LASCO FUNCTIONNAL AND PERFORMANCE TESTS VERSION 2.0 Philippe LAMY - Jean-Pierre LECANN 25 AUG 1993 1.INTRODUCTION The verification of LASCO at the system level and at various times of it life is performed by - System Functionnal Test (SFT) - Abbreviated Functionnal Test (AFT) - System Performance Test (SPT) Only the first two are imposed by ESA to monitor LASCO during integra- tion activities. Note that these two tests do NOT fulfill the ESA re- quirements for EMC/EMI of the mechanisms. The System Performance Test is defined by the LASCO team and aims at verifying the scientific per- formances of the instrument at various stages. 2.FRAMEWORK OF THE TESTS The basic configuration for both SFT and AFT is given in Fig. 1. Note that LASCO workstation has no control of the instrument (commanded by the S/C controler); it just receives the data. The implementation of external sources, although possible in principle for SFT, will be prac- tically difficult to do as they must be attached to LASCO. The maximum lengths of the tests imposed by ESA are SFT: 4 hours per side AFT: less than 1 hour There is no limit on the SPT except that it should not intefere with the integration activities. 3.GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE TESTS Note a fundamental limitation: the mechanisms and the lamps cannot be operated simultaneously. 3.1 DOOR The operation of the door depends upon the cleanliness of the room or the presence of the protective acrylic window. 3.2 LAMPS The above remark means that the lamps cannot be on when a mechanism such as the shutter is operated. In clear, the shutter cannot be used to perform an exposure whose time must therefore be controled by the lamps themselves. This is indeed the nominal operation for the calibration lamps with the constraint that the exposure time must be sufficienly long to limit the effect of the transitory phases of filament warm-up (add filters and density on the lamps if necessary). The ground operation of the stimuli lamps (one or two or all four at a time) using an external power-supply allows to relax the above cons- traint meaning that the shutter can be used (indeed, it would be very difficult to time the swicht-on of the lamps with the camera). However, once the MLI is put around LASCO, the ground operation of the stimuli lamps is no longer possible and the task of carrying the tests using those lamps become tricky. Ben Au will investigate a solution where carefull management of the power could allow the simultaneous operation of the those lamps and the shutter. Note finally that the LEB has no mean to tell that the current is cor- rectly going thru the lamps. 3.3 PES It is unclear whether the PES will generate a measurable signal when the stimuli lamps (1, 2, 3 or all 4) illuminate the back of the door. Another possibility consists in illuminating the photodiodes with a small laser to get a measurable signal. 3.4 IOCS It has no encoder therefore its testing requires taking images. This is a long process incompatible with the limited time of the SFT. 3.5 FOCUS It has a 3 bits encoder encoding 5 regions and 2 transitions defined as "air focus" and "vacuum focus". 3.5 CAMERA Various levels of testing are possible - read status - acquisition of a dark frame - acquisition of an image 4.PRINCIPLES OF THE TESTS 4.1 DOOR SAT: N0 SFT: Depends upon cleanliness or the presence of the acrylic window SPT: Depends upon cleanliness or the presence of the acrylic window Operation of the door must be a case by case decision 4.2 OCCULTER AND STIMULI LAMPS SAT: N0 SFT and SPT: Project shadow of the EO on the back of the door using the stimuli lamps and compare with reference images to detect any displacement 4.3 PES SAT: NO SFT: This test depends upon the PES response to the stimuli lamps SPT: Use stimuli lamps if adequate; otherwise, use an external light source (laser diode) to illuminate one detector at a time 4.4 IOCS SAT: N0 SFT and SPT: Use the stimuli lamps to illuminate the back of the door and make four images with D2 displaced in the four directions by +/- 10 steps. Then go back to the initial position 4.5 FOCUS SAT: N0 SFT: From vacuum position, move +30 steps to transition one of the encoder bit, then move -24 steps and then -2 steps at a time until the transition is observed SPT: Move sufficiently to transition all three encoder bits and home back 4.6 SHUTTER SAT: Open and close SFT and SPT: As required by the other tests 4.7 CALIBRATION LAMPS SAT: NO SFT: Take two images, one with lamps A the other with lamps B, using only the orange filter SPT: Take images for all filters and both pairs of lamps A and B 4.8 M1 AND M2 MIRRORS SAT: NO SFT: NO SPT: Measure the instrumental polarization (mostly due to these two mirrors) with the three polarizers using the calibration lamps 4.9 FILTER WHEEL SAT: Move to the next position and return SFT: Rotate through all positions (1 cycle) SPT: As required by the other tests 4.10 POLARIZER WHEEL SAT: Move to the next position and return SFT: Rotate through all positions (1 cycle) SPT: As required by the other tests 4.11 CAMERA SAT: Read status SFT: As required by the other tests SPT: As required by the other tests 