Study 000387: ACRONYM: VHH_HI_BRT_SCAN This study is intended to be run on active region (or quiet sun) to look for the time variations of spectral line assymetries. The study consists of a single raster, with 5 contiguous positions of EIS's narrow slit, making a narrow but tall scan with 60-second exposures at each position. This scanning raster should be repeated 12 times to make an approximately one-hour duration study. Target: Active region or quiet sun Type: scanning raster Field of view: 5"x240" Exposure time: 60s Slit: 1" step size: 1" Raster Duration: 5m 47s Data Volume: 3.8 Mbits Instruction to planners: ----------------------- Repeat the raster 12 times at least. Fill the TM slot available It should be run, where possible, in co-ordinated observations with SOT. The study is identical with DRW001_hi_brt_scan with the exception of the line list which has been chosen to have as few blends as possible. WARNING: -------- None