Measurements of Frequencies of Solar Oscillations from the
MDI medium-l Program
by E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A.G. Kosovichev, P.H. Scherrer, J. Schou & J. Reiter

Fig. 1d:
A Medium-l Dopplergram that is binned with Gaussian weights on a
square 5x5-pixel grid as described by Kosovichev et al. (1996).
The Medium-l Program of the SOI/MDI experiment is dedicated to the
nearly-continuous monitoring of the Doppler velocity field of the
visible solar hemisphere. The Medium-l data are transmitted though
the low-rate (5 kbps) telemetry channel of SOHO. It is this relatively
low bit rate which limits the spatial resolution of the Medium-l
observations. This low data rate also requires that some initial
processing of the original 1024x1024-pixel CCD full-disk
Dopplergrams be carried out on board the MDI instrument.