HESSI Data Object Parameters:  Clean Algorithm Parameters


Links to other parameter tables:
     All      Spectrum (Standard, Info, All)      Lightcurve (Standard, Info, All)     
     Image:     General (Standard, Info, All),   Clean,   Pixon,   Forward Fit,   MEM_NJIT,   VIS_FWDFIT,   UV_SMOOTH  
Spectral Response Matrix          Observing Summary          Simulation


Name Main Object Control / Info* Description Default Units Range Type** User Level*** Class
clean_beam_width_factor Image Control Factor applied to clean_beam convolving beam for source appearance. Larger value narrows the beam. 1.0 -- 1. - 3. float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_box Image Control Define clean boxes (where we expect sources to be) 0 N/A -- pointer Standard hsi_clean
clean_chi_sq_crit Image Control Stop iterating when chi square reaches this value -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_chi_sq_iter Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_chi_sq_min_test Image Control Not used 0 -- 0 - 1 int Expert hsi_clean
clean_chi_sq_tot Image Info Final chi square 0.0 N/A -- float N/A hsi_clean
clean_chi_sq_value Image Info Final chi square for each subcollimator for each iteration -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_chi_window Image Info Index of show_chi plot window -1 N/A -- int N/A hsi_clean
clean_cleaned_map Image Info Cleaned map in polar coordinates -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_component_map Image Info Clean component map in polar coordinates -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_components Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_cw_inverse Image Control If set, use area outside clean box instead of inside 0 -- -- int Standard hsi_clean
clean_cw_list Image Control Define clean boxes (where we expect sources to be) 0 N/A -- pointer Standard hsi_clean
clean_cw_nop Image Control Define clean boxes (where we expect sources to be) 0 N/A -- pointer Standard hsi_clean
clean_ed_flux Image Info -- 0.0 N/A -- float N/A hsi_clean
clean_frac Image Control Fraction of map maximum that defines level for real features (gain) 0.05 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_lambda Image Control Clean tweaking parameter #1 -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_last_iter Image Info Last iteration # (starting from 0) 0 N/A -- int N/A hsi_clean
clean_map_window Image Info Index of show_map plot window -1 N/A -- int N/A hsi_clean
clean_mark_box Image Control If set, graphically mark clean boxes on dirty map 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_media_mode Image Control -- 0 -- -- int Expert hsi_clean
clean_more_iter Image Control If set, resume cleaning from previous results 0 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_mu Image Control Clean tweaking parameter #2 -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_negative_max_test Image Control If set, stop iterating when highest absolute comes from a negative peak 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Advanced hsi_clean
clean_niter Image Control Max number of iterations 100 N/A 1 - ? int Standard hsi_clean
clean_no_chi2 Image Control If set, do not used the chi^2 to stop 1 N/A -- int Advanced hsi_clean
clean_normalization Image Info -- 0.0 N/A -- float N/A hsi_clean
clean_nu Image Control Clean tweaking parameter #3 -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_nwindow Image Control Not used? 0 N/A -- int Advanced hsi_clean
clean_profile_coeff Image Info Consant, slope, correlation of fit of predicted to observed profile -- -- -- float(3,9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_cstat Image Info Goodness of fit of image for each detector from comparison of predicted and observed profiles -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for each detector -- -- -- float(9) N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_tot_cstat Image Info Monte Carlo C-statistic for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_mc_tot_fwhm Image Info Monte Carlo FWHM for all detectors -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_profile_tot_cstat Image Info Overall goodness of fit of image from comparison of predicted and observed profiles' -- -- -- float N/A hsi_image_alg
clean_progress_bar Image Control If set, display progress bar with cancel button 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_regress_combine Image Control If set, use regression to combine component map and residual map. 0 -- 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_resid_map Image Info Residual map in polar coordinates -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_show_chi Image Control If set, plot chi-square while iterating 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_show_map_xdim Image Control X size of plot window for intermediate results 1024 N/A pixel int Standard hsi_clean
clean_show_maps Image Control If set, show intermediate maps 1 N/A 0 - 1 int Standard hsi_clean
clean_show_n_chi Image Control Show every n'th chi-square plot while iterating' 1 -- -- int Standard hsi_clean
clean_show_n_maps Image Control Show every n'th map while iterating 1 -- -- int Standard hsi_clean
clean_sigma Image Control Clean tweaking parameter #4 -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_sigma_beam Image Control Assumed width of a point source -- N/A -- float(9,3) Advanced hsi_clean
clean_sigma_factor Image Control Factor for multiplying pitch of grid parameters to generate assumed width of point source 0.206 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_source_map Image Info Clean source map in polar coordinates -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean
clean_stop Image Info Reason for stopping iterations -- N/A -- string N/A hsi_clean
clean_taperpsf Image Control Tapering weights to apply to each collimator -- N/A -- float(9,3) Advanced hsi_clean
clean_tau Image Control Clean tweaking parameter #5 -1.0 N/A -- float Advanced hsi_clean
clean_windows Image Info -- -- N/A -- pointer N/A hsi_clean

* Control Parameters are set by the user to control the software; Info parameters are informational output parameters.

** Note that for parameters whose type is 'pointer', you can set the parameter without making it a pointer first - the object will take care of that.  And when you retrieve a parameter that is a pointer, unless you use the /NO_DEREFERENCE keyword on the call to GET, the contents of the pointer will be returned, not the pointer.

*** User Levels are:
   Standard - parameters that most users will want to set
   Advanced - parameters that require a high level of familiarity with the software
   Expert - parameters that should never be set by users

Last updated 1-Nov-2010 by Kim Tolbert , 301-286-3965