HESSI Data Object Parameters:  Image Parameters


Links to other parameter tables:
     All      Spectrum (Standard, Info, All)      Lightcurve (Standard, Info, All)     
     Image:     General (Standard, Info, All),   Clean,   Pixon,   Forward Fit,   MEM_NJIT,   VIS_FWDFIT,   UV_SMOOTH  
Spectral Response Matrix          Observing Summary          Simulation


Name Main Object Control / Info* Description Default Units Range Type** User Level*** Class
a2d_index_mask Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Mask for the selection of a2d events BytArr(27) + 1B N/A 0 - 1 byte(27) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
absolute_time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Time range of data that was used -- sec since 1979/1/1 00 -- double(2) N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
adp_test Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, some selection tests are done for the aspect data processor 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte(10) Expert hsi_packet_file
alg_unit_scale Image Info -- 0.0 N/A -- float N/A hsi_image_single
algorithm_available Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_image_single
algorithm_units Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_image_single
algorithm_used Image Info -- -- N/A -- string N/A hsi_image_single
align512 Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Align time edges to 512 busec boundaries used with livetime 1 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
app_id Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Only packets with this or these app id(s) are returned (scalar or vector) All N/A 0 - 300 pointer Expert hsi_packet_file
as_interpol Image Control Set to quad to enable quadratic interpolation quad -- -- string Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
as_no_extrapol Image Control If set, don't extrapolate aspect solution to times not covered. 1 -- 0 - 1 int Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
as_point_solution Image Control -- SAS -- "SAS, FSS" string Expert hsi_aspect_solution
as_quality Image Info -- -- -- -- struct(1) N/A hsi_aspect_solution
as_roll_offset Image Control If as_roll_solution='FIX', then this is roll angle at beginning of file.' 0.0 radian -- double Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
as_roll_solution Image Control Method for determining roll angle DBASE -- "DBASE","FIX, PMT, RAS" string Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
as_spin_period Image Control Spacecraft spin period for aspect calculations 4.0 sec -- double Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
aspect_cntl_level Image Control Control amount of diagnostic information presented. Higher number = more. 0 N/A -2 - 10 int Standard hsi_aspect_solution
aspect_mode Image Control Not used 0 N/A -- byte Expert hsi_aspect_solution
aspect_sim Image Control If set, use simulated aspect solution 0 N/A -- byte Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
aspect_time_range Image Control Time interval to calculate aspect for. If not set, defaults to obs_time_interval -- ANYTIM -- double(2) Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
auto_frequency Image Control If set, use distance from spin axis to determine averaging frequency 1 -- 0 - 1 byte Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
avg_spinperiod Image Info -- -- -- -- float N/A hsi_aspect_solution
be_time_info Image Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_binned_eventlist
binned_n_event Image Info Total counts in each detector for selected energy range -- -- -- long(9) N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
binned_n_event Image Info Total counts in each detector for selected energy range -- N/A -- long(9) N/A hsi_binned_eventlist
binning Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Binning scheme for spectrograms -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
bproj_alg_available Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_bproj
cb_coef Image Control Not used. Coefficients that may be used down the road -- -- -- pointer Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_corr_factors Image Info Not used -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_det_eff Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_det_index_mask_used Image Info Not used -- -- -- byte(9) N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_digital_quality Image Control Used with flare offset to automatically determine size of time bins 0.95 N/A .1 - .99 float Advanced hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_filename Image Control Calib eventlist filename (input and/or output file) -- -- -- string Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_max_corr Image Control Not used 0.0 -- -- float Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_powers_of_two Image Control If set, forces multipliers on time_bin_min to be powers of 2 1 N/A 0 - 1 long Advanced hsi_calib_eventlist
cbe_time_bin_floor Image Control Minimum value allowed for time bin for each detector. [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] binary microsec (2^-20 sec) 0 - ? long(9) Advanced hsi_calib_eventlist
channel_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
check_bad_packet Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- 0 -- -- byte Expert hsi_packet_file
