HELP Information on Running SolarSoft under Windows This page assumes that you have already created a SolarSoft installation on your Windows PC using the form in the SolarSoft web pages - see the URL: Depending on how successful the installation software is working, you may need to follow some or all of the instructions in the section marked "Initial Setup". Although we have attempted to make things as similar as possible, there are several differences in between running SolarSoft under Unix and Windows. These relate mainly to when and where IDL is configured to a particular selection of SolarSoft instruments. Under Unix, most things are done before, or as you enter IDL - under Windows, everything is done within IDL. All the files that define the environment variables under Unix should work, however, when you enter SSW IDL under Windows you will only have the general part of the SolarSoft tree selected (unless you have a idl_startup routine that selects a particular set of instrument). You then need to select a set of instruments using setssw_windows. This approach has one great advantage over the way things are done under Unix. At any time you can add another instrument and all the necessary environment variables are created, all the required startup files executed, and all the necessary extensions to the path made. Usually under Unix you must exit IDL and re-enter with a new set of instruments - this is not needed under Windows. Initial Setup: 1) Within IDL, select "Preferences" and ensure the startup field is clear. 2) Examine the file c:\idl_ssw\sswidl.bat and modify it if necessary. The file should have been created by the web page that generated the installation kit and the first few items will have been set to correspond with your answers. i) the environment variables $SSW and $SSWDB (that specify the location of the SolarSoft tree and SolarSoft DataBase) should have been set - you may need to modify SSWDB. ii) the IDL startup file define by the environment variable IDL_STARTUP should have been set to: xxxx\gen\idl\ssw_system\ where xxxx is the root of the SolarSoft tree (the same as $SSW). ONLY MODIFY THIS DEFINITION if the value of xxxx is incorrect. iii) A suggested value for SSW_PERSONAL_STARTUP is given as remark. Since location of the "home directory" is tenuous under Windows, and IDL_STARTUP is already used, this environment variable allows a specific startup file to be identified by the user. If you wish to use this facility, remove the "rem" and define the path and name of the startup file to be used. Note: any file in the directory you have set as your working directory will also be executed. iv) The .bat file will start the latest version of IDL as defined in the Registry. If you wish to use another version of IDL, modify the "start idlde" statement to include the path to the version you wish to use. A possible path to a version of IDL is given as a remark. 3) Move the SSWIDL.pif file (this is a shortcut) onto the desktop. If necessary, modify this shortcut if the sswidl.bat file is not located under c:\idl_ssw. Running SolarSoft: 1) Start SolarSoft using the SSWIDL shortcut - this will execute the sswidl.bat file and start IDL. The following files will be executed (if the exist): $SSW\gen\setup\setup.ssw_env $SSW\site\setup.ssw_paths $SSW\site\setup.ssw_env $SSW\site\setup\IDL_STARTUP any personal idl_startup file (if defined by env. var. SSW_PERSONAL_STARTUP, or located in the current dir.) 2) Select the required instruments using setssw_windows, e.g. setssw_windows,/hessi,/xray,/spex Mission and instrument level setup files (.xxx_paths and .xxx_env) and startup files will be executed; any site and personal startup files will be repeated. 3) Use SolarSoft as normal. Remember, you can verify the value of !path in your current SolarSoft environment using pr_path. Further information can be found on the Web under URL: R.D. Bentley, 15 May 2000