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B.Fleck presented the status of the SOHO First Results special in Solar Physics:
- Part I with 11 papers (2 VIRGO, 2 MDI, 2 SUMER, 3 CDS,2 ERNE) will appear in the January issue.
- January issue will appear delayed (end of January/early February) due to late submission of (helioseismology) papers
- Backlog problem for ``regular'' Solar Physics issues.
- Papers submitted for Part II (so far):
- CDS Coronal hole ... (Insley et al.)
- CDS EUV Blinker ... (Harrison et al.)
- LASCO C1 (Schwenn et al.)
- LASCO (Simnett et al.)
- SWAN (Bertaux et al.) ??
- JOP39 Polar Plumes (Deforest et al.) ??
- Deadline for April issue just past (15 Jan)
- Suggestion: Postpone Part II of SOHO First Results Special to July issue of Solar Physics.
- NO Part III, i.e. July issue is final ``First Results issue''
- Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 28 February
- Kluwer (and the editors) are enthusiasitc about including a CDRom with movies (still investigating technical matters)
- Option: Have Part I and Part I bound together as hardcopy book ``First Results from SOHO''?
- Kluwer offer: approx. 70 Hfl (US$ 40)
- Needed TODAY: approximate number of hardcopies for advance order
Eugen Degeus from Kluwer presented the plans to include CD-Rom. LASCO, MDI, EIT, SUMER and CDS expressed great interest. B.Fleck will coordinate efforts on SOHO side.
It was agreed to go for hardcopy book ``First Results from SOHO'', similar
as done with SOHO instruments book. Advance order has been placed according to input
from PI teams.
Following suggestions by MDI team members, it was agreed to have another SOHO special in Science. Target date: spring 1998 (close to spring AGU meeting).
Proposed topic: ``The Whole Sun Month''. B.Fleck will contact Science and coordinate efforts.
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Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:27:16 EST 1998