modifications of the wavelength efficiencies:

For OVI: The 1048 A and 1025 A were measured in the laboratory and found to be the same for both lines. Component calibration implies that it should be constant  between 930 - 1125 A within the uncertainties. Thus DAS 33 continues to assume no wavelength dependence for the OVI channel both primary and redundant.
For Ly-alpha: The wavelength dependence is based on component calibration and inflight calibration using stars and line ratios. A comparison of the old das (DAS 32) and the new das (DAS 33 is given here.

Small Slit Calibration:

The DAS was incapable of providing accurate slit widths below 25 micron. DAS 33 provides slit widths as small as 2 micron.

Added Pointing Display Code:

Pointing display code provides a window where the roll angle and the heights of the observation are plotted. An example can be found here.

Extended Header Support:

New science and other descriptions retrieved from the appropriate day's mission log, have been added in the form of an extended header.
The purpose of the extended header (see an example of the extended header here) is to present UVCS data to the SOHO archive in a way that most fully supports the catalog's searching methods. The user can view the extended header from within DAS 33.

Updated Mirror Pointing Calibration:

Flight calibration of the mirror-pointing mechanism using known star positions has revealed a difference from the pre-flight mirror calibration used in previous versions of the DAS. DAS 33  provides the new, star based, calibration in the MIRANGL variable, which refers to the height above the sun center of a point  intermediate between the two UVCS slits. See this diagram for UVCS FOV geometry.

The flight calibration is valid down to 1.74 Rsun.  For observations below this height,  DAS 33 shows '******' for MIRANGL, as well as for INS_YR and other display values that rely on MIRANGL.

Because of the current lack of an accurate calibration below 1.74 Rsun, and because individual observations since the start of the mission have been labeled with a consistent "commanded" value for the UVCS mirror angle, DAS 33 retains the old mirror calibration in the new variable "CMDMIR". This variable is useful for relating to the commanded value, for comparisons to earlier analyses with the old calibration and for a very approximate value for heights below 1.74 Rsun. The user should recognize that the "CMDMIR" value is not the most accurate calibrated value for the mirror angle.

In addition, the  DAS  is not as yet able to perform a correction for the "crosstalk" between UVCS mirror and grating mechanisms.  Users needing precise UVCS pointing calculations need to correct the DAS pointing information for this effect.

Added help text in menus:

Additional help buttons were added to the calibration pull-down menu. A detailed list of these help buttons is provided below:

    Stray Light Help:

        The DAS 33 makes no corrections for stray light. Currently the user must subtract stray light using a postscript version of the stray light plot available here together with the C III 97.7nm and/or Si III 120.6nm intensities from the user's observations, if available. The stray light is based on laboratory and flight data.

    Redundant Path Vignetting Help:

        Please refer to the text provided above.

    Radiometric  Second Order Help:

        There is a second order calibration option within the radiometric calibration dialog box which is intended for future use.

    Flat Field Help:

Flatfield measurements have been made both pre-flight and on-orbit. We estimate:
            ±10% pixel-to-pixel variation for the Ly-alpha detector (one sigma)
and      ±5% pixel-to-pixel variation for the OVI detector.
Given the magnitude of other uncertainties involved in UVCS radiometry, we do not recommand flat field correction of the data because it would not significantly improve the uncertainties. Each detector has one or two obvious defects where the detection efficiency approaches zero. We recommend simply ignoring the data in these regions.

In general, the detector response is "dose dependent", i.e., the efficiency goes down slowly with accumulated photon detection. However, this effect is operationally kept to about 5% or less by periodically increasing the detectors' high voltage. This effect is especially present in the portion of the OVI detector where H I Ly-alpha is usually detected (the so-called Redundant Path Portion).

The OVI detector has a positively charged wire grid in front of the photocathode that prevents stray ions from reaching the detector. The wires that run along the 360 direction (i.e., those that cross and affect the spectral direction) are located at columns 30, 126, 222, 316, 410, 506, 600, 696, 793, 877 and 973. The uncertainty in the positions of the wires is ± 2 columns. The wires show a slight shift in location for spectral lines in the Redundant Ly-alpha path but it falls within the uncertainties. The wires reduce the observed intensity at the above locations. The amount varies with internal occulter setting and thus with heliocentric radius.The wires that run along the 1024 direction (i.e., those that cross and affect the spatial direction) have a constant reduction in intensity of about 10%. The wires start at row 14, appear approximately every 26 rows, and appear to be slightly tilted ( 1 to 2 rows shift over the full length of the detector) and bent due to distortion. Users with science results that are affected by these wires are encouraged to consult with members of UVCS team.

