Technical Database Routines --------------------------- These routines control the access to the databases used in CDS observation planning. ==================================================================== As of 6-Jun-95 files are: Directory: /sohos1/cds/soft/ops/plan/database/ ADD_DATAWIN() - Adds a data window list definition to the database ADD_DETAIL() - Adds a CDS detailed science plan record to the database ADD_F_RASTER() - Adds a fundamental raster definition to the database ADD_F_STUDY() - Adds a fundamental study definition to the database ADD_FLAG() - Adds a CDS flag receiver science plan record to the database ADD_LINELIST() - Adds a line list definition to the database ADD_MASTER() - Adds a CDS flag master record to the database ADD_NRT_RES() - Adds an entry to the NRT reserved database. ADD_OTHER_OBS() - Adds a plan entry for another observatory to database ADD_PLAN() - Adds a SoHO/CDS science plan record to the database ADD_PROGRAM() - Adds a CDS program definition to the database ADD_RES_TYPE() - Adds a resource type name to the database ADD_RESOURCE() - Adds an entry to the general resource database. ADD_STATE() - Adds a CDS state record to the database ADD_TEL_MODE() - Adds an entry to the telemetry mode database. ADD_TEL_SUBMODE() - Adds an entry to the telemetry submode database. ADD_V_RASTER() - Adds a raster variation definition to the database ADD_V_STUDY() - Adds a study variation definition to the database CALC_RAS_DUR() - Calculate the duration of a raster. CHK_DATAWIN() - Check the existence in CDS database of a given datawin CHK_F_RASTER() - Check existence in CDS database of a given raster structure CHK_F_STUDY() - Check existence in CDS database of a given fundamental study CHK_LINELIST() - Check the existence in CDS database of a given linelist CHK_V_RASTER() - Check the existence in CDS database of a raster variation CHK_V_STUDY() - Check existence in CDS database of a given study variation CLR_NRT_RES() - Deletes NRT reserved entries from the database CLR_OTHER_OBS() - Deletes entries from the "other_obs" database CLR_RESOURCE() - Deletes SoHO resource entries from the database CLR_TEL_MODE() - Deletes SoHO telemetry mode entries from the database CLR_TEL_SUBMODE() - Deletes SoHO telemetry submode entries from the database DEL_DETAIL() - Deletes a CDS detailed science plan record from the database DEL_FLAG() - Deletes a CDS flag receiver record from the database DEL_MASTER() - Deletes a CDS flag master record from the database DEL_PLAN() - Deletes a SoHO/CDS science plan record from the database FIND_STUDY - find a CDS study in database FIX_ZDBASE() - To control the value of env. var. ZDBASE. GET_CAMPAIGN - Extracts a SOHO campaign definition from the database GET_COMPRESS - Extracts a SOHO compression description from the database GET_DATAWIN - Extracts a data window list definition from the database GET_DETAIL - Extracts a CDS detailed science plan observation GET_F_RASTER - Extracts a fundamental raster definition from the database GET_F_STUDY - Extracts a fundamental study definition from the database GET_FLAG - Extracts a CDS flag receiver status from the database GET_INSTRUMENT - Extracts a SOHO instrument name and code from the database GET_LINELIST - Extracts a line list definition from the database GET_MASTER - Extracts a CDS flag master status from the database GET_OBJECT - Extracts a SOHO object description from the database GET_PLAN - Extracts a SoHO science plan observation GET_PROGRAM - Extracts a CDS program definition from the database GET_RASTER - Extracts a complete raster definition from the database GET_SOHO_DET - Extracts a SoHO detailed science plan observation GET_STATE - Extracts a CDS state description from the database GET_STUDY - Extracts a complete study definition from the database LIST_CAMPAIGN - List all the SoHO campaigns for a date range. LIST_COM_TIMES - List the SoHO command contact times for a given period LIST_DATAWIN - List the available data window lists for a given line list. LIST_DETAIL - List the CDS detailed science plan for a given date range. LIST_DLYD_TIMES - List the SoHO delayed command times for a given period LIST_DSN - List the SoHO DSN contacts for a given period LIST_F_RASTER - List the fundamental parameters of all available rasters. LIST_F_STUDY - List the fundamental parameters of all available studies. LIST_FLAG - List the CDS flag receiver status for a date range. LIST_LINELIST - List all the available line lists. LIST_MASTER - List the CDS flag master status for a date range. LIST_MDI_M - List the MDI-M times for a given period LIST_NRT_RES - List the NRT reserved times for a given period LIST_OBJECT - List the available SoHO object abbreviations. LIST_OTHER_OBS - List plan for other observatories for given date range LIST_PLAN - List the SoHO science plan for a given date range. LIST_PROGRAM - List the available CDS program definitions. LIST_RES_TYPE - List all resource types LIST_SOHO_DET - List the SoHO detailed plan for a given date range. LIST_STATE - List the available CDS state descriptions. LIST_V_RASTER - List the defined variations for a given raster ID. LIST_V_STUDY - List the defined variations for a given study. MOD_DETAIL() - Modifies an entry in the science plan database. MOD_FLAG() - Modify entry in the flag receiver science plan database. MOD_PLAN() - Modifies an entry in the science plan database. MOD_V_RASTER() - Modifies a raster variation definition in the database MOD_V_STUDY() - Modifies a study variation definition in the database PRG_DETAIL() - Purges old and deleted CDS detailed science plan records PRG_FLAG() - Purges old and deleted CDS flag plan records PRG_MASTER() - Purges old and deleted SOHO/CDS flag master records PRG_PLAN() - Purges old and deleted SOHO science plan records QZDBASE - Print the current value of env. var. ZDBASE SHOW_DETAIL - List salient points of details database. SHOW_LINELIST - To list the contents of the linelist database. SHOW_RASTER - To summarize the descriptions in the raster databases. SHOW_SCI_PLAN - List salient points of SOHO science plan database. SHOW_STUDY - To summarize the descriptions in the study databases. UPD_PLAN() - Adds a SoHO science plan record to the database UPD_SOHO_DET() - Adds a SoHO detailed science plan record to the database XSHOW_RASTER - Widget display of CDS rasters XSHOW_STUDY - Widget interface to CDS database catalog XSHOW_COM - Common blocks for XSHOW_STUDY