What's New in OSPEX

Click here to see the OSPEX Documentation

16-Dec-2009 Added option to ignore filter states

In some regimes (e.g. high-energy rear detector RHESSI data analysis), you may want OSPEX to ignore the filter states.  There's a new button on the Input widget called 'Ignore filters',  From the command line:  o->set, spex_ignore_filters=1.

11-Dec-2009 Added bpow_ep function

bpow_ep is the same as bpow, but allows the user to select the pivot energy easily (via an additional parameter).

10-Dec-2009 Corrected error with overlapping ROIs in imaging spectroscopy

Previously if you created a spectrum from multiple ROIs, any overlapping parts of the ROIs were counted twice. 

9-Dec-2009 Corrected calculation of background error when grouping time bins

Background estimated from pre- and post-flare intervals is only as good as the fit to those intervals.  The percentage uncertainty should not change when binning over multiple time bins.  Previously, combined time bins by summing the error in quadrature, as though the background were based on statistics - this resulted in an incorrectly small error for larger time integrations.

A new parameter, spex_bk_poisson_error (default is 0) can be set to 1 if your background is in fact uncoupled (e.g. if you inserted background from a previous orbit).

3-Dec-2009 Corrected problem with sigma of fit parameters

A new version of mcurvefit was onlined that provided more reliable, stable sigmas on fit parameters.  A problem with the old version allowed sigmas to become unreasonably small in some cases.

30-Nov-2009 YOHKOH GRS data can now be analyzed by OSPEX

After selecting a YOHKOH data file (wda...):
In the GUI, a popup widget will let you choose which data type you want from the file - GRS1, GRS2, or HXS
At the command line, select the data type via the spex_data_sel parameter, e.g.:
o -> set, spex_data_sel = 'GRS2'       ; or 'GRS1' or 'HXS'

21-Sep-2009 New template_select method for nuclear template functions

o->template_select, ['a.sav','b.sav'], [3,4]  ; sets template file for template components 3 and 4

Also made it possible to enter user template file names in the fit components widget.

18-Sep-2009 Added 1pow and exp and 1pow_exp functions
17-Sep-2009 New easy way to get observed and background data in analysis intervals

d = o -> getdata (class='spex_fitint') now returns the observed data and background data (and errors for both) binned into the fit analysis time intervals (previously only returned bk-subtracted data).  Adding spex_units='rate' or 'flux' returns those units.

24-Aug-2009 New RHESSI OSPEX User Guide online

Visit the RHESSI wiki site for a detailed guide to using OSPEX to analyze RHESSI data.  Direct link is here.

14-Jul-2009 New option for parameter initialization

On fit widget, new button called 'Init Fit Parameters Only' allows you to keep values of min, max, free, erange, uncertainty, #iter and only transfer the fit parameter values depending on your selections for first and subsequent interval initialization method.  Parameter name is spex_fit_init_params_only.

8-Dec-2008 Automatically set upper limit for energy range to fit

Button on fit and fit components widgets called Auto-set Max to select automatically selecting upper limit for energy range to fit based on background-subtracted flux levels.  New parameter name is spex_fit_auto_erange.

24-Jun-2008 New CALC_FUNC_COMPONENTS method

Returns the separate or combined fit function components as a function of energy in counts, rate, or flux, in photon or count space.  See Methods section of OSPEX document for more details.

17-Jun-2008 Multiple input files for MESSENGER data allowed

SPEX_SPECFILE parameter is now an array.  For MESSENGER data, concatenates data from files (any number, don't have to be consecutive).  This can be done for other data types if needed, but currently only done for MESSENGER.

3-Apr-2008 Methods for Getting Start Fit Parameters - New Option and 'Previous Interval' Fixed

The new option, 'current', enters the fitting process without changing the fit parameters from their current value for the first interval.  For subsequent intervals, the 'previous interval' method is used. (Note that this was how the 'previous interval' method used to work.)

In the 'Previous Interval' method, the first interval selected for fitting now gets its starting values from the previous interval (in the full list of intervals).  Note that the meaning of 'previous' depends on whether you are looping forward or backward through intervals.

27-Mar-2008 New Plot Residuals Button on Fit Options Widget

Plots residuals for selected fit intervals, showing chi-square.

25-Mar-2008 New Parameter Added - SPEX_ALLOW_DIFF_ENERGY

If this parameter is set to 1, then you can use fit results whose energies are different (in value but not number) from the current data set.  Useful if you use RHESSI native energy bins which are slightly different for each detector.

25-Mar-2008 Changing Fit Time Intervals now Allowed

Previously if you changed the fit time intervals (spex_fit_time_interval), the spex_summ arrays would be reinitialized and you would lose any fits you had already done.  Now you can modify your fit time intervals and the spex_summ arrays are adjusted accordingly.

13-Mar-2007 Reset button in Fit Component Widget

There is now a 'Reset All Comp.' button in the fit component widget that lets you reset the parameter values, minima, maxima, and/or free masks for all components at once to default values, previous interval, previous iteration, or original (values when you entered the widget).  It is similar to the Reset button that applies to each fit component separately.

