31 Dec 1997 JS2WEEKDAY: New routine to return week day given Julian Second. May return number or name. RES JD2JS: Emphasized the fact that JD starts at noon. RES JS2JD: Emphasized the fact that JD starts at noon. RES DATE2JD: Minor help text fix. RES 30 Dec 1997 SUN_COLORS: Converted color table file to a text file to be more portable. RES COLOR: Dropped the use of getenv to find the colors file. Now uses whoami to look in the source directory for colors.txt. Also converted colors file to a simple text file for easier use. Should rewrite someday. RES 18 Dec 1997 DT_TM_FROMJS: Just passed new keyword DDECIMAL=ddec on to dt_tm_mak. RES 18 Dec 1997 DT_TM_MAK: Added new keyword DDECIMAL=ddec to set number of decimal places in day of year (if given in format). Def=none. RES 3 Dec 1997 TARCLR: Upgraded to work with high color (> 256 colors). Also added new keyword SET to set specified color index (for 8 bit color). RES 14 Nov 1997 BOX2B: New routine, a simple two mouse button interactive box. Easier to use, more portable. RES 12 Nov 1997 OUTBOX: New routine to test if a given point is outside a given box. RES INBOX: New routine to test if a given point is inside a given box. RES XBB: Improved help text. RES SWAP: New routine to swap two values. Very simple but cleans up code. RES TVBOX: Modified to keep box size GE 1. RES 3 Nov 1997 IMGNEG: Simple image processing routine that converts a color image to its negative. Used as an example for the new custom PROCESS pull-down in XVIEW. RES XHOTLIST: Added browse option to this routine. Should now allow system independent directory browsing. RES XVIEW: Three upgrades: (1) Added browse option to directory hotlist, (2) Added user defined PRINT and PROCESS pull-down menus, (3) Added help to the HELP button. RES 13 Oct 1997 WEB_BACK: A primitive but effective routine to generate a background image for tiling a web page. RES 25 Sep 1997 FILEBREAK: Fixed to work for Windows IDL. Still no support for the Mac since I don't have access to one. RES 24 Sep 1997 SWINDOW: Handled Win95 IDL bug for draw widget Y scroll bars. RES 22 Sep 1997 JD2YMD: Theo Brauers made loop index long to handle long arrays of JD. RES 16 Jul 1997 BEST_FFT: Added new keyword /DOWN to restrict search to sizes no greater than proposed size. RES 11 Jul 1997 VER: Added new keyword /OUT to plot pointers outside axes. RES HOR: Added new keyword /OUT to plot pointers outside axes. RES 10 Jul 1997 DT_TM_FULL: New function to take a partial date/time string and expand it to a full date time string. Useful to allow users to enter only times if they wish but still allow full date/times to be entered. RES 8 Jul 1997 BEST_FFT: Minor fix to avoid changing input value. RES 1 Jul 1997 CREATED: New routine to return a standard host, user, time stamp string. Ex: Created on tesla by Sterner on Tue Jul 1 14:22:15 1997 Gives name of computer, the user name, and the time. Intended to be added to file headers for reference. RES 30 Jun 1997 PRWINDOW: Added FACTOR=fct keyword. RES PSIMG: Added new keyword, FACTOR=fct, to allow image size to be adjusted. RES 4 Jun 1997 ROUND2: A version of round that works for big double precision numbers. For example, print,round2(9000000001.49999d0),form='(f20.5)' gives 9000000001.00000, but round gives an error message and a wild value. RES 20 May 1997 EVENT_LOG: Added new keyword ,/ADD, to add additional lines to last time tag in file. This allows any number of lines under a given time tag. Added /SCREEN to display text to screen too. Also slightly upgraded the help text. This routine is really useful for logging events during processing. For example errors and significant steps can be documented easily this way. RES 15 May 1997 PMATCH: Added new keyword, /ALL, to return indices of matches found. RES 30 Apr 1997 PMATCH: New routine to find a specified sequence of values in an array of numbers. Does a pattern match using the where function. RES 28 Apr 1997 DT_TM_MAK: Very minor fix to help text. RES 21 Apr 1997 MAKEMS: New routine that makes an array from a starting point to an ending point using a maximum step size. It steps by this size until within the step size and then steps