****************************** * SOMMAIRE LASCO * ****************************** J.P.LE CANN 2 FEVRIER 1994 1_PROCEDURES 2_TRAITEMENTS 3_RESULTATS 4_LOGICIEL -SESSION IDL -ROUTINES INFO LES INFORMATIONS QUI SUIVENT SE RETROUVERONT DANS DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG] " " OCT " " NOV MISE A JOUR :7 FEVRIER 1993 J.P. LE CANN 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1_PROCEDURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLOCT] Procedures SFT SPT SAT: 25 AOUT 1993 SFT.TXT VERSION 2.0 6 OCT 93 SFTOCTOBER.TXT VERSION 2.0 SFT13OCT93.TXT VERSION 2.0 SFT14OCT93.TXT VERSION 2.2 SFT15OCT93.TXT VERSION 2.2 SATSFT.TXT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2_TRAITEMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Informations: Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLNOV]SYNTHVVIBR.TXT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ETUDE DES IMAGES OBTENUES LORS DES SFT,SPT PRE/POST-VIBRATIONS ! ! TECHNIQUES UTILISEES ET RAPPEL DES RESULTATS ! +----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1- Tests sur l'occulteur externe avec les lampes stimuli 2- Tests sur l'occulteur interne 3- Roue a filtre et les lampes de calibration shutter Pattern-CCD 4- Tests lampes de calibration shutter et mirroirs 5- Vignettage Traitement des images 26 Aout 1993: Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG]MVN_26AUG93.LOG 1- Etude des marques 2_ Etude des franges OE Traitement des images 27 Aout 1993: Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG]MVN_27AUG93.LOG 1- Etude des franges OE et normalisation 2- Etude de residus de franges apres occultation par D2 3- Etude de la lumiere diffusee par l'instrument (straylight) 4- Morphologie de la lumiere diffusee suivant le filtre ou le polariseur 5- Variation de la lumiere diffusee avec le repointage 6- Variation de la lumiere diffusee avec la position du focus 7- Verification de l'etalonnage avec des images obtenues en utilisant la boite de MARTY Traitement des images Octobre 1993: Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLOCT]MVNSFTOCT93.LOG 1- Etude de la polarisation: SFT mirroir M1,M2 2- Positionnement occulteur externe 3- Positionnement occulteur interne 4- Roue a filtres et lampes de calibration shutter 5- Vignettage Traitement des images Novembre 1993: Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLNOV]MVNSFTNOV93.LOG 1- Etude de la polarisation: SFT mirroir M1,M2 2- Incertitude des mesures de polarisation 3- Application de POLM1M2.PRO 4- Positionnement occulteur externe 5- Positionnement occulteur interne ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3_RESULTATS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLOCT]CALLENSRESULT.TXT Deplacement des marques Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLOCT]PHORESULT.TXT Rapport des images PHO avant et apres vibrations ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4_LOGICIEL SESSION SOUS IDL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG]IDL_USE.TXT Informations relatives a l'execution d'une session sous IDL EXAMPLE: IDLSESSION.PRO DEFSYSV,'!IMGDIR','' .RUN SET_IMGDIR.PRO SET_IMGDIR,'' .RUN CALIB5.PRO .RUN ALIGN1.PRO .RUN GCURSOR.PRO .RUN LUX_DIFF.PRO .RUN FCORONAIMA.PRO .RUN KCORONAIMA.PRO .RUN SOLARCORONA.PRO .RUN POLM1M2.PRO .RUN FILTGAUSS.PRO .RUN CROSSCORR.PRO .RUN UTILITIES.PRO .RUN CROSSCORRBIS.PRO .RUN PATTERN1.PRO .RUN SIMCIRCLE.PRO WINDOW,0,XSIZE=512,YSIZE=512,TITLE='DISPLAY'+STRING(0) WINDOW,1,XSIZE=512,YSIZE=512,TITLE='DISPLAY'+STRING(1) $ 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4_LOGICIEL ROUTINES INFO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ***************** * CALIB4: * ***************** Dans DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG]USE_PRO.TXT Use of CALIB4.PRO procedure ***************** * CALIB5: * ***************** ; CALIB5.PRO ; ; Upper level routines ; Stat ; Pro EXTRACT_IMA2, iin, hin, x1, x2, y1, y2, iout, hout ; ; extracts a subimage ; Pro STAT_2D_FRM, ima, kx, ky, imb, imc ;Gives local stats over all ; ;image ; Pro STAT_IMA, ima, x1,y1,x2,y2,z ;gives stas in a ROI ; Function MIN_2D_FRM, ima, kx,ky ; Function STATIMA, ima, x1,y1,x2,y2 ; ; ; Visu ; ; Pro W512, n ;Creates a 512*512 display ; Pro VISU_IMA, ima_name, hima, ima, kx, ky, lcut, hcut ;Visualizes an image ; Function LOAD_IMA, ima, lcut, hcut, kx, ky ;Visualizes a loaded ima; ; ; Calib. processing ; ; Pro VISU_CAL,ima_name, iout, hout ;Gets a CAL ima, rectifies ; and visu. it ; Pro VISU_CAL_CLEAN, ima_name, backg, iout, hout ;Gets a CAL ima, rectifies ; subtracts and visu. it ; Pro READ_CAL,ima_name, itest, iout, hout ;Gets a CAL ima. rectified ; Pro CLEAN_CAL, ima, hima, itest, iout, hout ;rectifies a CAL image ; Function LOAD_CAL(ima,hima,lcut,hcut,itest,hout) ;rectifies a CAL image and ; visu. it ; Pro SET_CAL_HDR, hdr, refpix_x, refpix_y ;Sets cal parameters ; ; Catalogs of images ; ; Pro DARK_CATA ; (CATA) ; Pro SHOW_CATALOG ; (CATA) ; Pro