Help on Graphical Interval Selection Widget Left-click on the plot to define the start of an interval, right-click to define the end of that interval. If the 'Contiguous intervals' option is selected, once you've defined an interval, another right-click to the right of that interval will define the end of a new interval whose start is the end of the previous interval. If the 'Force to data boundaries' option is selected, every interval boundary you define will be forced to line up with the nearest data accumulation boundary. Left double-click in any interval to bring up a menu of options for editing that interval, or breaking it up into sub-intervals. The 'Adjust to data boundaries' button examines all of the currently defined intervals, and adjusts them so that they are aligned with data accumulation boundaries. Notes: If you left-click twice in succession (without right-clicking in between), the first click is ignored, and the start moves to the location of the second left-click. Right-clicks to the left of where you left-clicked (i.e. the end before the start) are ignored.