The Relationship of Green-Line Transients to White-Light Coronal Mass Ejections
by S.P. Plunkett, G.E. Brueckner, K.P. Dere, R.A. Howard, M.J.
Koomen, C.M. Korendyke, D.J. Michels, J.D. Moses, N.E. Moulton, S.E.
Paswaters, O.C. St.Cyr, D.G. Socker, D. Wang, G.M. Simnett, D.K. Bedford,
D.A. Biesecker, C.J. Eyles, S.J. Tappin, R. Schwenn, P.L. Lamy and A.
- Movie 1:
This movie shows a loop-like eruption off the East limb of the Sun on June
17, 1996. The images were recorded in the Fe XIV green emission line at
5303 Å using the LASCO C1 coronagraph on SOHO. Each frame in the movie has
had the background continuum subtracted, allowing the line emission to be
clearly seen. The speed of expansion of the erupting loop is about 180
- Movie 2:
This movie shows two different green-line transients occurring off the
southeast limb of the Sun on October 18 and 19, 1996. The first event,
starting at about 16:00 UT on October 18, is a slow expansion (speed < 10
km/s) and eventual eruption of a faint loop over a period of about 12
hours. The second (and more obvious) event is a loop transient similar to
the June 17 event shown in Movie 1. This event begins at about 15:00 UT on
October 19 and moves outwards with a speed of about 25 km/s. All images
were recorded in the Fe XIV green emission line at 5303 Å by the LASCO C1
coronagraph on SOHO. Each frame has had the background continuum
subtracted to enhance the visibility of the line emission.
More information on LASCO can be found at the LASCO Home Page.