CHOOSE_DARK, dark_new_name, drk, hdrk ; (CATA) ; Pro PRO_CAL, ima_name, drk, hdrk, ima, hima ;process a CAL with ; catalogued darks (CATA) ; Pro GET_DRK_NAME, ima_name, ass_name ; (CATA) ; ; Pro SET_CATALOG, template, db_ima, nima, ima_name ; Pro FIND_IMA, hdr, ima_db, ima_name ; Pro IMA_LIST, template, ima_db, nfiles ; Function DEFINE_CATALOG( nfiles ) ;; ; Basic I/O ; ; Pro WRITE_IMA, ima_name, ima, hdr ;Stores an image and a hdr ; Pro SHOW_HDR, ima_hdr, FULL = I ;Shows some hdr parameters ; Pro COPY_IMA_HDR, hdr_in, hdr_out ;Copies a header ; Function READ_IMA( ima_name, hdr, ichoice ) ;opens an image from stor. ; ; Low level routines ; ; Function GETTOK(st,char) ; Function DATE_CAL( date, hour ) ; Pro DATE_NUM_TEXT,year,month,day,hour ; Function DEFINE_IMA_HDR( dummy ) ; Function DEFINE_CAL_HDR( dummy ) ; Function DEFINE_BSC_HDR( dummy ) ; Function DEFINE_C1_HDR( dummy ) ; Function DEFINE_CCD_HDR( dummy ) ; Function READ_IMA_HDR( ima_name, hdr, itest ) ; Function READ_IMA_FRAME( ima_name, bitpix, nx, ny ) ; Pro WRITE_HDR,ima_name, hdr ; Pro CHECK_IMGDIR, dummy ; Pro CHECK_FILENAME, filename, path, extension ; ; A.LL. 6 **************** * ALIGN1: * **************** Pro ALIGN1, nom_image1,nom_image2,nom_dark,imas,itest ;+ ; NAME: ; ALIGN1.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Takes two images of EO frange, corrects it from the dark and ; sums both, loading the result into X_display ; CATEGORY: ; ?? ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ALIGN1, nom_image1,nom_image2,nom_dark,imas,itest ; INPUTS: ; nom_image1 one of frange images ; nom_image2 frange image in oposite side ; nom_dark dark image name ; itest 'V' or 'H' horizontal or vert alignement ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; imas resulting composite image ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by A.LL v.1.0 LAS 08/25/93 ;- ;............................................................................ Pro STAT_CURSOR, ima, nx, ny, z, FIXED=fixed ;+ ; NAME: ; STAT_CURSOR.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Draws a box in a image and does a statistic (mean and standard ; deviation inside ; CATEGORY: ; ?? ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; STAT_CURSOR, ima ; INPUTS: ; ima image array (in memory) ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; Values ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by A.LL v.1.0 LAS 08/25/93 ;- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: dvpt_fra.pro ; PURPOSE: make a polar development of OE fringe ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: dvpt_fra,ima_in,Xc,Yc,R,delta_R,ima_out ; INPUTS: ima_in reference's image ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Xc,Yc fringe's center ; R internal radius ; delta_R thin of fringe ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_out result frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 09/24/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)dvpt_fra.pro 1.0 09//93 :LAS ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: gener_mask.pro ; PURPOSE: make a circular mask for photometry's studies ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: gener_mask,ima_name,Xc,Yc,R ; INPUTS: ima_name Name of mask ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Xc,Yc circle's coords ; R radius of mask ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_name mask's frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 09/10/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)gener_mask.pro 1.0 09/10/93 :LAS ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;............................................................................ Pro WRITIMA, ima, val, nx, ny, z, FIXED=fixed ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; WRITIMA.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Draws a box in an image and replaces all pixels values inside ; the box by the given value ; CATEGORY: ; ?? ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; WRITIMA, ima, val ; INPUTS: ; ima image array (in memory) ; val value to be written ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; ima with the selected intervals replaced ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by M.B v.1.0 LAS 12/13/93 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;............................................................................ Pro REPLACIMA, IMA, minval, maxval, selectval ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; REPLACIMA.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Select an interval of pixels values and replace these one by another ; CATEGORY: ; ?? ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; REPLACIMA, IMA, minval, maxval, selectval ; INPUTS: ; ima image array (in memory) ; minval lower cuts value selected ; maxval higher cuts value selected ; selectval new value of pixels between lcuts & hcuts ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; ima with the selected intervals replaced ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by M.B v.1.0 LAS 12/13/93 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************** * UTILITIES: * **************** DANS DATAVS5:[LASCO.IMAGES.MV_NRL.NRLAUG] UTILITIES.PRO $ TYPE UTILITIES.PRO ;;;; -*- Syntax: IDL; Mode: Lisp -*- pro utilities ;+ ;.NAME: ; utilities.pro ; ;.PURPOSE: ; Define a bunch of handy IDL utilities. ; ;.COMMENT: ; Compile with ".run utilities" from IDL V2. ; ;.AUTHOR: ; Hans-Martin Adorf ; Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility ; European Southern Observatory ; D-8046 Garching bei Muenchen ; Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 ; F.R. Germany ; Internet: adorf@eso.org SPAN: ESO::ADORF or adorf@eso.span ; ;.MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Jul 1990 HMA Initial implementation ; Aug 1990 HMA Further improvements ; Sep 1991 HMA Some comments provided ; Oct 1991 HMA Added new features ; Feb 1992 HMA Added new utilities ; jan 1994 M.B Truncated version for IDL v 3.1.1 <==> LASCO ; ;.TO DO ; Introduce global variables to control, e.g. the verbosity of ; graphics and image display of intermediate results. ;- tools ;require tools.pro return end ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Math functions ;;; It's a shame that these have to be implemented by the user. ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function floor1, n, base function my_mod, n, base ;; IDL refused to accept MOD here. function sgn, x ;; Returns the sign of an array. function my_atan, x, y ;; We can't use the built-in single-argumentatan, since it looses the ;; information about quadrants etc. ;; see Steele, p. 306 function arg, x ;; Returns the phase of an array. function imaginary_unit return, sqrt(complex(-1)) function cis, phi ;; Returns exp(i phi) = cos(phi) + i*sin(phi) function symmetrize, array ;; works only for odd frames function antisymmetrize, array ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Predicates ;;; should be vectorized, too. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function evenp, n function oddp, n function even_or_odd, n ;; The (-1)^n function ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Auxiliary functions ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This function should be replaced by the system function N_ELEMENTS function no_of_pixels, array ;; Return the no of pixels of a 1D or 2D data array. return, n_elements(array) ; modified by M.B 24/01/94 :LAS end function origin, frame ;; Defines the origin of even- and odd-sized frames. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Auxiliary functions ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This function should be replaced by the system function N_ELEMENTS function no_of_pixels, array ;; Return the no of pixels of a 1D or 2D data array. return, n_elements(array) ; modified by M.B 24/01/94 :LAS end function origin, frame ;; Defines the origin of even- and odd-sized frames. function centre, image ;; Shift the origin of the image from the bottom left corner to the centre. o = origin(image) s = size(image) function decentre, image ;; Shift the origin of the image from the centre to the bottom left corner. function unit_pulse, nx, ny ;; Puts a 1 at the origin of an artificial frame. (centered Dirac) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Frame insertion and extraction ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function insert, child, parent ;; Insert child array into parent array (centred) ;; This f. is not tested for odd frames and does presumably not work as is. nc = size(child) function extract, image, nx, ny ;; Extract a subframe of dimensions (nx ny) centred on the origin function normalize, data ;; Put sum over all values to one. return, data/total(data) end function upsample, array, step ;; Insert zeros in between data values. ;; Attention: the origin is not properly mapped. function downsample, array, step function clip, array ; result = array ; supp = where(array lt 0, cnt) ; if (cnt gt 0) then result(supp) = 0. ; return, result ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Fourier transformation, convolution etc. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function dft, data ;; Discrete Fourier transform ;; The IDL FFT normalizes during the forward transformation. ;; return, fft(data, -1) function dfti, ft ;; Inverse discrete Fourier transform ;; return, fft(ft, +1) function convolve, x, y ;; Convolve two (real) arrays. ;; We have shift the result, since the IDL origin is in the bottom left ;; corner. ;; For efficiency reasons, an odd dimensioned frame is embedded in a ;; larger even frame function correlate, x, y ;; Correlate two (real) arrays. ;; We have shift the result, because the origin is in the ;; bottom left corner. ;; Apart from taking the conjugate of y, this function is identical to ;; the convolution function autocorrelate, x function power_spectrum, x ;; The