clean_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clear_halfscale Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, remove half-scale artifact from the rear high-gain a2d of all detectors 1 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
coincidence_flag Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, divide the spectrogram into coincident and anti-coincident events 0 N/A 0 -1 int Advanced hsi_spectrogram
coincidence_mask Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
contig_energy_edges Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, force energy bins to be contiguous 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Advanced hsi_spectrogram
csa_lld Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
ct_interpolate Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- 0 -- -- byte Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
cull_frac Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Fraction for defining data gaps for culling 1.0 -- 0. - 1. float Standard hsi_spectrogram
decim_apar Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Spectral parameters (vth+bpow) for decimation factor interpolation [1.,2.,1.,4.,400.,4.] -- -- pointer Expert hsi_spectrogram
decim_table Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Structure describing times, energies, and weights of decimation -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
decim_warning Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Message if decimation is faulty -- -- -- string N/A hsi_spectrogram
decimation_correct Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, make front decimation correction 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
deflt_atten_state Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Use this value for attenuator state if can't read it from packet. Used with sim data. 1 -- -- byte Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
det_index_mask Image Control Flags for selecting detectors [0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0] N/A 0 - 1 byte(9) Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
dim_spectrogram Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Dimensions of spectrogram data array -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
dp_cutoff_coeff Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Used in function to determine min datagap duration 4.5 -- -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_cutoff_max Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Dropout cutoff, max duration for dropout to be recognized 0.05 sec -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_cutoff_min Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Dropout cutoff, min duration for dropout to be recognized 0.0008 sec -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_cutoff_xp Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Used in function to determine min datagap duration -0.9 -- -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_enable Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, handle dropouts 1 -- 0 - 1 byte Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_extend_def Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Extend datagap by this if data time is before dp_extend_utlim fltarr(9) sec -- float(9) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_extend_sec Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Extend datagap by this if data time is after dp_extend_utlim [.01,.01,.01,01,.02,.01,.02,.02,.02] sec -- float(9) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_extend_utlim Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Time for each detector to decide whether to extend datagap by dp_extend_def or dp_extend_sec -- ANYTIM -- double(9) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_lld Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Events at this channel or below don't end datagap 51,49,52,54,52,44,50,46,40 -- -- int(9) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dp_uld Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Events at this channel or above don't end datagap onarr(9)+6000 -- -- long(9) Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
dropout Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
eb_index Image Control Selects the energy bin to use. 0 -- -- int Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
energy_band Image Control Min and max energy value of the analysis interval -- keV -- float(2) Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
energy_band Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used. [12,25] keV 1 - 15000 float(2) Standard hsi_eventlist_strategy
equat_ns Image Control =1 equatorial North, =0 solar North 0 -- 0 - 1 int Expert hsi_aspect_solution
ev_filename Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Name of eventlist file to use as input -- -- -- string Standard hsi_eventlist_file
ev_sim_data Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- byte N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
ev_ut_ref Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- struct(1) N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
eventlist_strategy Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Strategy used by GETDATA to get event lists HSI_EVENTLIST_PACKET N/A HSI_EVENTLIST_PACKET, HSI_EVENTLIST_SIMULATION string N/A hsi_eventlist
eventlist_strategy Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Strategy used by GETDATA to get event lists HSI_EVENTLIST_PACKET N/A HSI_EVENTLIST_PACKET, HSI_EVENTLIST_SIMULATION string N/A hsi_eventlist