In the case of the Ly-alpha detector, it is sealed with a MgF2 window and thus the ions are not a problem.

Observations with the Ly-alpha detector after 97.09 are compromised in regions where the detector is worn. Flat fields are very uncertain and strongly time dependent. Use caution when trying to interpret these observations.

Flat fields produced on-orbit generally do not cover the entire detector and are made with binning of the order of 3 (spatial) x 1 (spectral) pixels. Pre-flight flat fields of the detectors (the so-called UCB or "Berkeley" flat fields) do cover the entire detector on a single pixel scale but are not believed to be fully representative of the flight condition. All flat flelds are available for downloading from the UVCS web site.

Description of Keywords & Configuration Parameters:

 In addition to the help file, additional file with listing of all the keywords and configuration parameters is provided.

Primary Header Keywords
Keyword Comment
DATE Creation date of FITS file (UT): format DD/MM/YY
FILENAME Name of this Spectral & Visible Light (SPVL) data file
TLM FILE Name of original telemetry file
EXT Name of Binary Table Extension
ORIGIN Organization creating FITS file 
TELESCOPE Spacecraft identifier
INSTRUMET Instrument
DETECTOR  Detector Identifier
EXCON  Experiment computer
EXPCOUNT Total number of exposures on file
TAI_OBS Observation start time in TAI seconds(*)
TAI_END  Observation end time in TAI seconds(*)
DATE_OBS  Observation start date/time in UTC:"dd-mon-year" (IDL format)
DATE_END  Observation end date/time 
STATUS  Calibration status 
SC_STAT S/C Pointing Calibration Status 
FLT_FILE  Name of Flat Field Data file (or 'None')
DRK_FILE Name of Dark Count Data file (or 'None')
CAL_FILE Name of Calib. Parameter file (or 'None')
ORB_FILE Name of SOHO Orbit Data file (or 'None')
ATT_FILE Name of SOHO Attitude Data File (or 'None')
OBS_NUM Parameter identifying the Table ID and Fixed Parameter Set of the top-level observation sequence
OBS_TYPE Observation Type parameter (OTYPE):'SunCenter', 'Offset', 'Disk'
NPANEL1 Original number of DATA panels (1-5)
ROWNGRP 1 Number of row groups in original data (1-360) 
ROWFRST 1 First active row in original data (0-359)
ROWACT 1 Number of active rows in original data (1-360)
ROWSPC 1 Number of space rows in original data (0-359)
COLNGRPn 1 Number of column groups for panel n in original data (1-1024)
COLFRSTn 1 First active column for panel n in original data (0-1023): n=0, ..., NPANEL - 1
COLACTn 1 Number of active columns per group for panel n in original data(1-1024)
COLSPCn 1 Number of spacer columns between groups for panel n in original data (0-1023)
UVOFST 1 Image RAM offset address
UVBCNT 1 Image data byte count
UVTABL 1 Detector mask table ID
INS_ZR 2 z-coordinate of the line-of sight to a reference point on the entrance slit (UV channels) or center of entrance aperture (VL channel) in the instrument reference frame
NDATA 1 Current number of DATA panels (1-5)
Txxxx Other keywords

1          Present only for Spectral Data files.

 2          The INS_ZR parameter is present only after the Calibrate Instrument Configuration Function has been performed: STATUS = 'sp_raw_conf', 'sp_flat_conf', 'sp_wave', 'sp_rad', 'vl_raw_conf' or 'vl_rad'.

 3         Other keywords such as: TIDMm, TDESCm, TRVAL, TDELTm, TSIZEm, TRCALm.

 (*)         The parameters TAI_OBS and TAI_END give the observation start and end times in International Atomic Time (TAI).This is the time used on the SOHO spacecraft, and is defined as the number of standard seconds since Oh on 1 January 1958.

UVCS uses the IDL format for date/time strings (e.g. "18-JAN-!996 17:20:34.12").

