Sasha's UVCS line-fitting IDL toolkit


Revision 5.0


--         Introduction

o    Installation and start-up

o    Variables WS and L

--         Reading a FITS file(s)

--         Using SULFIT

--         Using DAS

--         Selecting slit region (optional)

--         Applying flat field (optional)

--         Selecting spectral line(s)

--         Fitting the line(s)

o    Fitting generic line(s)

o    Fitting Ly-alpha line

o    Fitting OVI line doublet (1032, 1037 Ang.)

--         Appendix A

--         Appendix B

--         Appendix C





The IDL line-fitting toolkit (SULFIT) is created to automatically perform routine actions that are required to get meaningful scientific values from UVCS spectral line profile data. As of version 4, SULFIT performs the following actions (mostly without user intervention):

--         Reads UVCS FITS file

--         Throws away bad exposures

--         Combines similarly configured exposures

--         Performs radiometric & wavelength calibrations

--         Finds one line or several spectral lines by their wavelength

--         Selects a ROI (region of interest) on the detector image relevant to specified lines

--         Corrects instrument distortion

--         Sums detector rows to get a line profile

--         Applies the detector effect correction (reshapes the profile)

--         Estimates the intensity distribution across spectrometer slit and models the effect of the spectrometer on the line profile, taking into account the slit shape, instrument optical width and detector digitization effect

--         Estimates errors of the model fitting

--         Estimates the interplanetary hydrogen contribution to Ly-alpha line

--         Estimates stray light contributions to major lines and models the complicated stray light profile for Ly-alpha line.

--         Fits line profile to the data taking into account the instrument model, assuming that coronal emission can be modeled by one or two Gaussian profiles. (Note: Several overlapping spectral lines can be fit simultaneously.)

--         Calculates physical values and their errors from fit parameters, taking into account Poisson statistics, uncertainties in the instrument specification and the fitting errors.

--         Presents the results in a nice plot with an informative legend.


All of the above functions can be achieved quite easily by running only three IDL commands, like the following:

ws= comb_by_pattern('/SCI/d96.06.21.16:53:56.ovi.dat.gz')

l = get_line5(ws,0,[1032,1037])



As an example, the figure below shows a sample plot produced by running the above IDL commands.




























Each of the procedures in the toolkit allows the user to specify a number of additional options to "tune-up" fitting to obtain an optimum presentation of UVCS data. The most frequently used options are described in following sections. See the following sections and the information in the appendices to learn about all of the options.


Installation and start-up

Most of the relevant fitting routings are included in one file called, however there are additional routines needed from The user should compile both files by using the following IDL commands:




Instead of running these commands separately, they can be run by using the IDL batch file command:



Variables WS and L

SULFIT uses variables of the same structure type as DAS 5.1 to store FITS files information. They are represented by the variable WS in the text below. The user may use any variable name as long as he does it consistently.


SULFIT uses variables of structure type, represented below as the variable L, to store the line profile data and all relevant information and pass them to other SULFIT routines. The structure of this variable is described in Appendix A. Again, the user can use a different name other than L.




Reading one or more FITS files


To read a single file or set of files, use the following:

WS = comb_by_pattern('filename pattern'[,more patterns.....])

where FILENAME PATTERN may include UNIX shell wildcards, like '*" or '?'

This command can be used to merge multiple files together before further processing. It works only on files with the same detector mask. The command removes bad exposures, does the SPVL configuration (geometric) calibration and combines exposures with similar mirror angles and grating positions.

Using the DAS

Users can use DAS version 5.1 to read one or more FITS files and combine/delete exposures in any way (s)he wants. The FITS files should be processed with the SPVL Configuration Calibration (but not the Wavelength Calibration) . It is preferable to leave exposures for several heights in the single data set - SULFIT uses information from different heights to obtain intensity profile across the slit. DAS stores data into variables named WS0...WS9 according to the position in the DAS table. After the processing is complete, the user should quit DAS and return to command line. NOTE: Using the DAS to read the FITS files is not well tested, so it is preferable to use SULFIT batch file to start the process.


