Code Developed by S. Giordano, D. Phillips, R. Suleiman
Calibration developed by L. Gardner, N. Atkins, R. Frazin, J. L. Kohl, M. -P. Miralles, M. Romoli, A. Panasyuk, D. Phillips, M. Uzzo
Based on original DAS by C. Benna, S. Giordano, A. van Ballegooijen, J. Raymond

Data Policy & Access to Data

The UVCS Data Policy including the means of access and a description of data products can be found here.

The UVCS data, both level-1 and level-2 data, can be accessed from the SOHO Archive and can also be requested from SAO.


About DAS 51

DAS 51 includes important calibration updates as well as a number of improvements and new features. It is strongly recommended that all users download this newest version

Calibration changes include a new time-dependent calibration scheme, which incorporates radiometric and pointing calibration changes. Radiometric calibration changes have been substantial for small apertures since the start of the mission.

Other additions include many interface updates and IDL compatibility updates.

For complete details about calibration changes and other DAS updates, see DAS 51 Updates.


Download the latest DAS

Download the NEW DAS51 software, including latest calibration and catalog files as a tar.Z file

If you have an existing DAS 51 installation and wish to update your calibration or catalog files:

  1. download the appropriate tar.Z file(s) below
  2. extract the files via uncompress -c filename | tar xvf -
  3. copy files (overwriting old files if necessary) to appropriate the directory within your DAS installation:

Download latest auxiliary crosstalk files alone as a tar.Z file (Updated 8/31/2013)
Download latest UVCS Catalog tables as a tar.Z file (Updated 8/9/2011)

Download the SULFIT5 Curve-Fitting Software as a tar.Z file (Updated 9/4/13)

To extract files use:
uncompress -c filename(ex. das51.tar.Z) | tar xvf  -

The UVCS/SOHO Data Analysis Software (DAS) and the calibration and help files are included in the SolarSoft package which is available from the SOHO Software Web Site. (Click on the link "SolarSoft library for data analysis" under the SOHO Archive bullet.



DAS 51 is compatible with IDL 5.3 through the latest version tested (8.1).

Version 51 of the DAS has a calibration scheme that is incompatible with the previous calibration scheme. This difference leads to some important points:

SSW USERS: If you are running under SSW, you must run the DAS in the "uvcs" directory that has, just as if you were running it outside of SSW. This directory will have the usual subdirectories, e.g., CAL, SCI, TABLES, etc.