extend_time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Internal parameter - extends time to find dropouts 2.0 -- -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
factor_by Image Control -- 1 N/A -- int Expert hsi_annsec_pattern
ff_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
ff_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
file_location Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_packet_file
file_time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Start/end time of file specified in filename parameter -- ANYTIM -- double(2) N/A hsi_packet
file_type Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control File type fits N/A fits, gse, itos, raw string Expert hsi_packet
filename Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Name(s) of the level-0/telemetry data file(s) None N/A -- pointer Standard hsi_packet_file
flare_id_nr Image Control Not used 0 N/A -- long Expert hsi_image_single
flare_xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used [0.,0.] arcsec 0 - 1000 float(2) Expert hsi_xyoffset
flatfield Image Control If set, enable flatfielding in BPROJ 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
fr_deadtime_window Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, remove rear events that occur without possibility of a front veto because of data gap. Used only for polarization analysis. 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
front_segment Image Control If set, use detector front segments 1 N/A 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
full_info Image Control If set, write all info params in FITS file 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_image_strategy
gain_generation Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- 1000 N/A -- int Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
gain_time_wanted Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- 0.0 N/A -- double Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
im_energy_binning Image Control Defines energy binning. If scalar, interpret as code for predefined energy bins, otherwise as energy edges -- -- -- pointer Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
im_input_fits Image Control Input image FITS file name -- -- -- pointer Standard hsi_image_file
im_out_fits_filename Image Info If set to a string, a FITS file will be written containing the image (or image cube) -- -- -- string N/A hsi_image_strategy
im_time_bin Image Control Width of bins to divide im_time_intervals into 0.0 sec -- double Standard hsi_image_strategy
im_time_bin Image Control Width of bins to divide im_time_intervals into -- sec -- double Standard hsi_image_raw
im_time_interval Image Control Time Interval(s) for images -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
im_time_interval Image Control Time Interval(s) for images -- ANYTIM -- pointer Standard hsi_image_raw
im_time_ref Image Control -- -- -- -- double Expert hsi_image_raw
im_time_ref Image Control Not used 0.0 -- -- double Expert hsi_image_strategy
image_algorithm Image Control Algorithm to use in image reconstruction Bproj N/A BProj, Clean, Pixon, Forward Fit, mem_njit, vis_fwdfit, uv_smooth string Standard hsi_image_single
image_atten_state Image Info Attenuator state during image -- -- -- int N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
image_dim Image Control Dimensions of image [64,64] pixel 16 - 1024 int(2) Standard hsi_modul_pattern_strategy
image_units Image Info -- -- N/A -- string N/A hsi_image_single
imaging_method Image Control Not used -- N/A -- string Expert hsi_image_single
imaging_power_law Image Control Power-law index used in hessi_grm 4.0 -- -- float Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
imaging_strategy Image Control -- hsi_annsec_pattern N/A -- string Expert hsi_modul_pattern
img_strategy_available Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_modul_pattern
info_dp_cutoff Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Threshold for defining a data gap. -- sec -- pointer N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
info_dp_lld Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info User selectable gap closing lld. Not used as of Oct-02 -- -- -- int(9) N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
interval_atten_state Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info atten state for each time interval, 0,1,2,3, -1 for transition -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
last2 Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Used internally -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
livetime_arr Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
livetime_ctr Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Livetime fraction from the livetime counters. Only one component of final livetime. -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
livetime_enable Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control default is to process and use livetime 1 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
local_average_frequency Image Control Time width for local averaging, (9x3)- 9 detectors, 3 harmonics. 16 (grids 1-8), 4 (grid 9) Freq. wrt rotation period -- float(9,3) Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
lt_ut_ref Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- struct(1) N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
