HESSI Data Object Parameters:  Image Standard Parameters


Links to other parameter tables:
     All      Spectrum (Standard, Info, All)      Lightcurve (Standard, Info, All)     
     Image:     General (Standard, Info, All),   Clean,   Pixon,   Forward Fit,   MEM_NJIT,   VIS_FWDFIT,   UV_SMOOTH  
Spectral Response Matrix          Observing Summary          Simulation


Name Main Object Control / Info* Description Default Units Range Type** User Level*** Class
aspect_cntl_level Image Control Control amount of diagnostic information presented. Higher number = more. 0 N/A -2 - 10 int Standard hsi_aspect_solution
cbe_filename Image Control Calib eventlist filename (input and/or output file) -- -- -- string Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
cull_frac Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Fraction for defining data gaps for culling 1.0 -- 0. - 1. float Standard hsi_spectrogram
decimation_correct Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, make front decimation correction 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
det_index_mask Image Control Flags for selecting detectors [0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0] N/A 0 - 1 byte(9) Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
eb_index Image Control Selects the energy bin to use. 0 -- -- int Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
energy_band Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used. [12,25] keV 1 - 15000 float(2) Standard hsi_eventlist_strategy
energy_band Image Control Min and max energy value of the analysis interval -- keV -- float(2) Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
ev_filename Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Name of eventlist file to use as input -- -- -- string Standard hsi_eventlist_file
filename Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Name(s) of the level-0/telemetry data file(s) None N/A -- pointer Standard hsi_packet_file
flatfield Image Control If set, enable flatfielding in BPROJ 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
front_segment Image Control If set, use detector front segments 1 N/A 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
full_info Image Control If set, write all info params in FITS file 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_image_strategy
im_energy_binning Image Control Defines energy binning. If scalar, interpret as code for predefined energy bins, otherwise as energy edges -- -- -- pointer Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
im_input_fits Image Control Input image FITS file name -- -- -- pointer Standard hsi_image_file
im_time_bin Image Control Width of bins to divide im_time_intervals into -- sec -- double Standard hsi_image_raw
im_time_bin Image Control Width of bins to divide im_time_intervals into 0.0 sec -- double Standard hsi_image_strategy
im_time_interval Image Control Time Interval(s) for images -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard hsi_image_raw
im_time_interval Image Control Time Interval(s) for images -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
image_algorithm Image Control Algorithm to use in image reconstruction Bproj N/A BProj, Clean, Pixon, Forward Fit, mem_njit, vis_fwdfit, uv_smooth string Standard hsi_image_single
image_dim Image Control Dimensions of image [64,64] pixel 16 - 1024 int(2) Standard hsi_modul_pattern_strategy
natural_weighting Image Control If set, all collimators have equal weight in forming BPROJ map 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
obs_time_interval Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Absolute time interval to retrieve data for. [0.d,0.d] ANYTIM -- double(2) Standard hsi_packet_file
pixel_size Image Control X,Y size of the image pixel [4,4] arcsec 1 - 100 float(2) Standard hsi_modul_pattern_strategy
profile_plot_rate Image Control If set, plot count/sec in profile plot 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_plot_resid Image Control If set, plot profile residuals instead of profiles themselves 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_show_plot Image Control If set, enable plots of predicted and observed profiles while making image 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_window Image Control Window number to draw profiles in -1 -- -- int Standard hsi_image_single
rear_decimation_correct Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, make rear decimation correction 0 -- 0 -1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
rear_segment Image Control If set, use detector rear segments 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
seg_index_mask Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Flags for selecting detector and segment All 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte(18) Standard hsi_spectrogram
smoothing_time Image Control Smoothing time for flux variation profile. Used only if use_flux_var is set. .5 sec -- float Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
sum_flag Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, sum the spectrograms over collimators 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
taper Image Control Tapering factor for weighting grids in forming BPROJ map 0.0 N/A 0. - 10. float Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Time range to accumulate relative to obs_time_interval, or absolute [0,4] sec or ANYTIM 0 - ? double(2) Standard hsi_eventlist_strategy
uniform_weighting Image Control If set, each collimator's weight in forming BPROJ map is 1/FWHM 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
use_all_info_params Image Control If set, read all info parameters from image FITS file. 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_image_file
use_cull Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, culling is enabled. Default is 1 for imaging, 0 for spectrum. 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
use_flare_xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, use flare position from catalog for xyoffset. 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_xyoffset
use_flux_var Image Control If set, attempt to reconstruct flux variations unmarred by grid modulation 1 N/A 0 - 1 long Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_local_average Image Control If set, subtract smoothed rate from count rate to reduce background effects 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_phz_stacker Image Control If set, use phase stacker 0 -- 0 - 1 long Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_rate Image Control If set, use rate-enabled back projection 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
uv_show_vismap Image Control If set, plot the visibility sampling on the u,v plane 1 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_uv_smooth
vis_input_fits Image Control Input visibility FITS file name -- -- -- string Standard hsi_visibility
vis_out_filename Image Control If set to a string, a FITS file will be written containing the visibility bag -- -- -- string Standard hsi_visibility
vis_plotfit Image Control If set, plot fitted visibility vs phase 0 -- -- byte Standard hsi_visibility
xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Offset of map center from Sun center [600.,200.] arcsec 0 - 1000 float(2) Standard hsi_xyoffset
xyoffset Image Control Offset of map from Sun center [600.,200.] arcsec 0 - 1000 float(2) Standard hsi_calib_eventlist

* Control Parameters are set by the user to control the software; Info parameters are informational output parameters.

** Note that for parameters whose type is 'pointer', you can set the parameter without making it a pointer first - the object will take care of that.  And when you retrieve a parameter that is a pointer, unless you use the /NO_DEREFERENCE keyword on the call to GET, the contents of the pointer will be returned, not the pointer.

*** User Levels are:
   Standard - parameters that most users will want to set
   Advanced - parameters that require a high level of familiarity with the software
   Expert - parameters that should never be set by users

Last updated 1-Nov-2010 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965