squared one function log_power_spectrum, x ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Image manipulation ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function zero_nyquist, ft ;; Zero the Nyquist-frequencies of an even image ;; Assume the origin is centred and the Nyquist-frequencies are ;; at row and column 0 function complement_nyquist, fx ;; Complements the missing Nyquist frequency components ;; required for upsampling/interpolating an even frame. function resample, image, nx, ny ;; Resample the given image to (nx, ny) dimensions using ;; aliased sinc-interpolation function replicate_image, image ;; Replicate an image into a frame with twice the linear size ;; by replicating each pixel. s = size(image) ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Utilities for creating masks ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function band_mask, npix, width ;; Create a band mask of size npix*npix with a horizontal band of width. function circle_mask, npix, radius ;; Create a circular mask, 1 inside, 0 outside a circle of radius. function ellipse_mask, npix, a, b, theta ;; modified by M.B on 25/01/94 : LAS ;; Create an ellipse mask, 1 inside, 0 outside the ellipe ;; a = major half axis ;; b = minor half axis ;; theta = angle of between x-axis and major axis (degrees) function gauss_mask, npix, sigma ;; Create a circular mask with gaussian values function cone_mask, npix, r ;; Create a circular mask with cone values function rolloff_mask, npix, radius, sigma ;; Create a circular mask, 1 inside, gaussian values outside a cirle ;; npix = linear number of pixels ;; radius = radius of circular disk ;; sigma = std. dev. of gaussian roll off ; a = 1./sqrt(2.*3.14159)/sigma ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Some functions ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function euclid, x, y return, sqrt(x*x+y*y) end function gauss, x, mu, sigma c = 2.50663 ; sqrt(2*pi) return, exp(-((x-mu)/sigma)^2/2)/c/sigma end ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Statistics, e.g. for background estimation. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function mean, array ;; Return the average of a 1D or 2D data array. function maxpos, array ;; Return the positions of the absolute maxima function statistics, array ;; modified by M.B on 25/01/94 : LAS ;; Compute simple statistics of the array. ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Plot utilities Reviewed & reconceptualized by M.B on 25/01/94 : LAS ;;; for VAX/VMS v 5 ;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro copy_disp,image,minval,maxval pro send_plot,image,col,row,minval,maxval function mtf, ima ;; Modulation transfer function *************** * DIVERS: * *************** *PATTERN1.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: FILTMEDIAN.PRO ; PURPOSE: apply a median filter and rebin in the same time. ; CATEGORY: General tools high level routine ; CALLING SEQUENCE: filtmedian,ima_in,kx,ky,ima_out ; INPUTS: ima_in image array ; kx step_size in x ; ky step_size in y ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS:ima_out resulting frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: None ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 20/01/94 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)filtmedian.pro 1.0 20/01/94 :LAS ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pro pattern1,ima1,ima2,ima3,ima4,difres ;;; by M.B :LAS 21/01/94 extract & display the pattern of ccd ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pro pattern2,difres1,difres2,difres_out ;;; by M.B :LAS 21/01/94 magnify the pattern (shunt aleatory peaks) & give ;;; the signal/noise ratio ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *POLM1M2.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: MEAN_2D_FRM.PRO ; PURPOSE: make an image of local means and of standard deviation ; CATEGORY: General tools high level routine ; CALLING SEQUENCE: mean_2d_frm,ima_in,kx,ky,ima_moy,ima_std ; INPUTS: ima_in image array ; kx step_size in x ; ky step_size in y ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS:ima_moy mapping of local means ; ima_std mapping of local sigmas ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: None ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 07/12/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)mean_2d_frm.pro 1.0 07/12/93 :LAS ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION MOY,IMA,X1,X2,Y1,Y2 RETURN, TOTAL(IMA(X1:X2,Y1:Y2))/N_ELEMENTS(IMA(X1:X2,Y1:Y2)) pro mean_2d_frm,ima_in,kx,ky,ima_moy,ima_std ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: POLM1M2.PRO ; PURPOSE: make images of local means and of standard deviation for ; the Stokes parameters, the fractionnal polarization & direction of ; polarization for the light of calib lamps after passing thru mirrors ; CATEGORY: General tools high level routine ; CALLING SEQUENCE: polm1m2,I1p,I2p,I3p,kx,ky,P_moy,P_std,alpha_moy,alpha_std ; INPUTS: I1p image array of intensity with pol-60 ; I2p image array of intensity with pol00 ; I3p image array of intensity with pol+60 ; kx step_size in x ; ky step_size in y ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS:P_moy mapping of local means for polarization ; P_std mapping of local sigmas for polarization ; alpha_moy mapping of local means for direction ; alpha_std mapping of local sigmas for direction ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: None ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 07/12/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)polm1m2.pro 1.0 07/12/93 :LAS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro polm1m2,I1p,I2p,I3p,kx,ky,P_moy,P_std,alpha_moy,alpha_std ; print,'reading images, correcting them and display of the results' *CROSSCORR.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; FUNCTION RINTER, P, X, Y, DFDX, DFDY ;+ ; NAME: ; RINTER ; PURPOSE: ; Cubic interpolation of an image at a set of reference points ; points. Optionally obtain the X and Y derivatives at ; these points. Used by the DAOPHOT PSF sequence but can also ; be for general cubic interpolation. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Z = RINTER( P, X, Y, [ DFDX, DFDY ] ) ; ; INPUTS: ; P - Two dimensional data array, ; X - Either an N element vector or an N x M element array, ; containing X subscripts where cubic interpolation is desired. ; Y - Either an N element vector or an N x M element arra, ; containing Y subscripts where cubic interpolation is desired. ; ; OUTPUT: ; Z - Result = interpolated vector or array. If X and Y are vectors, ; then so is Z, but if X and Y are arrays then Z will be also. ; If P is DOUBLE precision, then so is Z, otherwise Z is REAL. ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; DFDX - Vector or Array, (same size and type as Z), containing the ; derivatives with respect to X ; DFDY - Array containing derivatives with respect to Y ; ; EXAMPLE: ; suppose P is a 256 x 256 element array and X = FINDGEN(50)/2. + 100. ; and Y = X. Then Z will be a 50 element array, containing the ; cubic interpolated points. ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; can be time consuming. ; ; RESTRICTION: ; Interpolation is not possible at positions outside the range of ; the array (including all negative subscripts), or within 2 pixel ; units of the edge. No error message is given but values of the ; output array are meaningless at these positions. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; invokes CUBIC interpolation algorithm to evaluate each element ; in Z at virtual coordinates contained in X and Y with the data ; in P. ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; If repeated interpolation of the same array is to occur, then ; one can save time by initializing the common block RINTER ; REVISION HISTORY: ; March 1988 written W. Landsman STX Co. ; Checked for IDL Version 2, J. Isensee, September, 1990 ; Corrected call to HISTOGRAM, W. Landsman November 1990 ;- ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: crosscorr.pro ; PURPOSE: determination of the function of crossing- ; correlation between two frames and the off- ; centering between these two frames. ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: crosscorr,ima1_in,ima2_in,x1,x2,y1,y2,ima_out,res ; INPUTS: ima1_in name of 1st frame ; ima2_in name of 2nd frame ; x1,x2,y1,y2 selected area ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_out cross-correlation frame ; res maxima's area reinterpolated ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: The cubic interpolation is maded by Rinter.pro ; who has to be compiled before applications. ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 01/14/94 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro crosscorr,ima1_in,ima2_in,x1,x2,y1,y2,ima_out,res ; *CROSSCORRBIS.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: crosscorrbis.pro ; PURPOSE: determination of the function of crossing- ; correlation between two frames and the off- ; centering between these two frames. ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: crosscorrbis,ima1_in,ima2_in,x1,x2,y1,y2,ima_out,res ; INPUTS: ima1_in name of 1st frame ; ima2_in name of 2nd frame ; x1,x2,y1,y2 selected area ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_out cross-correlation frame ; res maxima's area reinterpolated ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: The sinc interpolation is maded by resample.pro ; included in utilities.pro who has to be compiled ; before applications. ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 01/20/94 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)crosscorrbis.pro 1.0 01/20/94 :LAS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro crosscorrbis,ima1_in,ima2_in,x1,x2,y1,y2,ima_out,res ; *KCORONAIMA.