max_harmonic Image Control Maximum harmonic to use in modulation patterns and imaging 1 -- -- int Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
min_time_4_off Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Minimum time without events to consider detectors off 0.1 -- -- float Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
modpat_skip Image Control Controls the interpolation of modulation patterns 1 N/A -- int Advanced hsi_annsec_pattern
n_bin Image Info Number of bins for each detector and harmonics -- N/A -- long(9,3) N/A hsi_binned_eventlist
n_event Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- 0 N/A -- long N/A hsi_eventlist_strategy
n_images_done Image Info -- -- -- -- long N/A hsi_image_strategy
n_modpat Image Info -- 0 N/A -- long N/A hsi_annsec_pattern
n_packet Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Number of packets in the file (or in selection) -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_packet
natural_weighting Image Control If set, all collimators have equal weight in forming BPROJ map 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
nj_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
nj_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
no_csa_dropout Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If this is set, then dropoutlist compiled w/o using 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
no_livetime Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- 0 -- -- byte Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
noquintic_interp Image Control If set, don't use quintic interpolation when converting image from annsec to xy coordinates 0 -- 0 - 1 int Advanced hsi_image_single
number_of_half_rotations Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
nvis_min Image Control Minimum number of good visibilities required to proceed with image generation 10 -- -- int Advanced hsi_image_single
obs_time_interval Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- -- -- -- double(2) Expert hsi_eventlist_file_sim
obs_time_interval Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Absolute time interval to retrieve data for. [0.d,0.d] ANYTIM -- double(2) Standard hsi_packet_file
obs_time_interval Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- double(2) Expert hsi_eventlist_file_sim
off_det_index Image Info If set, then no valid times for this detector -- -- -- byte(9) N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
offaxis_disp Image Info -- -- -- -- float N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
offset_gain_str Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- -- -- struct(1) N/A hsi_spectrogram
other_a2d_index_mask Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Set which other a2ds to return spectrum for -- N/A 0 - 1 byte(27) Advanced hsi_spectrogram
packet_per_bunch Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Number of packets to read in a each read operation 5000 N/A -- long Expert hsi_packet_file
packet_ref_time Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- 0.0 N/A -- double N/A hsi_packet
packet_time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control -- -- N/A -- double(2) Expert hsi_packet_file
phz_n_phase_bins Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Number of phase bins 12 -- -- long Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
phz_n_roll_bins_control Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Number of rolls bins for each grid 0 -- -- long(9) Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
phz_n_roll_bins_info Image Info Number of roll bins used for each grid -- -- -- long(9) N/A hsi_calib_eventlist
phz_n_roll_bins_max Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Maximum number of roll bins for each grid 64 -- -- long(9) Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
phz_n_roll_bins_min Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Minimum number of roll bins for each grid 12 -- -- long(9) Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
phz_radius Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Radius of extent of source 60 arcsec -- float Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
phz_report_roll_bins Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, report number of roll bins used 0 -- 0 - 1 int Advanced hsi_phz_stacker
pixel_area Image Info -- 0.0 N/A -- float N/A hsi_image_single
pixel_scale Image Control Scale factor for pixel_size 1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_modul_pattern_strategy
pixel_size Image Control X,Y size of the image pixel [4,4] arcsec 1 - 100 float(2) Standard hsi_modul_pattern_strategy
pixon_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
pixon_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
pmtras_diagnostic Image Control Controls diagnostic output from pmtras_analysis 0 -- -- uint Expert hsi_aspect_solution
poisson Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used 0 N/A -- byte Expert hsi_spectrogram
profile_plot_rate Image Control If set, plot count/sec in profile plot 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_plot_resid Image Control If set, plot profile residuals instead of profiles themselves 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_show_plot Image Control If set, enable plots of predicted and observed profiles while making image 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_image_single
profile_window Image Control Window number to draw profiles in -1 -- -- int Standard hsi_image_single
