Study 000332: ACRONYM: IUU_SLOT_104x280_Q65 Identical to (IUU_SLOT_104x216_Q65 - 216 pixel slit height) BUT with 280 pixel slit height, i.e. slightely bigger data volume. Slot imaging. Low data rate. High compression. Three 28s exposures at adjacent pointing positions sampling a 104"x280" FOV in around 90s. 8" spatial overlap. 13 repeats totaling around 20min. Designed to run for several hours (full day even) at low telemetry. TARGET : Quiet Sun (QS) EXPOSURE TIME : 28s SLIT : 40" FOV : 104"x280" SPECTRAL WIND. : 8 COMPRESSION : JPEG65 Data rate : 5.94 kBits/s Data Volume (per hour) : 21.4 MBits/h ESTIMATED CADENCE : ~94 s per raster. ESTIMATED DURATION : ~21 m (13 raster repeat) WARNING: None