Study 000529: ACRONYM: cool_loop_narrow This is a modification of cool_loop_response. It is designed for coordination with IRIS, particularly looking at sunspot plumes/fan loops. Removed some coronal lines compared to cool_loop_response and increased the exposure time to 30s (from 20s). These reduces the data rate. Ysize: 144" Xsize: 38" Slit: 2" Step-size: 3" Exposure time: 30s Duration: 7min 15s Compression: DPCM Data volume: 7.1 MBits (DPCM) Pointing: -------- Loop footpoints. Instruction to planners: ----------------------- Point at the footpoints of bright loops seen in the AIA 171 channel. Use raster repeats, as TM availbility permits. Use PRY_slot_context_v3 (ID 353) as a context study. Warning: ------- None