psf_no_sum Image Control If set, get separate psf for each detector 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Expert hsi_psf
r0_offset Image Control Distance between annular sector axis and map center 2560. arcsec -- float Advanced hsi_annsec_pattern
r_threshold Image Control Radius threshold in degrees. Suppress counts when radial offset of image relative to imaging axis is < r_threshold fltarr(9) -- -- float(9) Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
ras_time_extension Image Control Seconds to add to beginning/end of aspect time range [-1400,1400] sec -- double(2) Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
rear_decimation_correct Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, make rear decimation correction 0 -- 0 -1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
rear_no_anti Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, don't remove counts from rear segments based on coincidence flag 1 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
rear_segment Image Control If set, use detector rear segments 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_binned_eventlist
rebin_method Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Place-holder for spectral dependent rebinning -- N/A -- string Expert hsi_spectrogram
rebin_poisson_flag Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Place-holder for poisson option for rebinning 0 N/A -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
rebin_seed Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Place-holder for poisson seed option for rebinning 0 N/A -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
rmap_dim Image Info -- -- N/A -- int(2) N/A hsi_annsec_pattern
saszero Image Control If set, assume a perfect aspect solution 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte Advanced hsi_aspect_solution
sato_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
sato_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
sc_sun_offset Image Control +N,+W offset of S/C from Sun center [0.,0.] -- -- float(2) Expert hsi_aspect_solution
sec2time_unit Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- 0.0 N/A -- double N/A hsi_spectrogram
seed Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Not used 0.0 N/A -- float Expert hsi_spectrogram
seg_index_mask Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Flags for selecting detector and segment All 0 N/A 0 - 1 byte(18) Standard hsi_spectrogram
shutter_correction Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Fractional transmission through shutters (energy,det,attenstate) -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
simulated_data Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- 0 N/A -- byte N/A hsi_fits
simulated_data Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- 0 N/A -- byte N/A hsi_packet
smoothing_time Image Control Smoothing time for flux variation profile. Used only if use_flux_var is set. .5 sec -- float Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
sp_atten_state Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info RAS, 17-feb-2002 -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
sp_dp_cutoff Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control This functionality is disabled 17-nov-02 0.0 -- -- float Expert hsi_spectrogram
spatial_frequency_weight Image Control Detector weighting for BPROJ map. Not settable by user -- N/A -- float(9) Expert hsi_bproj_strategy
srt_filename Image Control Subcollimator response table srt_2*.dat N/A -- string Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
sum_coincidence Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, sum the anti-coincidence and coincidence spectrum 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
sum_flag Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, sum the spectrograms over collimators 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
taper Image Control Tapering factor for weighting grids in forming BPROJ map 0.0 N/A 0. - 10. float Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
tb_index Image Control Index for which of the time intervals to use 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
this_a2d_index Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info A2d_index_mask used -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
this_det_index Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Det_index_mask used -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
this_seg_index Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Seg_index_mask used -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
time_bin_def Image Control Factors multiplying time_bin_min to define detector-dependent time bin size [1,1,2,4,8,8,16,32,64] N/A 1 - 2^6 float(9) Advanced hsi_binned_eventlist
time_bin_min Image Control Scalar time bin size to be multiplied by time_bin_def to set time bins for each detector 1024 binary microsec (2^-20 sec) 1 - ? long Advanced hsi_binned_eventlist
time_range Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Time range to accumulate relative to obs_time_interval, or absolute [0,4] sec or ANYTIM 0 - ? double(2) Standard hsi_eventlist_strategy
time_unit Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Time unit used in the eventlist time tags 1 binary microsec (2^-20 sec) 1 - 32 int Expert hsi_eventlist_strategy
total_count Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_spectrogram
