CALIBRATION ONLY ================ The routines in this directory were for use with the CALIBRATION version of the CDS EGSE science telemetry program (.run CALIBRATION). This can be run in an independent IDL session and can then work in replay mode taking its data from telemetry disk files. Normally however it is intended for use during realtime operations when it receives telemetry in realtime as it is piped down to the slave workstation. In this mode it is run from within the menus offered by the EGSE programs themselves. See CDS software note #12 for further details ============================================================================== Files as of 21-Apr-95 are: Directory: /sohos1/cds/soft/ops/data_anal/egse/cal/ CAL_SEQ_EVENT - Processes events from the CAL_SEQ_MENU. CAL_SEQ_MENU - Defines the science analyser calibration sequence window. CALIBRATION* - Main code to run the EGSE science analysis. CDHS_TIME - Calculate hex numbers to be uploaded to set CDHS time. CHECK_CAL_FILE() - To check if a calibration FITS file has already been used. CHECK_FITS_NAME - Check if proposed FITS filename is unique. CHECK_FOR_LAST - Check if packet is the last one in an exposure. CHECK_HEADERS - Check if raster/exposure packets have been received. CHECK_SET_EVENT - Processes events from the CHECK_SET_MENU. CHECK_SET_MENU - Defines the setup check window. COMPILE_ALL - To compile (in batch mode) all sci_ana procedure files. CTRL_ANALYSIS - Enable/disable widgets associated with EGSE analysis mode. DCMPDATA() - Decompress CDS telemetry data. DISP_CHECK_SET - Displays the result of the calibration setup check. DISP_DEFERRED - Display contents of a deferred command store dump. DISP_ERR - Display contents of an IMIF interface module dump. DISP_GEN_TABLE - Display contents of a general store dump. DISP_HEALTH - Display contents of a health module dump. DISP_IEF - Display contents of an IEF table dump. DISP_IMIF - Display contents of IMIF module (MCU support) dump. DISP_IMIFIM - Display contents of an IMIF interface module dump. DISP_RAW_GIS - Display raw GIS data. DISP_RAW_VDS - Display raw VDS data. DISP_REVIEW - Display the statistics of the incoming packets. EXP_SELECT - Select exposure to be displayed. FMT_CDHS_TIME - Create date/time strings from exposure header information. FULL_IMG_EVENT - Handle widget event from the VDS_FULL procedure. GAS_EVENT - Processes events from the GAS_MENU. GAS_MENU - Defines the calibration GAS details window. GIS_DESELECT - Deselects GIS data into a complete 8192 pixel spectrum. GIS_EVENT - Processes events from the EGSE GIS analysis menu. GIS_EXT_PLOT - Extract GIS science stream data into its defined windows. GIS_MENU - Defines and realises the GIS analysis window. GIS_SYNTH - To load synthetic GIS data into the calibration program. HANDLE_IO_ERR - Handle i/o errors in telemetry reception. HANDLE_TM_ERROR - Handle i/o errors in telemetry reception. HEADER_G_EVENT - Processes widget events from the GIS packet header menu. HEADER_GIS_MENU - Defines and realises the GIS header information window. HEADER_V_EVENT - Processes widget events from the VDS packet header menu. HEADER_VDS_MENU - Defines and realises the VDS header information window. HEXOUT - Formats an unsigned 16 bit integer for hexadecimal output. MAIN_EVENT - Services the widget events from MAIN_MENU. MAIN_MENU - Defines the EGSE science analyser main window. MON_EVENT - Handles events from MON_MENU widgets. MON_MENU - Defines the widgets used in a monitor plot. PAUSE_REPLAY - Pauses the telemetry replay from a data file. PLOT_GIS - Plot the GIS spectra from all four detectors. PLOT_MONITOR - Plots monitor data from EGSE calibration program. PLOT_PROF - Plot profile of VDS data. PLOT_VDS - Display an image of the VDS data. POSN_EVENT - Processes events from the POSN_MENU. POSN_MENU - Defines the setup position details window. PROF_EVENT - To service events from