RHESSI Data Analysis Software Change History

Some of the dates are links which will give you more information about the change.
Only the more significant changes are documented here.  Minor changes are ongoing.

9-Oct-2012 IMAGING - You can now make regularized electron and photon visibilities and images.  The visibility type is controlled by a new parameter, vis_type, which can be set to 'photon' (the default, previously only available type of visibility), 'regularized electron', and 'regularized photon'. 

Also, the software no longer automatically reads and writes visibility files when the vis_input_fits or  vis_out_filename parameters are set to strings; now you must call the visibility object READ or WRITE methods explicitly (CLI,not GUI).

See Using Visibility Objects in the RHESSI Software for more details.

31-May-2012 SPECTRUM - A new control parameter, INSERT_KEDGE, was added to support better precision in the detector response around the instrumental K-edges for germanium, molybdenum (Grid 1 only), and tungsten.  Default is 0 (no effect) until after the June 2012 SPD meeting.
16-Mar-2012 IMAGING - For over-the-limb flares, two new parameters are available to ensure that the grids are precisely aligned to a REFERENCE_POSITION_ANGLE (in radians) for one roll bin sequence in the stacked eventlist and corresponding visibility.  Enable this feature by setting USE_REFERENCE_POSITION_ANGLE.
1-Nov-2011 IMAGING - In the hessi image widget, you can now set the image center graphically by clicking the 'Click Image to Set Map Center' button.
23-Sep-2011 IMAGING - In hessi image widget, more options were added to the Display-> Aspect Solution button to plot p_error, triangles, and distance from Sun center to image axis.  From the command line, these plots can produced via
asp_obj -> plot, /plot_dist   or   /plot_triangle   or   /plot_p_error
18-Apr-2011 OBSERVING SUMMARY - In the GUI, you now have the option to select which detectors to plot the quicklook count rate data for. Previously used only the obs_summ files, which have a fixed set of front and rear detectors already combined.  Now also use the full_rate files, which have data for the 18 separate detector segments.
1-Apr-2011 IMAGING - By setting CBE_MULTI_ATTEN_THRESHOLD, you can now make images in time intervals that span a change in attenuator state.
1-Apr-2011 ASPECT SOLUTION - The error term of the aspect solution is now checked and bad data points are not used.
28-Mar-2011 ASPECT SOLUTION - Improved quality of aspect solution where the pointing is just outside the nominal field of view.  Previously rejected all 3-limb solutions if some were isolated (which happened frequently). Now uses sets of contiguous 3-limb solutions.
1-Mar-2011 IMAGING - Removed a number of dangling pointer references, fixing the source of a number of memory leaks.
7-Feb-2011 BROWSER - SDO AIA Flare Cutout link added for some RHESSI flares.  Place red time arrow on a flare; if AIA cutouts are available for that flare, the 'AIA Flare Cutout' on the left side of Browser will become active.
18-Jan-2011 SPECTRUM - Added a button on spectrum widget to write separate detector FITS files with native energy bins (can be done from the command line using the hsi_spectrum_sep_det_files routine.
21-Jan-2011 Widgets in HESSI GUI, PLOTMAN, OSPEX, etc. should now work on small displays.  A vertical scroll bar is added if the widget would otherwise be too big for your screen. (please email kim.tolbert@nasa.gov if I've missed any big widgets)
29-Sep-2010 SIMULATIONS - A bug in the simulation software (in hsi_sim_dummy_livetime.pro) that caused the last 5% of
any simulation to have 0 livetime was fixed.
1-Sep-2010 RHESSI FLARE CATALOG - New version of the flare catalog is online that uses the 6-12 keV energy band (previously used 12-25 keV) and now includes ~24,000 microflares.   More details.
23-Aug-2010 OSPEX -added chi2_map method to compute uncertainties on fit parameters.  Chisquare mapping analysis consists of varying one parameter through a range of values surrounding the best-fit value, fitting the other parameters, and then examining the chisqr vs parameter value curve to determine 1- and 2-sigma error estimates. More details are in the full OSPEX documentation.
20-May-2010 BROWSER - Added daily and orbital Fermi GBM plots to BROWSER.  The orbital plots are on RHESSI orbit times, so the plots should line up with the RHESSI orbital plots.
13-May-2010 OSPEX -added albedo function component.
1-May-2010 IDL 6.1 is now the minimum version required to run RHESSI software.
16-Apr-2010 IMAGING - Added a new control parameter, CLEAN_REGRESS_COMBINE.  Defaults to 0.  Set to 1 to combine the component map with the residual map based on a regression of the count rate profiles from each of the two maps against the observed profile, resulting in a better match between the average observed and measured profiles.
15-Apr-2010 IMAGING -  There is a new tool for comparing observed modulation profiles with the expected profiles calculated from a reconstructed image, and for calculating the C-statistics and other fit parameters resulting from that comparison.  More details.
