BUG FIXES: * 15-Jun-2010 Modified XTW buffer from 0 to 2 minutes (DRW request) * 14-Jun-2010 Fixed eis_mk_raster bug where all dataWindows were set to default value when there were 25 lines. * Copy corrected MIP/YIP values * Handling of appended/chained studies. These will now move as the number of raster repeats in previous studies is modified. * Corrected handling of study start/stop times * Re-draw timeline plot when cursor enters the draw area. This will maintain the plot properties (previously chewed by image_tool) * Properly move/copy engineering entries 11-Sep-2007 * Properly save Observer, Planner and Tohban fields added in CPT gui. * Selecting a study in the Summary gui now selects that entry on the timeline. * When invoking image_tool while the currently selected study is an engineering study, call image_tool with {point_stc} and bail out. * Disappearing studies. Hooray! * Moving entries on the timeline. * Invoking image_tool while an engineering study is selected. ENHANCEMENTS: * Added tool to allow planner to view details of SAA and eclipse periods * dr output file is automatically copied to $CMDPLN/latest * Multiple timeline entries may be; + moved + copied + deleted + metadata modified by selecting a time range (right-click on the timeline plot) * Added a Preferences GUI (Tools menu bar); + change duration of search period for CP files + toggle SAA warning on/off + update planning party (CO, CP and Tohban) names * Created an ini file - $HOME/.eis_mk_plan - to remember defaults * CPT gui date-time text-boxes don't require entering. * Y_offset set to 50.