MHD Interpretation of LASCO Observations of a Coronal Mass Ejection as a Disconnected Magnetic Structure
by S.T. Wu, W.P. Guo, M.D. Andrews, G.E. Brueckner,
R.A. Howard, M.J. Koomen, C.M. Korendyke,
D.J. Michels, J.D. Moses, D.G. Socker, K.P. Dere,
P.L. Lamy, A. Llebaria, M.V. Bout, R. Schwenn,
G.M. Simnett, D.K. Bedford, and C.J. Eyles
- Movie 1: 29 July 1996 CME as observed by the LASCO C2
coronagraph. The CME occurs on the West limb beginning
as a brightening on the lower edge of the pre-existing
streamer. Each frame has had a background model
subtracted, and a radial filter applied.
- Movie 2(~0.08Mb):
Simulation of the 29 July CME as seen in the
LASCO C2 field of view. The simulation results are
displayed as polarized brightness.
- Movie 3: 29 July 1996 CME as observed by the LASCO C3
coronagraph. The CME occurs on the West limb. The
propagation through the C3 field is not well tracked
due to the data gap discussed in the text. The CME is
seen to propagate to 32 Rs, at which point is has
developed into a disconnected structure.
- Movie 4(~0.06Mb):
Simulation of the 29 July CME as seen in the
C3 field of view. These model results show the
calculated polarization brightness, and clearly show
the development of the disconnected structure.
More information on LASCO can be found at the LASCO Home Page.