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: kcoronaima.pro ; PURPOSE: make synthetic maps for brightness of the ; electronic component of the solar corona ; "kontinuum corona" , for extremal cases of activity ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: kcoronaima,ima_Bk,option ; INPUTS: None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: 0 (MIN) or 1 (MAX) ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_Bk resulting frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; and to a radial extent of 6.3 Rsun for K-corona ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 11/25/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ;; ; @(#)kcoronaima.pro 1.0 11/25/93 :LAS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro kcoronaima,ima_Bk,option *LUX_DIFF.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: lux_diff.pro ; PURPOSE: make an image of the scattering function ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: lux_diff,ima_name,Xc,Yc,OPTION,A,B ; INPUTS: ima_name Name of result ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Xc,Yc center's coords ; OPTION function's chars ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_name scattering funct ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 10/11/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)lux_diff.pro 1.0 10/11/93 :LAS ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *PROCESS1.PRO* ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; gettok.pro ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function gettok,st,char ;+ ; NAME: ; GETTOK ; PURPOSE: ; Function to retrieve the first part of the string ; until the character char is encountered. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; token = gettok( st, char ) ; ; INPUT: ; char - character separating tokens, scalar string ; ; INPUT-OUTPUT: ; st - (scalar) string to get token from (on output token is removed) ; ; OUTPUT: ; token - scalar string value is returned ; ; EXAMPLE: If ST is 'abc=999' then gettok(ST,'=') would return ; 'abc' and ST would be left as '999' ; ; HISTORY ; version 1 by D. Lindler APR,86 ; Remove leading blanks W. Landsman (from JKF) Aug. 1991 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; function date_cal, date, hour ;+ ; NAME: ; DATE_CAL ; PURPOSE: ; Procedure to perform conversion of dates to decimal form ; ; format: string (ascii text) encoded as ; DD MON YEAR for date ; HH:MM:SS.SS for hour ; (eg. 14 JUL 1987 15:25:44.23) ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE ; jt = DATE_CAL( DATE, HOUR ) ; ; INPUTS: ; DATE - input date in one of the three possible formats ; OUTPUTS: ; The converted date is returned as the function value. ; HISTORY: ; version 1 D. Lindler July, 1987 ; adapted for IDL version 2 J. Isensee May, 1990 ; adapted from DATE_CONV to lasco use A.LL. ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; DATE_NUM_TEXT.PRO ;.PURPOSE Gives a set of date strings, ex: 12, 09, 1994 (for the 12 Sep 1994) ; A.LL. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro DATE_NUM_TEXT,year,month,day,hour ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; DEFINE_CATALOG.pro ; A.LL. ;.PURPOSE Sets data base structure for images ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DEFINE_CATALOG, nfiles ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; dark_list.pro ; A.LL. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro DARK_LIST, template, ima_db, nfiles ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; find_ima.pro ; A.LL. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro FIND_IMA, hdr, ima_db, ima_name end ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; set_catalog.pro ; A.LL. ; ;.PURPOSE set a catalog of images in memory ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro SET_CATALOG, template, db_dark, ndarks, drk_name ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; show_catalog.pro ; A.LL. ; ;.PURPOSE list the catalog in memory ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro SHOW_CATALOG ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; list_ima_param.pro ; A.LL. ; ;.PURPOSE list the catalog in memory ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pro list_ima_param, template ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; get_drk_name.pro ; A.LL. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Pro get_drk_name, ima_name, ass_name ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; DARK_CATA.pro ; A.LL. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro DARK_CATA *PROFILE.PRO* Function profile, image, xstart = x0, ystart = y0, nomark = nomark ;+ ; NAME: ; Profile - Extract a profile from an image. ; PURPOSE: ; Allow the operator to mark two points on the ; image display with the joystick. Extract and ; return the points along the line. Optionally ; return the X and Y values of each extracted point. ; CATEGORY: ; ?? ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Result = Profile( Image, XX, YY) ; INPUTS: ; Image = data array. May be any type except ; complex. ; Operator enteres locations of end points of ; profile. ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; Xstart, Ystart = starting (x,y) location of lower left corner of image. ; Nomark = 1 to inhibit marking the image with the line. ; OUTPUTS: ; Function result = floating vector containing ; data points. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Cursor on image display is enabled. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written, DMS, November, 1982. ; Modified for Sun, march, 1988. ; ****************************************************************************** *SET_IMGDIR.PRO* pro set_imgdir, dir_path IF !VERSION.OS EQ 'vms' THEN BEGIN ****************************************************************************** SOLARCORONA.PRO ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: solarcorona.pro ; PURPOSE: make synthetic maps for brightness of the sum ; of K and f components of the solar corona ; for extremal cases of solar activity ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: solarcorona,ima_name,option ; INPUTS: None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: 0 (MIN) or 1 (MAX) ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_name resulting frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; and to a radial extent of 6.3 Rsun for corona ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 12/22/93 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)solarcorona.pro 1.0 12/22/93 :LAS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; pro solarcorona,ima_name,option ; *FILTGAUSS.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: filtgauss.pro ; PURPOSE: gaussian filtering applications ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: filtgauss,ima_in,width,ima_out ; INPUTS: ima_in name of frame ; width width '1/e' of gaussian ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: ima_out resulting frame ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: Applications limited to 512*512 frames ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 01/07/94 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)filtgauss.pro 1.0 01/07/94 :LAS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; *GCURSOR.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRO GCURSOR,TABLE_NAME,N_POINTS ; created by M.BOUT, LAS, 931118 ; the graphic cursor becomes enable and a group of points taken on the ; plot are printed & writed into a given table. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *DRAWCIRCLE.PRO* ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pro drawcircle, ima_in, radius, x_cntr, y_cntr, ptyp, psiz ;; Draw a circle of given radius and given center on a frame ;; Created by M.B on 31/01/94 : LAS v1.0 ;; inputs : ;; ima_in image that receives the picture ;; radius radius of the drawn circle ;; x_cntr, y_cntr center coordinates of the drawn circle ;; ptyp selected drawn points ;; psiz heigth of the drawn points ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ****************************************************************************** *DCURSOR.PRO* ;............................................................................... Pro DCURSOR, ima, tab_name, n_points ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; DCURSOR.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; put the pixels coordinates & the pixels values selected with the ; cursor in a table that can be readed. ; CATEGORY: ; array manipulation ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; DCURSOR, ima, tab_name, n_points ; INPUTS: ; ima image array (in memory) ; tab_name name of table that receives the values ; n_points number of points in the table ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; values writted in the table ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by M.B v.1.0 : LAS 01/27/94 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SIMCIRCL.PRO* PCURSOR.PRO,TAB ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; PCURSOR.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Plot cursor position on display and ; put the pixels coordinates selected with the ; cursor in a table that can be readed. ; CATEGORY: ; array manipulation ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; PCURSOR ; INPUTS: none ; ima : image array (in memory) ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; TAB : table des coordonnees des points selectionnes ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by JP.L & M.B v.1.0 : LAS 01/27/94 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;............................................................................... Pro circcntr,IMA, TAB_NAME,XMOY,YMOY,R ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; CIRCCNTR.