profile plotting widgets. PROF_MENU - Sets up the widgets for profile plots within sci_ana. RAW_GIS_EVENT - Handles events from RAW_GIS_MENU widgets. RAW_GIS_MENU - Defines the widgets used in a raw GIS data dump. RAW_VDS_EVENT - Handles events from RAW_VDS_MENU widgets. RAW_VDS_MENU - Defines the widgets used in a raw VDS data dump. RD_GIS_LINES - Read the GIS calibration line list into the line structure. RD_VDS_LINES - Read the VDS calibration line list into the line structure. READ_DATA - Read a fixed quantity of data from a logical unit. READ_EXP - Read and display the exposure packet header. READ_GIS_RASTER() - Read the GIS raster header from a unit. READ_PKT_HEADER() - Read science packet header which contains ID. READ_SCI_CNT() - Read the science packet counter (2 bytes). READ_SP_BODY() - Read the body of a special packet. READ_SP_ID() - Read format id. and packet counter in special packet. READ_VDS_RASTER() - Read the VDS raster header from a unit. REORIENT - Reorient VDS data from spectral to spatial format. REVIEW_TM_EVENT - Processes widget events from the file review menu. REVIEW_TM_MENU - Defines and realises the telemetry review widget. SAVE_IDL - Save IDL variables to a file. SCALE_IMAGE - Scale VDS image using min and max values in image. SETTAB() - Sets up table for quasi-log decompression scheme. SHOW_VDS_LINES - To display the VDS calibration lines. SP_DEF_EVENT - Processes events from widgets in SP_DEF_MENU. SP_DEF_MENU - Defines the deferred command table dump. SP_ERR_EVENT - Processes events from SP_ERR_MENU widgets. SP_ERR_MENU - Defines the error module dump widgets. SP_GEN_EVENT - Handles events from SP_GEN_MENU widgets. SP_GEN_MENU - Defines the widgets used in a general table dump. SP_HEALTH_EVENT - Handle events from widgets in SP_HEALTH_MENU. SP_HEALTH_MENU - Define widget layout for health module dump. SP_IEF_EVENT - Processes events from SP_IEF_MENU widgets. SP_IEF_MENU - Defines and realises the IEF table dump widget. SP_IMIF_EVENT - Processes events from SP_IMIF_MENU widgets. SP_IMIF_MENU - Defines and realises the MCU backup dump widgets. SP_IMIFIM_EVENT - Processes events from SP_IMIFIM_MENU widgets. SP_IMIFIM_MENU - Defines and realises the IMIF interface module dump widgets. SWAP_SCIHEAD - Swaps bytes and displays science header data. UPDATE_EXPINFO - Update exposure info displayed for VDS or GIS. VDS_DESELECT() - Loads the VDS data windows into a full (1024,1024) array. VDS_EVENT - Processes events from the VDS_MENU. VDS_EXT_IMAGE - Loads VDS data stream into VDS image array. VDS_FULL - Defines the science analyser full VDS window. VDS_MENU - Defines the science analyser VDS analyse window. VDS_STATS - To calculate the statistics within a VDS image. VDS_SYNTH() - To load synthetic VDS data into the calibration program. WORKPROC - Background task to perform telemetry reading. ============================================================================ History: 27-Oct-93: Versions frozen for use with data conforming to Science data stream packet format v2.9 1-Nov-93: This version to conform to the v3.0 packet formast definition. 2-Nov-93: Updated exposure information display and fixed decompression. 5-Nov-93: Some cosmetic changes. Zeroing of arrays. 11-Nov-93 Cater for on-chip binning, include statistics in VDS image, and tidy up Deferred command table dump 12-Nov-93 Display science data packet ID. Tidy GIS plot. 15-Nov-93 Include update to byteswapping routines by WT. Fix bug in handling of abort packet. Give review widget a reset button. 30-Nov-93 Rework display of special IMIF packets (original now split into special packet formats '01' and '09'x 12-Jan-94 Replaced with calibration version. Now require to .run calibration. See also /cs/data/info/calibration.doc for notes on how to run it. 10-Feb-94 General updates, including setup checks. 12-Aug-94 Freeze as the version to be used for laboratory calibration.