5. SUMMARY OF SAT AND SFT FOR LASCO/C2 ______________________________________________________________________ LASCO-C2 SUBSYS SYSTEM ABBREVIATED TEST SYSTEM FUNCTIONNAL TEST ______________________________________________________________________ YES/NO SCENARIO YES/NO SCENARIO CODE ................................................... DOOR NO / TBD(1) / / OE+STI LAMPS NO / YES TEO STI PES NO / TBD(2) / / IOCS NO / YES TIOCS IOC FOCUS NO / YES MESSAGE / SHUTTER YES SAT AS REQUIRED / / CALIB LAMPS NO / YES TCL CAL M1 & M2 MIRRORS NO / NO / / FILTER W. YES SAT YES FILTER_*** / POLARIZER W. YES SAT YES POL*** / CAMERA YES(STATUS) SAT AS REQUIRED / / ______________________________________________________________________ (1) Case by case decision (2) Feasability to be demonstrated 6. SUMMARY OF SPT FOR LASCO/C2 ______________________________________________________________________ LASCO-C2 SUBSYSTEMS SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST ______________________________________________________________________ YES/NO SCENARIO CODE ...................................... DOOR TBD(1) / / OCC EXT + STI LAMPS YES TEO STI PES YES / / IOCS YES TIOCS IOC FOCUS YES MESSAGE / SHUTTER AS REQUIRED / / CALIB LAMPS YES TCLF PHO M1 & M2 MIRRORS YES TM1M2 MIR FILTER W. AS REQUIRED / / POLARIZER W. AS REQUIRED / / CAMERA AS REQUIRED / / DIFFUSION YES BIN2_2 DIF FRANGE YES BIN2_2 FRA CALIB INTERNAL YES BIN2_2 ETI MIRRORS YES BIN2_2 MIR VIGNETTING YES BIN2_2 VIG POLARIZATION YES POL***+** POL IMAGE QUALITY YES PSF* QIM DARK FRAME YES BIN2_2 / ______________________________________________________________________ (1) Case by case decision 7. DESCRIPTION OF THE TESTS 7.1 TEST OF IOCS (SCENARIO TIOCS) Check status of C2/ initialize Super-close the door Move filter wheel to calibration lens Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Take a dark frame with binning factor = 2 and t = -20 sec Enable stimuli lamps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Move D2 by X = +10 steps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Move D2 by X = -20 steps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Move D2 by X = +10 steps Move D2 by Y = +10 steps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Move D2 by Y = -20 steps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Move D2 by Y = +10 steps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = 20 sec Disable stimuli lamps Take a dark frame with binning factor = 2 and t = -20 sec Move filter wheel to orange filter Relax door to close position if appropriate Check status 7.2 TEST OF M1 AND M2 MIRRORS (SCENARIO TM1M2) Check status of C2/ initialize Move filter wheel to orange filter (blue may provide a larger polar) Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Close shutter Set up camera Switch on calibration lamps Switch off calibration lamps Read image with binning factor = 2 Move polarizer wheel to P1 Set up camera Switch on calibration lamps Switch off calibration lamps Read image with binning factor = 2 Move polarizer wheel to P2 Set up camera Switch on calibration lamps Switch off calibration lamps Read image with binning factor = 2 Move polarizer wheel to P3 Set up camera Switch on calibration lamps Switch off calibration lamps Read image with binning factor = 2 Move polarizer wheel to P4 Set up camera Switch on calibration lamps Switch off calibration lamps Read image with binning factor = 2 Take a dark frame with binning factor = 2 Camera off Move filter wheel to orange filter (if necessary) Check status Enter safe mode if appropria 7.3 TEST OF EXTERNAL OCCULTER (SCENARIO TOE) Check status of C2/ initialize Move filter wheel to calibration lens Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Set up camera Switch on stimuli lamps L1 and L3 Take a sub-image (use shutter) Switch off stimuli lamps L1 and L3 Switch on stimuli lamps L2 and L4 Take a sub-image (use shutter) Switch off stimuli lamps L2 and L4 Take a dark image with binning factor = 2 Camera off Move filter wheel to orange filter Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Check status Enter safe mode if appropriate 7.4 TEST OF CALIBRATION LAMPS (SCENARIO TCL) Check status of C2/ initialize Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Move filter wheel to orange filter Take a dark image with binning factor=2 and t = -20 sec Unable calibration lamps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = -20 sec Disable calibration lamps Check status 7.5 TEST OF CALIBRATION LAMPS AND FILTERS (SCENARIO TCLF) Check status of C2/ initialize Move polarizer wheel to clear filter Move filter wheel to orange filter Take a dark image with binning factor=2 and t = -20 sec Take a dark image with binning factor=2 and t = -3 sec Unable calibration lamps Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = - 20 sec Move filter wheel to red filter Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = - 3 sec Move filter wheel to H-alpha filter Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = - 20 sec Move filter wheel to blue filter Take an image with binning factor = 2 and t = - 20 sec Disable calibration lamps Move filter wheel to orange filter Check status