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Estimation du centre d'un arc de cercle,et de son rayon R. ; passant par les points plottes ; CATEGORY: ; array manipulation ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; CIRCCNTR,TAB_NAME ; INPUTS: ; tab_name table with plotting values ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; XMOY,YMOY coordonnees du centre du cercle ; R rayon du cercle ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; WRITTEN BY J.P. LE CANN LAS 31 /1/ 1994 ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;............................................................................... Pro pcircle,IMA,XMOY,YMOY,R ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; PCIRCLE.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; Trace un cercle de centre et de rayon donnes dans une image donnee ; CATEGORY: ; TRACE ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pcircle,IMA,XMOY,YMOY,R ; INPUTS: ; IMA : Image ; XMOY,YMOY : coordonnees du centre ; R : rayon du cercle ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; None ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ACTUELLEMENT POUR IMAGE 512X512 ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; WRITTEN BY J.P. LE CANN LAS 31 /1/ 1994 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;............................................................................... Pro SIMCIRCLE,IMA,XMOY,YMOY,R ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: ; SIMCIRCLE.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; en partant d'un ensemble de points plottes dans une image donnee ; trace un cercle et en donne le centre et le rayon ; CATEGORY: ; TRACE ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; SIMCIRCLE,IMA ; INPUTS: ; IMA : Image ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; None ; OUTPUTS: ; XMOY,YMOY : coordonnees du centre ; R : rayon du cercle ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ACTUELLEMENT POUR IMAGE 512X512 ; PROCEDURE: ; Straightforward. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; WRITTEN BY J.P. LE CANN LAS 31 /1/ 1994 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****************************************************************************** *VIGNETTAGE.PRO* ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; function vignettage,option,off_x,off_y ;; created by M.B on 02/02/94 at LAS ;; construction of a normalized model of vignetting function for LASCO ;; This model can be used for vignetting of solar corona frames ;; inputs : ;; option 0 or 1 depends of the position of ;; the polarizer's wheel ;; 0 <==> NO POLARIZER, 1 <==> WITH POLARIZER ;; off_x,off_y off-centering of the internal occultor ;; ;; outputs : ;; model name of the resultant image ;; ;; restrictions : ;; the generated model is 512*512 pixels ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; NAME: crevig.pro ; PURPOSE: construction of the vignetting function for ; LASCO/C2 coronagraph using the bidimensionnal ; convolution filtering method ; CATEGORY: Processing high level ; CALLING SEQUENCE: crevig,ima_name,off_x,off_y ; INPUTS: ima_name name of the simulation result ; off_x,off_y off-centering of the occultor ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; OUTPUTS: image of given name ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None ; COMMON BLOCKS: None ; SIDE EFFECTS: None ; RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is adapted to 512*512 frames ; PROCEDURE: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: defined by M.B 02/07/94 ; ; SCCS variables for IDL use ; ; @(#)crevig.pro v 1.0 02/07/94 :LAS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function lunule,R1,R2,d ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; pro crevig,ima_name,off_x,off_y ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SIMULC2.PRO ; ;pro simulsti,ima_res ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;; simulsti.pro created by M.B & JP.L on 26/01/94 : LAS ;; simulation of the projected internal occulter onto the back of the door ;; in the presence of marks and the contour of polarizer. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;pro simulvig,ima_res ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;; simulvig.pro created by M.B & JP.L on 26/01/94 : LAS ;; simulation of the internal occulter illuminated by the Marty's light box ;; in the presence of the contour of polarizer. It's similar to focalised ;; frames of vignetting function obtained with the calibration lens. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;SINC.PRO ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function sinc, npix, deg, x_cntr, y_cntr ;; generates a 2D sinc function pattern ;; that can be employed to select a part of the FFT of a straylight frame. ;; With this, we hope to make separation between fringe component & diffuse ;; component on scattered light images ;; ;; Created by M.B on 28/02/94 : LAS v1.0 ;; ;; inputs : ;; npix dimension on X or Y ;; deg exponentiation applied to sinc function ;; x_cntr, y_cntr center coordinates of the drawn pattern ;; ;; outputs : ;; 2D sinc function pattern ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;