Also a bug was fixed so that now if you select Reset to previous interval, and your loop direction is backwards, then it resets to the interval+1 values (previous in the reverse direction).

9-Nov-2006 Changing Fit Function is now Allowed

Previously you had to include all fit function components you might possibly need for every interval right from the start - otherwise if you changed them, the spex_summ arrays would be reinitialized.  Now you can change the fit function after you've started saving fits - the spex_summ arrays are adjusted accordingly.

1-Nov-2006 Selecting Fit Intervals based on Filter State Enabled

In the fit widget, the Select button now has some options to help you choose intervals based on filter state.
Also the filter state is now displayed (in parentheses next to the time interval) in the Fit Widget if all the intervals don't have the same filter state

18-Sep-2006 Background Ratio Method Implemented

New option to use the time profile of the background in the highest energy band to define the shape of the background for all energy bands. The amplitude is adjusted by the ratio of the data in the lower energies to the high-energy profile.  Refer to the 'Background' section in the OSPEX documentation for details.

23-Jun-2006 Albedo Source Position now Defaults to XYOFFSET from File
18-May-2006 Region Selection Tool Enhanced

There are new options for selecting contours in the ROI selection tool.  There's also a new HELP button on the widget to explain the region selection options.

12-May-2006 Changes in Thermal Functions

Relative abundance of Fe, Ni is now a fit parameter.
Chianti is now default, previously was Mewe.
vth_noline function is obsolete, use vth with continuum option.
chianti/mewe and full/continuum/lines are now options.
New fit_comp* and spex_summ* parameters to handle these features.

12-May-2006 GENX (save) File Format Option for Fit Results Output File Removed

Previously had a choice of genx (save) or FITS format for fit results output file.  Now FITS is the only choice.  Existing genx files can still be read into OSPEX.

12-May-2006 New LIST_FUNCTION and MAKE_FUNC_OBJ Methods

o->list_function displays the details of the function components you've selected and their parameters
o->make_func_obj makes a fit_function object from current energy edges and function component parameters or from a specific interval that you've already fit

15 -Mar-2006 New gui_label Keyword for Differentiating between OSPEX Sessions

Start OSPEX main widget or any sub-widget with gui_label keyword to put a label on the widget title bars:
o=ospex(gui_label='your label')
o->gui, gui_label='your label'
o->xfit, gui_label='your label'

21-Feb-2006 Full SRM Option for RHESSI Image Cubes Added

A new parameter, spex_image_full_srm, was added (in the GUI, it's a check box on the Select Input widget).

When spex_image_full_srm is not set (the default), the image cube is in units of photons/cm^2/sec/asec^2.  The conversion from counts to photons was made using the diagonal SRM in the RHESSI image object.  No SRM is used in OSPEX in this case.  You shouldn't analyze images at low energies in this mode since K-escape is a significant factor, and the off-diagonal elements of the SRM have not been taken into account.

When spex_image_full_srm is set, the spectrum computed from your selected image regions is converted back to counts by applying the diagonal SRM to reverse the original conversion.  The full SRM is calculated and used to convert to photons.

21-Feb-2006 All GUI Panels are now Stored

Previously in the GUI, when you created a new plot with the same name as an existing panel (e.g. SPEX HESSI Count Flux vs Energy), the old panel was replaced by the new panel in order to limit the number of panels stored.  Since panels showing different information may have the same name, all panels are now stored.  You can delete selected panels via the Multi-Panel Options button under Window_Control.

21-Feb-2006 Key Control Parameters Reinitialized when Input File is Changed

When you change to a new input source file by changing the spex_specfile parameter, now all of the input-dependent parameters (but not parameters to control configuration options) are reinitialized to program defaults.

You can always initialize all parameters via o->init_params (or via the Reset... button under File in the GUI).

To see which parameters are reinitialized with a new input file, type print, o->get_param_names(/new_input)

30-Sep-2005 Imaging Spectroscopy - Users can choose which Region to use for Spectra

In the OSPEX Select Input widget, when you select a RHESSI Image Cube input file, the Region # button becomes sensitized.  After you select all ROIs (up to 4) on all images, then you can select which ROI (0,1, 2, 3 or All) to make spectra from.  From the command line, e.g.:
o -> set, spex_roi_use = 2
o -> set, spex_roi_integrate=1

30-Sep-2005 Imaging Spectroscopy - New, Improved Region Selection Tools

In the OSPEX Select Input widget, when you select a RHESSI Image Cube input file, the Select Regions button becomes sensitized.  This button has two options  to configure the region selection parameters, and to make the region selections on the images.  Right or left click in the image panel display to get a list of options for defining ROIs or displaying spectra and time profiles.

To use the Region selection tools from the command line, after selecting an image cube input file, type
o -> roi_config
o -> roi

Full explanations of these features are found in Imaging Spectroscopy with OSPEX.