 The two tables below show the configuration parameters for the UV channel and the VL channel. Note that the configuration parameters in the shaded area are also same for the VL channel data.

Basic ConfigurationUV Data
Keyword Comment
DAT_XORB Exposure start date/time in UTC 
DAT_XEND Exposure end date/time in UTC 
OBLK Observation science block counter 
BUFFER REU Image Buffer used 
FLTPOS Filter position (O=ENGAGE,1=DISENG,2=CLEAR) 
ROLL Raw roll mechanism position 
PTGX1 Raw X1 pointing mechanism position 
PTGX2 Raw X2 pointing mechanism position 
SUNVT Raw sun sensor TOP diode signal 
SUNVB Raw sun sensor BOTTOM diode signal 
SUNVR Raw sun sensor RIGHT diode signal 
SUNVL Raw sun sensor LEFT diode signal 
MIRPOS Raw mirror mechanism position 
OCCPOS Raw occulter mechanism position 
(SC-Y, SC-Z) is the angular offset of the spacecraft optical axis relative to the solar reference frame
SC_ROLL Roll angle of the spacecraft reference frame relative to the solar reference frame 
ROLANGL1 Roll angle 
POSX1 1 X1 Pointing Mech. linear position 
POSX2 1 X2 Pointing Mech. linear position 
MIRANGL1 Intermediate point between Ly-alpha and OVI slits
OCCWDTH Width of unocculted portion of telescope mirror 
INS-ROLL 1 Roll angle of the instrument reference frame y-axis relative to the spacecraft reference frame z-axis 
INS-YR 1 Distance from Sun center to the nearest point on the slit. (Differs from MIRANGL by +10 arcsec for VLD and Lya-alpha channel and by -27 arcsec  for the OVI channel). A postscript file illustration of the FOV can be found here.
(INS-YO, INS-Z0) is the angular offset of the UVCS roll axis (origin of ?rotating? instrument reference frame) relative to the spacecraft reference frame 
(SC_YR, SC_ZR) is the angular offset of the spacecraft optical axis relative to the rotating instrument reference frame 
(SUN_YR, SUN-ZR) is the angular offset of solar disk center relative to the instrument reference frame (from sun sensor) 
TAI-XORB Exposure start time (in TAI seconds) 
GRTPOS Raw grating mechanism position 
EXPTIME Exposure duration 
SLTPOS Raw slit mechanism position 
SLTWDTH 1 Entrance slit width 
MCPV Raw MCP voltage 
MCPVOLT 1 UV Detector MCP Voltage 
WRVAL(2) Wavelength corresponding to first column on detector (WRVAL(0) is for primary and WRVAL(1) for redundant path). 
WDELT(2) Wavelength interval per column  pixel (after distortion correction). For OVI, WDELT(0) is the dispersion in primary in units of Angstrom per pixel. The Ly-alpha has just WDELT(0) which is not equal to zero.

1     These parameters are present only for STATUS ='sp_raw_conf', 'sp_drk_conf', 'sp_flt_conf', 'sp_wav', 'sp_rad', 'vl_raw_conf' or 'vl_rad'.

VL Channel Data
TTYPE Comment
VLHV  Raw VLD high Voltage 
VLHVOLT Calibrated VLD high Voltage 
pB  Fraction of polarized VL as determined relative to the center of the disk 
pB_ERR  Error in the fraction of polarized VL as determined relative to the center of the disk 
ANGLE Angle of polarization
ANGLE_ERR Error in angle of polarization 



Calibrated Stokes parameters I, Q and U as derived from 3-8 VLCNT measurementswith different polarizer positions
VLENUM  Number of sub-exposures (=r) in range 1 - 8 
VLCNT  Raw VLD photon count for each sub-exposure 
VLEXP  Sub-exposure duration 
POLPOS  Raw polarizer position for each sub-exposure 
POLANGL1 Polarizer angle for each sub-exposure 
VLMODE  VLD readout mode (0=count, 1=diode) 
VLRAD1 Raw VLD analog radiance 1 for each sub-exposure 
VLRAD2  Raw VLD analog radiance 2 for each sub-exposure 
VLSTRT Sub-exposure start time (in TAI seconds) 

1     Present only for STATUS = 'vl_raw_conf' or 'vl_radf'

2     Present only for STATUS = 'vl_radf'