Study 000435: ACRONYM: VHH_SlowARbig_1h23 (Assymmetry_big) This study is intended to be run on active region (or quiet sun) to look for spectral line assymetries and their time variations The study consists of a large raster (300x300 arcsec) with 150 exposures of 30s with of EIS's 2 arcsec slit to produce a context image and line profile data for use in conjuction with a small fast raster (VHH_HI_BRT_SCAN_EXT) or a sit and stare study (vhh_slowar_sas_1h6m) that are designed to concentrate on time variations in a small regions. Target: Active region or quiet sun Type: scanning raster Field of view: 296"x300" Exposure time: 30s Slit: 2" step size: 2" Study Duration: 1h 24m 2s Data Volume: 77 Mbits Instruction to planners: ----------------------- It should be run, where possible, in co-ordinated observations with SOT and preceding or followed by either the VHH_HI_BRT_SCAN_EXT or vhh_slowar_sas_1h6m WARNING: -------- None