the rest of the way to the end point. This is useful for moving from one point to another but without going over a certain step size. RES 14 Apr 1997 POLY_FIT2: Added new keyword XFIT=xfit to allow fitted Y to be returned for all Xs even though only some are used to compute the fit. RES 3 Apr 1997 SELECT_INTERVALS: New routine. From a list of short time intervals can select the ones that fall within a given lower and upper cutoff value. Keywords to control if any or some of interval may extend outside range. RES 18 Mar 1997 RADII: Added new keyword THICKNESS=thk. RES 17 Mar 1997 PSTERM: Just capitalized user name. RES 14 Mar 1997 XVIEW: Changed 24-bit TIFF display to use color_quanj instead of color_quan. color_quanj uses the JPEG image coloring algorithm and gives a greatly improved result over the previous method for some cases. This is most noticeable where small areas are important but do not have enough pixels to make themselves known to the previous algorithm. RES STATE_NAME: New function to return list of 2 letter abbreviations for U.S. states, or full state name given abbreviation. Has several variants of the returned name. RES 7 Mar 1997 DIST_SCALE2: New routine, 2nd version of a distance scale. RES 5 Mar 1997 IMGUNDER: For PS was using pixels of size 1 point (1/72 inch). These looked too blocky so they were reduced to 1/2 point. RES 27 Feb 1997 XVIEW: Added vivid color print option. RES XOPTION: Added a second submenu to allow unrelated options. RES 24 Feb 1997 ARCS: Added new keyword THICKNESS. RES 21 Feb 1997 SET_ISOXY: Added new keyword charsize=csz. RES PLOTWIN: Added new keyword charsize=csz. RES 18 Feb 1997 NAXES: Added new keyword /NO25 to disallow steps that are multiples of 2.5. IDL does not appear to use such steps so this option better matches the selected IDL tick mark spacing. RES 17 Feb 1997 XVIEW: Added sharpening to Tools menu. BW only. RES TVSHARP: New routine to do a simple sharpening on currently displayed image. BW only for now. RES CONCOORD: Generalized to more than 4 points. RES 13 Feb 1997 SETCOLOR: New routine to allow a single color table entry to be set. Input color specification may be in decimal or hex (web format). RES 12 Feb 1997 ARCS: Made default be clip to plot window. Added new keyword /NOCLIP to override this. RES 6 Feb 1997 DT_TM_MAK: Bug fixed by Matthew Savoie, Systems Technology Associates. Bug showed up for the following call: print, dt_tm_mak(2451545L, -9.16488e+07) which gave 1997 Feb 5 **:00:00 Wed. Should now work. RES 5 Feb 1997 JSPLOT: Fixed to allow /SUN suncolors to work on color PS printer. RES 4 Feb 1997 SCREENTIFF: New routine to display a given TIFF image in a screen window. RES 3 Feb 1997 DT_TM_MAK: Added two new format items: now can output month as a number and also day of the year. Do help,dt_tm_mak(/help) for details. This gives dt_tm_fromjs the same new format items. RES YMD2DN: updated to work with arrays. RES 28 Jan 1997 LINI: Added new keyword MAG=mag to allow mag value to be set. Also set default mag to 4 instead of 10. Made active endpoint marker be unfilled by default. RES 23 Jan 1997 TNAXES: Removed the stop statement for tick spacings < 1 sec and changed the error message to a warning. So now plots will still run. RES 22 Jan 1997 SUBIMG: Added exit code. RES 17 Jan 1997 D2DMS: New function to convert degrees to deg, min, sec text string. Intended for use with crossi as the x and y formatting function for working with lat/long. RES 13 Jan 1997 DT_TM_FROMCR: Added new keyword, /JS, to return date/time as JS. RES 31 Dec 1996 IZOOM: Corrected to handle small arrays. The problem was this: Let a 4x4 array have x coordinates [0,1,2,3]. Izoom used to label the x axis 0 to 3 while displaying 4 pixels across. This is not correct, it should label it 0 to 4. This should now be fixed. RES IMGUNDER: Corrected to handle small arrays. Added new keywords XFRAC=xfr, YFRAC=yfr to give fraction into image to zoom. RES 26 Dec 1996 EVENT_LOG: Fixed a problem with the /DIFF command. Also add new keyword /LOG to add time diff to log file. RES GETKEY: Old routine that was dropped. Had to bring it back since it's used in my librarian program. RES