Study 000603: ACRONYM: el_dhb_02 This is a modified version of el_dhb_01. The line list has been adjusted to reduce telemetry consumption and allow the study to be run for longer periods. The study is intended to be run on an active region to study small flares at very high cadence. TARGET: Active Region EXPOSURE TIME: 10s RASTER: Scanning SLIT: 2" FOV: 50"x152" RASTER DURATION: 5m 34s VOLUME: 8.9 Mbits RATE: 26.6 kbits/s COMPRESSION: JPEG90 Pointing: -------- The center of the raster should be aimed at the polarity inversion line. Instruction to planners: ----------------------- Please run the study continuously for ~6 hours (or longer if telemetry allows). The idea is to observe the full evolution of any microflares. Warning: ------- None