30-Sep-2005 Users can Define Their Own Fit Functions

There's a new environment variable, OSPEX_MODELS_DIR, used to find the file fit_model_components.txt which lists the available functions.  Users can copy that file to a local directory, add functions, and define OSPEX_MODELS_DIR to point to that directory.

5-Oct-2004 Set Parameters from Script

In the GUI, there is now a button under File to set parameters from a script procedure file (either initializing all parameters first, or not).  To do the same from the command line, type:

o->runscript   or  
o->runscript,/init   or  
o->runscript, init, file='ospex_script.pro'   or  
ospex_script, obj=o

5-Oct-2004 Script is now a Procedure

The writescript method now writes a procedure instead of a main program.  Previously we ran it with the .RUN executive command.  Now we run it by calling the procedure, with obj as a keyword argument.  If obj is an existing OSPEX object, the script will set parameters in it, otherwise a new OSPEX object will be created.  The procedure name will be the same as the file name you selected.  For example, if you write the script in ospex_script.pro, then call it as follows:

ospex_script, obj=o

16-Sep-2004 Background Rate and Error Now Stored in Fit Results Structure

The spex_summ... parameters now include spex_summ_bk_rate and spex_summ_bk_error.  These are written to the save or FITS output file along with the other spex_summ.. parameters.   The calc_summ method has two new allowed values for 'item': 'bk_ct_flux' and 'bk_ph_flux'.

15-Sep-2004 Error Bars on Plots

In the "Fit Options" widget, there is now a button to "Show Error" bars when plotting spectra.  From the command line, use the /show_err keyword when calling plot_spectrum.  To show errors on plots while looping through fit intervals, set spex_autoplot_show_err to 1.

14-Sep-2004 Albedo Correction Implemented

There is an option to correct for albedo now.  In the GUI, the controls are in the "Select Input" widget.  From the command line, there are four new parameters: spex_albedo_correct, spex_source_angle, spex_source_xy, and spex_anisotropy.  (Note: currently DRM edges must be on integer boundaries.)

10-Sep-2004 Option to Write Fit Results in FITS file

Previously fit results were stored in IDL save file (.geny file).  Now have additional option to store them in FITS file.  FITS files are more standard and can be read without SSW or IDL, whereas save file require SSW IDL to read them.  The spex_summ... parameters are stored in both, but the FITS files contain additional general information in standard FITS keywords, as well as an extension storing the values of all OSPEX control parameters.

9-Aug-2004 Option to Manually Set  any Parameter through Widget Interface

In the OSPEX GUI, under File, there is a new button called 'Set Params Manually'.  From the command line, use the setparams method (o -> setparams).

Either of these brings up a widget interface with all OSPEX control parameters.  You can change them through this interface and click Commit to change them in the OSPEX object.  Be careful - it's easy to mess things up unless you're sure of what you're doing.

5-Aug-2004 Added Nonuniform Target Ionization Fit Function

f_ion is now included in the fit function choices in OSPEX.  f_vth_ion is not included because you can use the vth component combined with the ion component to form f_vth_ion.

29-Jul-2004 Multiple Filter (Attenuator) States Handled Transparently

RHESSI SRM files written after this date will contain the response matrices for all attenuator states that occurred during the time interval of the spectrum file.  In OSPEX, you set spex_drmfile to that one SRM file, and OSPEX will automatically retrieve the correct response matrix for each fit time interval.  The 'Plot Time Profile' button in the Input Widget will display the filter states on the plot.  Also in the Fit Options Widget, the 'Show Filter States' button shows the filter states on a time plot.  In the 'Fit Options Widget', the 'Remove Bad Intervals' button will remove fit time intervals that include a change in filter state.

22-Jun-2004 Progress Bar Fixed

The progress bar now always (almost) responds when you click the 'Cancel' button.  Previously, it usually ignored 'Cancel' clicks.

21-Jun-2004 Non-Contiguous Selection of Intervals to Fit

The spex_interval_range control parameter was replaced by the spex_intervals_tofit parameter.  Previously you specified the range of intervals to fit, and all intervals in that range were fit.  Now you specify an array of the interval numbers to fit.

16-Jun-2004 Added Triple Broken Power-law Fit Function.

f_3pow is now included in the fit function choices in OSPEX.

7-Jun-2004 Replace Data Read from FITS Files

You now have the option to initialize OSPEX with a FITS file, and then replace the data or background array in the objects with your own data arrays.  Refer to the 'Input Data from Command Line' section in the OSPEX Documentation.

26-May-2004 Separate Background Energy Bands

Implemented the option to select different background time intervals and fitting polynomial order for separate energy bands.

26-Apr-2004 User Data Input Option

Now you can set data directly into OSPEX without a FITS file.  You need to supply, at the minimum, a spectrum and an array of energy edges.  Refer to the 'User Data' section in the OSPEX documentation for details.

15-Apr-2004 Multiple Energy Ranges for Fitting

Previously you were limited to specifying a single energy range to fit over (spex_erange parameter).  Now you can select multiple energy ranges.  This will allow you to exclude artifacts in the spectrum.

Last updated 16 December, 2009 by Kim Tolbert, 301-286-3965