uniform_weighting Image Control If set, each collimator's weight in forming BPROJ map is 1/FWHM 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
units_spectrogram Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Units of spectrum -- N/A -- string N/A hsi_spectrogram
use_all_info_params Image Control If set, read all info parameters from image FITS file. 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_image_file
use_auto_time_bin Image Control If set, time binning is automatically set based on flare offset and cbe_digital_quality parameter 1 N/A 0 - 1 long Advanced hsi_calib_eventlist
use_cull Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, culling is enabled. Default is 1 for imaging, 0 for spectrum. 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_spectrogram
use_flare_xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control If set, use flare position from catalog for xyoffset. 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_xyoffset
use_flux_var Image Control If set, attempt to reconstruct flux variations unmarred by grid modulation 1 N/A 0 - 1 long Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_local_average Image Control If set, subtract smoothed rate from count rate to reduce background effects 0 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_phz_stacker Image Control If set, use phase stacker 0 -- 0 - 1 long Standard hsi_calib_eventlist
use_rate Image Control If set, use rate-enabled back projection 1 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_bproj_strategy
use_time_window Image Control -- -- -- -- float(3) Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
use_total_count Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control For developers only. Total_count is normally not used 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_spectrogram
used_xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Info Value of xyoffset used. -- -- -- float(2) N/A hsi_spectrogram
user_flux_var Image Control User-provided smoothing profile -- N/A -- pointer Advanced hsi_calib_eventlist
user_hook Image Control If set turn on process in user_hook 0 -- 0 - 1 int Expert hsi_calib_eventlist
ut_binned_eventlist Image Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_binned_eventlist
uv_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
uv_show_vismap Image Control If set, plot the visibility sampling on the u,v plane 1 -- 0 - 1 byte Standard hsi_uv_smooth
uv_window Image Info Window number for plot of visibility sampling in uv plane -- -- -- int N/A hsi_uv_smooth
valid_binned_index Image Info -- -- -- -- pointer N/A hsi_binned_eventlist
vf_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vf_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vimage Image Control -- -- N/A -- pointer Expert hsi_modul_profile
vis_chi2lim Image Control Visibilities with chi2 fit values > vis_chi2lim are rejected. 1.0e+9 -- -- float Advanced hsi_visibility
vis_conjugate Image Control If set, visibility conjugates are combined 1 -- -- byte Advanced hsi_visibility
vis_corr_factors Image Info Normalization correction factors for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_visibility
vis_det_index_mask_used Image Info Byte array showing which detectors had acceptable visibilities and were used -- -- -- byte(9) N/A hsi_visibility
vis_edit Image Control If set, visibilities are edited to remove those with inadequate phase coverage or bad fits 1 -- -- byte Advanced hsi_visibility
vis_input_fits Image Control Input visibility FITS file name -- -- -- string Standard hsi_visibility
vis_map Image Info Not used -- -- -- objref N/A hsi_visibility
vis_max_corr Image Control Maximum allowable fractional difference of one detector's total flux from the average' 0.25 -- -- float Advanced hsi_visibility
vis_normalize Image Control If set, visibilities are normalized 1 -- -- byte Advanced hsi_visibility
vis_out_filename Image Control If set to a string, a FITS file will be written containing the visibility bag -- -- -- string Standard hsi_visibility
vis_plotfit Image Control If set, plot fitted visibility vs phase 0 -- -- byte Standard hsi_visibility
vis_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vis_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
vrate Image Control -- -- N/A -- pointer Expert hsi_bproj_strategy
weight Image Control Not used. 1 N/A -- int Expert hsi_bproj_strategy
xy_pixel Image Control xy position of the pixel for which psf will be processed -- N/A -- pointer Expert hsi_psf
xyoffset Image, Spectrum, Lightcurve Control Offset of map center from Sun center [600.,200.] arcsec 0 - 1000 float(2) Standard hsi_xyoffset
xyoffset Image Control Offset of map from Sun center [600.,200.] arcsec 0 - 1000 float(2) Standard hsi_calib_eventlist

* Control Parameters are set by the user to control the software; Info parameters are informational output parameters.

** Note that for parameters whose type is 'pointer', you can set the parameter without making it a pointer first - the object will take care of that.  And when you retrieve a parameter that is a pointer, unless you use the /NO_DEREFERENCE keyword on the call to GET, the contents of the pointer will be returned, not the pointer.

*** User Levels are:
   Standard - parameters that most users will want to set
   Advanced - parameters that require a high level of familiarity with the software
   Expert - parameters that should never be set by users

Last updated 1-Nov-2010 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965