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Action Items SOHO SWT 17

Action 17-1: on PS to clarify issue of experiment movements during PTCS calibration. (already closed by time of writing of minutes: meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 13)

Action 17-2: on PIs to provide power-off recovery procedures to PS before Dec 15.

Action 17-3: on PS to clarify with FOT execution of emergency switch-off procedures on direct PI request. (already closed by time of writing of minutes; see memo ``Line of communication for PIs during commissioning'' from 11 December 1995)

Action 17-4: on PIs to provide e-mail addresses of SPWG members. Input to B.Fleck before Dec 15.

Action 17-5: on PS to contact R.Harrison and arrange free block for SOHO presentations at EGS (Dec 15). (already closed by time of writing of minutes)

Action 17-6: on PS to arrange special SOHO session at 1996 SPD meeting (Dec 15).

Action 17-7: on PIs to provide bibliography information (list of papers with abstracts, database used). Input to B.Fleck before January 30.

Action 17-8: on PIs to provide info on space requests (EOF + EAF) to A.Poland (Dec 15).

Bernhard Fleck
Tue Jan 6 15:26:33 EST 1998