1. Select flare and data files using parameter input. 2. Read in flare files using Time History command. 3. Select the detector id. Det_id. 3. Select background using Background command. 4. Use Zoom command to expand region of interest. 5. Use Grap to replot the zoomed interval. Plots the background subtracted from the selected detector. The channels are selected using the mask in chanmask. 6. Create the response matrix, Drm command. 7. Select the integration intervals. Use Grap to replot channels and Select_intervals commands. 8. Accum command prepares OBS and BACK with uncertainties for each interval 9. Control fitting intervals with Ifirst and Ilast parameters. 10. Adjust initial values for model parameters by going through Count and Photon commands. Control free parameters with Free parameter. To use previous interval use Sumfit=0, to use summary of last round use Sumfit=1. 11. Fit command starts the curvefit iterations. 12. Enter idl through Execute (1 line) or Stop commands. 13. Save values by using save and restore in idl.