15-Mar-2010 OSPEX - added monte_carlo method to compute uncertainties on fit paramaters.  Monte Carlo analysis consists of doing many fits to Poisson random deviates of the model computed from the best-fit parameters, and determining the spread of the resulting fit parameters.  More details are in the full OSPEX documentation.
20-Jan-2010 SPECTRUM - For rear segments, implemented artifact mask to remove artifacts in fixed channels from specific detectors. Used in spectrum and SRM files export to OSPEX.
Jan-2010 OSPEX -FERMI GBM data can now be analyzed by OSPEX.  See the Fermi Solar Flare Observations page for more information..
3-Dec-2009 OSPEX - Corrected problem with sigma of fit parameters.  A new version of mcurvefit was onlined that provides more reliable, stable sigmas on fit parameters. A problem with the old version allowed sigmas to become unreasonably small in some cases.
30-Nov-2009 OSPEX - YOHKOH GRS data can now be analyzed by OSPEX
9-Sep-2009 SPECTRUM - Added rear_no_anti control parameter (defaults to 1) to remove anti-coincidence rejection for rear detectors.  Extended DRM to higher energies (150 MeV) and made DRM consistent with the non-anti-coincident condition.
24-Aug-2009 OSPEX - New RHESSI OSPEX User Guide online
4-Aug-2009 GOES - Added a button on the Image, Spectrum, and OSPEX widgets to plot a GOES time profile for the currently selected time interval.
16-Jul-2009 IMAGE - Added UV_SMOOTH image reconstruction algorithm.
7-May-2009 Object parameter tables updated to include parameters for visibility and vis-based image algorithm objects.
4-May-2009 Improved visibility object software, visibility bags, image cubes from visibilities. Complete info at http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssw/hessi/doc/image/hsi_visibility_howto.html
cbe_digital_quality default changed to .95
3-May-2009 Change in notification of software modifications.
1-Feb-2009 Commonly used documentation now available offline.  Table of contents in $SSW/hessi/doc/index.html
6-Apr-2008 New post-anneal gain solution online
28-Mar-2008 Important: RHESSI gain calibration issue since anneal
16-Jan-2008 RHESSI detectors successfully annealed
19-Dec-2007 Release 9.0
5-Nov-2007 PLOTMAN plot options improved.  Users can now set their own preferences.
3-Oct-2007 Halfscale artifact filtering method implemented
13-Jul-2007 Support for harmonics and visibilities
10-May-2007 Release 8.9
12-Apr-2007 More about using old control parameter defaults and setting your own defaults.
12-Apr-2007_(a) Critical improvements to the datagap detection and livetime integration algorithms
26-Mar-2007 Change in RHESSI object control parameter default values
10-May-2006 Release8.8
24-Feb-2006 Release 8.7
20-Sep-2005 Release 8.6
6-Sep-2005 Changes in how the RHESSI software finds data files.
30-Aug-2005 Default RHESSI subcollimator response table has been updated.
2-Aug-2005 Improvements to pileup correction, offaxis response determination, and livetime calculation.
8-Jul-2005 Release 8.5.
22-Jun-2005 Improvement and bug fix for pileup correction.
10-Mar-2005 New image object that handles both multi-image cubes and single images.
8-Mar-2005 Release 8.4.
23-Feb-2005 Fixed image blurring caused by culling bug.
16-Dec-2005 Release 8.3.
29-Nov-2004 Changes to Back Projection and Clean, new parameters for culling, rate-enabled back projection, local averaging and more.
7-Sep-2004 Fixed bug that caused incorrect source position in images in rare cases.
29-Jul-2004 Enabled writing multiple attenuator states in a single SRM FITS file.
16-Jul-2004 Release 8.2.
7-Jun-2004 Changed release/development version strategy.
19-Mar-2004 Release 8.1.
29-Sep-2003 Updated Roll database covering February 2002 through August 2003 online.
12-Sep-2003 Decimation, pileup, and flare position corrections implemented.
12-Aug-2003 Roll Aspect Data Base introduced.
14-Jul-2003 Livetime accumulation correction.
14-Jul-2003 (a) Detector 2 degraded.
1-Jul-2003 Improvements to SPEX and XRAY packages.
3-Mar-2003 More explanation about new daily observing summary files.
11-Feb-2003 Release 8 of HESSI Analysis Software online.
18-Nov-2002 Many changes to HESSI Analysis Software on ATEST (dropouts, deadtime, narrow spectrogram bins, SPEX export, error handling mechanism).
17-Nov-2002 Error handling mechanism (catch) added to HESSI software.
15-Nov-2002 SPEX thermal spectra now includes atomic line emission below 8 keV.
26-Oct-2002 Correction to image normalization at high energies - front/rear segment issues.
22-Oct-2002 Error in image and spectra normalization - assumed thin attenuator always in place.
1-Oct-2002 Spectral response matrix error for front segment of Detector 9.
19-Sep-2002 Daily observing summary files, daily instrument log files, and corrected count rate plots introduced.
29-Aug-2002 Fixes to dropouts, livetime. Detector gain a function of date.
24-Jul-2002 Interpolated roll solution for July 23 event.
16-Jul-2002 Imaging with Grids 1 and 2 fully supported.
11-Jul-2002 PMTRAS diagnostic plots.
8-Jul-2002 New multiple energy band parameter for imaging. Change in sum_flag, sum_coincidence parameters.
19-Jun-2002 Livetime corrections enabled for all classes (spectrum, lightcurve, and image).
22-May-2002 Preliminary subcollimator response table to enable imaging with Grids 1 and 2.

Last updated 15 November 2012 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965