POINTING NOTES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Initialisation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When a new study is added to the timeline, the sc pointing for each raster is retrieved from the relevant re-point file; /cp/cmdpln/yyyymmdd/re-point_yyyymmddpppp.txt This The new entry is cast as an "eis_structure_container" object. The initial sc pointing is derived using the method; eis_structure_container::initialise_raster_pointing which calls the routine; /planning/timeline/eis_get_study_pointing.pro for each raster. This function takes as inputs the raster start and stop times (in TAI). The EIS FOV pointing offsets, as defined in; /planning/utilities/eis_pointing_offset.pro are subtracted from the sc pointing at this stage. The sc pointing is then returned as a structure of the type pointing = {x_point:x_point , y_point:y_point} back into eis_structure_container::initialise_raster_pointing For each study-raster (sra), the follwing tags are set; sra.x_point = pointing.x_point Raster X sra.y_point = pointing.y_point Raster Y sra.sc_x = pointing.x_point SC X sra.sc_y = pointing.y_point SC Y That is, during initialisation, the raster pointing is set to the sc pointing. The values of MIP and YIP (yStart) are derived using the function; /planning/utilities/eis_get_mirror_position.pro whose inputs are; delx = difference between sc and raster pointing (sc_x - x_point) dely = difference between sc and raster pointing (sc_y - y_point) ra_id = id of raster In this case (initialisation) delx = dely = 0, so the call is; mirror_pos = eis_get_mirror_position(0. , 0. , ra_id) which returns a structure of the form; mirror_pos = {yStart:yStart , mip:mip} These are stored sra.mip = mirror_pos.mip sra.yip = mirror_pos.yStart Finally, the sra is updated, and the new entry is added to the timeline container (tlc). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++