Study 000533: ACRONYM: CompS_NonMax_90 CompS_NonMax has 4 different variations: 120, 90, 60 and 30 (number indicates the slit exposures in seconds). Use the CompS_NonMax study specified by proposer. All variations use 2" slit to scan an 80"x512" off-limb region in 2" steps. We have opted to use DPCM compression. Observations should be run in the following sequence: - CompS_NonMax_30, CompS_NonMax_60, CompS_NonMax_90, CompS_NonMax_120 - slot context PRY_slot_context_v3 Pointing and study variation to be selected by J. Dudik. Typically, raster off-limb above AR core so that the innermost edge of the raster is 30" above the solar limb. The target AR *has* to be above limb, otherwise COMP-S will not be able to observe it. Typically, repeat the sequence 3 times. Depending on the size of the AR, proposer may specify that several rasters are to be stitched together to cover a wider range in X, in which case, this will be indicated in the instructions.