Selecting spectral lines

To select spectral lines to be investigated, the user calls the GET_LINE5 procedure like this:


L = get_line5(ws,exp,wl[,optional keywords])


This function retrieves data for the spectral lines with given wavelengths wl ( in Angstroms) from exposure exp in working set ws. It automatically selects the proper column range on the detector mask for the given lines. Then the function integrates photon counts over the specified region of the detector (see ROWS and COLS parameters description) and makes (by default) distortion and detector effect corrections. You don't have to specify precise wavelength for Lya or OVI , i.e., 1216,1032, or 1037 will do just fine. The L structure returned by this function contains all information necessary to model and fit specified coronal line.

The parameter wl may be a vector of wavelengths (e.g. you specify [1032,1037] to analyze the OVI doublet or even [1026,1032,1037] if the lines are overlapping). All lines should be on the same mask panel. User should be careful to avoid any unspecified line in the selected region, since it will distort the fitting for the selected line(s). In this case, the user should add the new line to wavelength selection.


See Appendix B for the names and meanings of the other (optional) keywords.


Fitting the spectral line(s) in the detector mask:

a) Fitting a generic spectral line

To fit one or more generic lines, using one or two Gaussian profiles for each line, the procedure FIT_ANY4 can be used as follows:




The most frequently used keyword parameter is shown below:

--         TWO - to fit each line with two Gaussians instead of one

See Appendix C for the names and meanings of the other (optional) keywords.



b) Fitting the Ly-alpha line

To fit Ly-alpha line, the user should call the FIT_LYA4 procedure as follows:




This function fits the Ly-alpha (1216 Ang.) line which has its parameters described in the structure L . L is returned by using the command: L=get_line5(ws,exp,1216). FIT_LYA4 can be used with the combination of one or two Gaussian profiles, background correction, and optionally, the interplanetary hydrogen and stray light profiles separated. The output is an annotated plot showing the fits and fitting parameters for the separate profile components.

Frequently used keywords for FIT_LYA4 are shown below:

--         TWO -to fit coronal line with two Gaussians instead of one

--         IPH - to include the interplanetary hydrogen profile when modeling the line profile

--         STRAY - to include a stray light component when modeling the line profile


See Appendix C for the names and meanings of the other (optional) keywords.



c) Fitting OVI line doublet (1032, 1037 Ang.)

To fit the OVI line doublet, the user should use the FIT_OVI4 procedure as follows:


L is the result returned by using the command: L=GET_LINE5(ws,exp,[1032,1037][,optional keywords]). FIT_OVI4 can be used with the combination of one or two Gaussian profiles for each line, and background component. The output is an annotated plot showing the fits and fitting parameters for each component. FIT_OVI4 has an additional feature not found in FIT_ANY4, in that the fitting parameters can be restricted by using some physical assumptions to improve fit. These assumptions are:

1.       The distances between the centers of wide and narrow components are the same for both lines.

2.       The wide components and narrow components are the same, correspondingly, for both OVI lines (this assumption can be switched off by using the DIFF_WIDTH keyword. In principal, the corresponding widths for the two OVI lines may be different, but not by more than about 5%, which is usually well inside the error bars for the fits. When this option is *not* used, the output plot uses the word "TIED" for line width for the second spectral line. This means that the width is the same as for corresponding component in the first spectral line.


Frequently used keywords are:

--         TWO - to fit each line with two Gaussians instead of one.

--         DIFF_WIDTH - to use the same widths for the corresponding wide and narrow components of both lines


See Appendix C for the names and meanings of the other (optional) keywords.


Appendix A

L is the structure containing following fields:


--         WL=scalar (or vector) wavelength(s) of spectral lines.

--         K=structure - copy of ws.k

--         F=structure - copy of ws.f(exp)

--         EXP=scalar - exposure

--         PANEL=scalar - mask panel

--         LINE=vector - data points of spectral intensity

--         FWHM=scalar - instrument FWHM (pixels)

--         FWHM_RMS=scalar - error in instrument FWHM (pixels)

--         REDUNDANT=boolean - whether line is in redundant area

--         SECOND=boolean - whether line is in second order

--         DP=structure - detector parameters

--         WAVEL=vector - wavelength corresponding to each data point

--         C_WAVE=structure - copy of ws.c.<det>.wave structure

--         GAUSS_C=vector - parameters of Gaussian fit for every spectral line

[integral,1/width,center,background] AREA_OCC=scalar - effective mirror area for each column ColsInPrevPanels=scalar - number of detector columns in previous panels

--         Igradient=scalar - natural logarithm of the intensity gradient in corona

--         SLIT_WIDTH=scalar - slit width

--         ROWS=[first,last] - vector of length 2 which specifies range of the mask rows to integrate over. Whole mask by default.

