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Future S/C Maneuvers and Operations

H. Benefield presented the original plan for the roll/off-pointing maneuver end of June: After some lively discussion it was agreed that the pointing disturbances should be clumped together as much as practical, in order to limit the disturbances for the helioseismology instruments as much as possible. GOLF and VIRGO in particular expressed severe concerns that their data will be compromised due to thermal disturbances. In order to allow shorten the whole maneuver activites by one day, CDS offered to waive their request for a 24 h waiting time between the momentum management and the off-pointing. As such, CDS would not be involved in the off-pointing observations. Some members of the EIT team felt that an off-pointing of 40' in one direction would be preferable to two 25' off-pointings in both East and West. H.Schweitzer confirmed that the slew to 40' takes about 40 minutes, so that the whole off-pointing maneuver could be done in less than 2 hours (with an half hour dwell). The agreed plan for the roll/off-pointing maneuver end of June reads:

It was furthermore agreed to perform a 10' offpointing to the North for a TRACE collaboration (coronal hole/polar plume campaign). Duration: 8 hours. Target date: 3 September 1998.

Next station keeping maneuver: end October / early November. No roll/off-pointing activities planned for that.

Long DSN contacts:

		 1 May 		 - 6 May 
12 June - 17 June
13 July - 17 July
12 Aug - 17 Aug
4 Sep - 9 Sep

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George Dimitoglou