--         COLS=[first,last]- vector of length 2 which specifies range of the mask columns to integrate over. If not specified the procedure selects the range automatically by fitting line to Gaussian and taking region of several line widths around the line (see NUMOFSIGMAS parameter description).

--         NO_RECT_SLIT=boolean - avoid realistic slit modeling - can be used if fit functions have trouble converging due to bad statistics

--         NODISTCORR=boolean - omit distortion correction. (WARNING!!! Distortion correction in "get_line" works by finding the center of the line for every row of detector, fitting center vs row dependency to parabola and then shifting rows to put all centers to the same column. It may be screwed up if CME is present or if photon counts statistics is poor. Use /DIST_PLOT option to check (it is good idea to always use it)).

Note: If you see an error message like "CORRECT_DISTORTION3: Cannot correctly determine distortion!" then statistics is too bad and you have to use this option.


Appendix B


The optional KEYWORDS for the IDL function


ROWS= [first,last] - vector of length 2 which specifies the range of the mask rows to integrate over. It assumes ALL mask rows by default.


COLS= [first,last] - vector of length 2 which specifies the range of the mask columns to integrate over. If not specified, the procedure selects the range automatically by fitting the line to a gaussian and taking a region of several line widths around the line (see the description for the NUMOFSIGMAS parameter).


DF= dark field level array - if you have one you can specify it. (This is rarely used.)


NOCORR= boolean - If present, this omits the detector effect correction.


NODISTCORR= boolean - if present, this omits the distortion correction. (WARNING!!! Distortion correction in "get_line5" works by finding the center of the line for every row of detector, fitting the line center vs. row dependency to a parabola and then shifting the rows to put all line centers in the same column. It may be unreliable if a CME is present in the data or if the photon counting statistics is poor. Use the /DIST_PLOT option to check this (it is a good idea to always check). If you see an error message like "CORRECT_DISTORTION3: Cannot correctly determine distortion!" then the statistical uncertainty is too large and you have to use the NODISTCORR option.


DIST_PLOT= boolean. Plots the line center vs. row dependency for uncorrected data and then uses a parabola for the distortion correction. This is useful to check how well the distortion correction works since the correction allows large Doppler shifts.


EXT_PROF= vector. Use this if you have your own zero-integral function to use for the detector effect correction. Otherwise, the built-in function is used.


DIST_COEFFS= vector. The coefficients of the parabola, which is used to correct the array distortion, are stored in this variable. Use this keyword if the variable named "vector" is undefined (this can happen by using the IDL command "delvar, vector" for example). If the vector variable is defined, then it is used as the coefficients for the parabolic correction and no new values are calculated.


NOFIND= boolean. Use this to turn off the automatic routine for finding the spectral line. Instead, the spectral line is specified with the COLS keyword. The use of the NOFIND keyword is *not* recommended.


NO_RECT_SLIT= boolean. Use this to turn of the realistic slit modeling (i.e. coronal intensity variation with height across the slit). This can be used when the fitting functions have trouble converging due to poor statistics of the data to be fitted.


Appendix C


The optional KEYWORDS for the IDL procedures,, and are shown below: (These keywords are passed to an IDL procedure named FIT_ALL)



ADD_NAME= string - additional text to appear for the description of the Y-axis


BAD_POINTS= vector - array indices for the points in the profile which are considered to be "bad." When used, these points will not be used for the making the fits. **NOTE: due to the negative spectral dispersion in the OVI channel, the resulting plot is reflected along the vertical axis. This must be taken into account when specifying the BAD_POINTS relative to the original data (i.e. the array indices increase in the opposite direction from the original data). The actual indices should correspond to those in L.line.


NOPLOT= boolean - no plot is displayed


LOG= boolean - use a log plot for the y-axis


DATA_ERRORS= vector - used when calculating the errors in the fitting parameters. Normally, FIT_ALL considers the errors for every data point to have Poison statistics plus a component due to background variations. However, if you would like to specify errors differently you are welcome to do it by using this parameter. It has to be of the same length and units as the structure L.line.


Revision history

4.01 -- fixed missing INIT_SYN common block definition

5.0 -- all IDL routines were put into a single file